Academy’s Genius Swordsman

Chapter 186

Chapter 186


[Translator Peptobismol]

[Proofreader Demon God]

Hello. Lady Navardose.

R-Ronan?! What are you doing here?

Itargand exclaimed almost in a scream. When Ronan opened his eyes slightly, he saw Navardoses face, still stiff. In her glowing pupils, it seemed like flames could burst out at any moment.


Um, well I mean just finish what you were doing. Its nice to see.

Cold sweat dripped down his temples. Among the worst things one could experience in life, this situation fell within the top five.

Well, you see since I dont have parents, so Ive always longed for a relationship like the one between the two of you uh, I do have a sister, but haha having a mother is better, right?

Ronan stammered, desperately avoiding her gaze. As expected, there was no response. Navardose frowned, scrutinizing him up and down.

You. How are you moving?

Um I have a somewhat unusual constitution.


Ronan forced an awkward smile. He couldnt decide whether to tell the truth or not. If he rashly said that he knew how to cut magic, he would be classified as a dangerous element and turned into ashes, as tragic as it could get. Suddenly, Navardoses eyes glimmered faintly.

Do you not know who I am?


An invisible force strangled Ronans throat. His body slowly floated in the air. It was strong enough to make Aselles telekinesis power seem like childs play.

Navar dose!

I did not ask you to play around with words.

This was really not fun. The energy emanating from Navardoses shoulders distorted the surrounding space. The entire central square seemed to be covered in a haze.

Damn it!

Ronan gritted his teeth. It was a perplexing situation. Even now, he could reach for his sword with his right hand. If he decided, he could break free from the telekinesis with a single strike. However, it was as clear as daylight that doing so would lead to certain death.

Ill ask again. How did you escape my magic?

Navardose spoke. The constriction grew stronger. He had to make a decision before the blood supply to his brain was cut off. Ronan was about to say something when Itargand, who had been shocked and silent, exclaimed.

L-let him go, Mother! This is the human I mentioned!

This human? Could it be

Yes. Hes the one who saved me and advised me to attend Philleon. This is Ronan!


Navardoses eyes widened. The pressure strangling Ronan disappeared. Falling to the ground, he coughed dryly.

Gah! Kuek! Dammit!

I-Im sorry. Are you okay? To think I would do this to the one who saved my son!

Navardose paced anxiously. The aura that had covered the central square vanished in an instant. Ronan, rubbing his throat, stood up.

Phew yeah, Im fine.

Th-Thank goodness. Truly, thank goodness.

The intimidating voice that seemed to crush the soul had returned to its warm tone. She tapped her sons forearm lightly.

You should have told me earlier. It couldve been really bad.

Ugh, you acted too suddenly, Mother Im sorry.

Phew, no. I did act rashly. Im sorry for blaming you, Ir.

Navardose admitted her mistake, lowering her head. The nickname Ir that had been bothering Ronan since earlier seemed like a term of endearment for her son. Having regained her composure, Navardose turned to Ronan and spoke.

Theres no need for introductions. Call me by whatever name you prefer. I apologize once again.

Im Ronan. Its really okay, so you dont have to worry.

Alright, nice to meet you, Ronan.

Navardose smiled. Seeing her like this, she seemed like just a pretty noblewoman. Suddenly, Ronan wondered how many mortals in the world had witnessed her in such a manner.

I really almost bit the dust.

Despite being resolved, it was truly a dangerous situation. Ronan breathed a silent sigh of relief.

He had a gut feeling that he shouldnt act recklessly. Ronan knew well that with just a little effort, Navardose could separate his bones and flesh. He looked around at the students who were frozen and decided to speak up.

Um, what happened to these people?

Dont worry. I simply slowed down time within a certain range. Once the magic wears off, theyll continue as if nothing happened.

Navardose explained that there would be no harm to their health, and added that Ronan was the only one currently moving in Philleon. Once again, a chill ran down his spine. This meant that even the 8th Circle Mage, Katir, was affected by this absurd magic. Navardose spoke up.

I should thank you first. Ir is my last child. When I heard that he was almost taken by the corrupt frost spirit, I thought my world was coming to an end. I dont know how to thank you.

It was nothing.

Dont be modest. Without you, many would have lost their lives. Its fortunate that the kingdom of Glacia did not have to be destroyed.

Ronan swallowed hard. Navardoses tone was sincere and devoid of exaggeration. Glacia was the name of the Frost Spirit King. Throughout history, only a handful of individuals could be counted who had made contracts with him, and there were a considerable number of worshippers who considered them a deity.

Navardose treated dealing with Glacia as casually as pressing a button. He understood why the Savior felt compelled to apologize to her.

Ir talked a lot about you. He said he learned a lot about the world. I want to show my gratitude as much as possible for saving my sons life. It took me a long time to shed my arrogance as a dragon.

Youre welcome.

Haha, youre humble. That too is a virtue we havent quite mastered.

Navardose chuckled. She was truly happy about the change in her sons values.

In many ways, she was a completely different person from what Rona had expected. Frankly, he had anticipated that when Itargand retired after losing to the Winter Witch, he would be humiliated and hung over the fireplace. Isnt something like that more common? An incompetent bastard like you is not a part of our tribe! Such a development.

Navardose was in the middle of praising Ronan. Suddenly, a red light seeped out from inside her hood. Startled, she furrowed her brows.

Oh its about time to go back, it seems. The attacks are getting stronger as time goes by.

