Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 708 Paragon Sword.

Chapter 708 Paragon Sword.

Dream nodded and moved forward. Bo Qingtan charged forth, too. He was not going to take things lying down. This time, Dream did something new. She slashed at Bo Qingtan with her sword intent, but the moment the attack was finished, the pink smoke around her body, emitting from her armor, condensed into a shiny blade, and with a backhand slash, she left a cut at Bo Qingtan's sword hand. 

The young man did not even frown. He was not afraid of the poisons because the wood element had the quality to negate them all. He kept on with his charge, and Dream did the same thing again, but this time, the young sword master was prepared. 

He moved the wooden armor to cover his left hand and negated the attack completely. Dream did not expect this young man to be so quick. However, she was not worried because Bo Qingtan had another thing coming at him. Although she knew this guy was unaffected by her poisons, her smoke was not ordinary. 

It was made from Dao Rules. Bo Qingtan was quick on the uptake, but he could not resolve the effects of the influence of the Demonic Dao Rule. When Dream saw Bo Qingtan's footwork faltered, she moved in to attack. 

However, just when her blade was close to stabbing through the chest of the young man, the latter moved like a scepter and appeared behind her. He left a big gash on her back. 

The smoke armor was penetrated, shocking Dream. She winced as she created some distance between the two of them. She turned around and asked, "How did you shake off the effects of my smoke?" 

Bo Qingtan replied by raising his chin. His nostrils were plugged with wooden fennels. The lady frowned, and Bo Qingtan said, "I saw you emitting smoke and condensed the wooden spiritual energy inside my nose to block it off. I am not entirely dependent on your teachings to fight you, Senior Dream." 

The lady was taken aback; she wanted to ask more, but Bo Qingtan moved quickly. His blade moved like a phantom and looked like small wooden-greenish dragons were striking at Dream. The lady was dodging the attack when she heard Bo Qingtan say, "Dragon Blade Prison." 

The next moment, the attacks that were limited to her front began to come at her from everywhere. Dream was startled. She did not know what to do, and this move gave her no choice but to reveal her card. 

She said, "Phantom Of Love." 

Her black crown shone with a gentle glow, and two phantoms appeared behind Bo Qingtan. These phantoms had the same battle power as she did. She also said, "Smoke Domain." 

This move, which overlapped with the phantoms, would slow down Bo Qingtan by reducing his visibility. However, her cards were meant to fail. The young man said, "Dragon charging the heavens." 

The ground below Bo Qingtan burst open and wooden dragons with menacing mouths appeared out of nowhere. The phantoms of the enemy close to him did not get any chance to attack when they were chomped down. This move served the purpose of a domain. He learned this after his defeat in the battle with Shi Lang. 

He was proud of this move and only revealed it in difficult situations by sensing the enemy with his threat perception and attacking them with a sudden blow. Bo Qingtan has practiced his sword for as long as he can remember, and his perception of threat was the same. Even without his spirit sense, he would not fall for simple tricks.

Dream was shocked and suffered a backlash from the nullification of her attack. She coughed up a big mouthful of blood. The domain she had created around Bo Qingtan vanished, and she saw the young man covered in a wooden armor gazing at her with great calm. 

In this entire battle, she could not take the lead even once. Bo Qingtan before her was different than the guy who was cussing her earlier. She smiled and said, "You are a sword master, little brother. Your personality is also like your blade, and you hide it well in the sheath of ignorance and temperamental youth." 

Bo Qingtan nodded and said, "Thank you for the compliment." 

Dream nodded and said, "Come, let us finish this with one move. I will spare your life if you manage to take this attack." 

The young man frowned but said, "You intend to break my sword heart by sparing me. It is a fate worse than death. However, I accept the stakes. Come at me." 

His voice was calm, but his sword intent was brimming to the brink. The lady also charged her aura and condensed the smoke into a giant behind her. The giant materialized into a metallic form and stood behind her, holding a long sword. 

Bo Qingtan did the same and said, "My final move, The Paragon Sword." 

That said, the ground cracked, and a pair of hands appeared from inside the crack. The hands supported themselves against the ground and pushed a huge man out of the crack. The crack in the ground seemed like a black portal. The man was dressed in dragon armor and looked valiant. The pressure of this move alone won in comparison of Dream's attack. 

The giant man reached inside the crack and took out a wooden sword. Bo Qingtan said, "Shall we?" 

Dream smiled and said, "What options do we have?" 

She nodded and raised her sword, and Bo Qingtan did the same. The avatars behind them both moved in unison, looked like mirror images of each other, and then charged forward. 

Dream slashed down, and Bo Qingtan reached to match her sword. Her blade passed through his blade. Dream revealed her sword intent. She intended to exchange lives with Bo Qingtan. However, what she did not know was that Bo Qingtan suddenly changed the direction of his blade and knocked his sword on the side of the enemy's blade. 

Then he held his blade parallel to the ground and said, "Paragon Slashing The Horizon." 

His blade vanished and appeared on the side of Dream's neck. After a few moments, Dream's head flung off in the void, and fell on the ground with a thud. 

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