The attacks?

Yeah. Theyre a nuisance. Because of them, I cant even manage Adren properly

Navardose, making an incomprehensible sentence, took off her hood. Along with her red hair, a pair of horns were revealed.

They hadnt been visible when she was wearing her robe, it seemed like some kind of illusion magic. The horns, gracefully curved towards the sky, were flickering slowly with a sinister red reminiscent of poisonous mushrooms. Sighing as if annoyed, she looked at Ronan and spoke.

So, tell me what you want.

All of a sudden?

Yeah. You should be rewarded for saving my son. Did you think I would just let it go?


[Translator Peptobismol]

[Proofreader Demon God]

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Ronans eyes widened. This, too, was unexpected, much like her personality. He thought simply sparing his life would be the reward, but to receive something extra was unexpected. After a moment of contemplation, Ronan spoke up.

Then could you spare me some of your time later? For a day.

My time? Theres nothing I cant do but will that be enough?


Ronan nodded. He had not intended to ask for anything in the first place. Just earning Navardoses favor was already an immense reward.

Interesting choice. Most mortals usually want something tangible. You are indeed different.

I have something I need to tell you.

Alright. Ill make time for it soon. Hmm, by the way

Suddenly, Navardoses eyes narrowed. She pierced Ronans face with her gaze and released a sigh. Perplexed, Ronan raised his eyebrows.

Why are you looking at me like that?

You have seen me somewhere before?

Me seeing Lady Navardose?

Both of them simultaneously tilted their heads. This was truly an incomprehensible statement. Ronan searched his memories for any instance where he might have coincidentally come across her while she was polymorphed, but the chances were extremely slim. Navardoses aura was not something that could be mistaken. She waved her hand first.

No. Lets talk about it next time. Please keep todays incident a secret.

Dont worry, I wont speak even if my tongue is pulled out.

Thank you. Ir, see you tomorrow.

Navardose lifted up to her tiptoes. With a light sound as her skin touched his, Itargands face turned red.


Enjoy the immaturity of youth, my son.

With a kiss on her reluctant sons cheek, Navardose turned away. Contrary to the expectation that she would return to her original form and leave, she disappeared using spatial magic.

Swooosh The space around Navardose blurred, and then her figure vanished. Before long, the mana that had been swelling in the air disappeared, and time, which had been suspended, began to flow at its original speed.

Aha, lets go together!

Hmm? Hasnt the moons position changed a bit?

A chilly night breeze brushed past their cheeks. The students who had been frozen resumed their activities without any sign of awareness of being affected by magic. As Navardose had said, no one even noticed they were under a spell. At that moment, a shadow flew through the darkness and landed on Ronans shoulder. It was Cita.


Cita spread her four wings and started fluttering around. Suddenly, Navardoses presence disappeared, and Cita seemed puzzled. Seeing her behave like a new recruit on her first guard duty made Ronan laugh.

Its okay. Its all over now.


Ronan gently stroked Cita. Cita opened her eyes, which had been closed thinly, and nuzzled her face against Ronans palm. He looked back at Itargand and said.

Shall we start heading back, Ir?

Dont call me that.

Come on. Ir, to be honest, youre too imposing.

I told you not to call me that. And if you ever reveal what you saw today to anyone else Ill roast you alive.

Youre scary, Ir. You can breathe fire, but please dont just kiss me.

You rascal!!

Unable to bear it any longer, Itargand exploded in a roar. Even if the outcry came out through human vocal cords, a dragon was still a dragon. The students attention was drawn to the scream of a magnitude that made windows shake.


What, what was that?!

His ears seemed to turn red with embarrassment. Ronan, who had just been chuckling, left the central square with Itargand, exchanging playful banter. The glow of moonlight cascading down covered the courtyard warmly.


The morning of the entrance ceremony dawned bright. Sunlight filtered through the curtains. Ronan had overslept more than usual, perhaps due to the events of the previous night.

Ugh it still doesnt feel real

Ronan muttered as he stretched his face. The sight of the Mother of Fire apologizing in embarrassment or smiling warmly seemed like nothing more than a dream. A very unrealistic dream at that.

I wonder what I should wear today.

By now, an announcement would have been made that Navardose was visiting Philleon. In many ways, it was going to be the greatest entrance ceremony ever. Ronan muttered to himself as he got up.

Knock! Knock!

The sound of knocking echoed through the room.

Ronan, its me.

Ah, Lucy come in.

Could you please open the door? I cant use my hands Ugh, its quite heavy.


Ronan opened the door. Lucy, dressed in maid attire, held a luxurious-looking box in her hands. He raised an eyebrow as he received the box from her.

This is quite hefty. What is it?

Haa I survived. Im not sure either. It came from a place called Parzan?


Yes. I have to clean the courtyard, so Ill come back later. Have a good day.

Lucy bowed politely and left. The label on the box prominently displayed the name Allogin. He had supposedly been in much worse condition than Zaifa, but it seemed like he had somehow survived.

The old mans tough as nails.

Ronan chuckled. He had been worried, but it was a relief. Nonetheless, he couldnt quite figure out what was inside the box.

Why would they wrap it up so tightly?

The surface of the box was enchanted with a sealing spell similar to what was on the Emperors decree. Perplexed, Ronan opened the box. His eyes widened as he saw its contents.

Ah, fuck.


[Translator Peptobismol]

[Proofreader Demon God]

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