Absolute Regression

Chapter 224

Episode 224 This time, I will assist you.

Extreme Soma was lying on the roof and looking up at the sky.

It was very strange for him, who had always been staring at the white wall, to look up at the sky like this.

At that time, someone next to me spoke.

“If you look at the sky, why don’t you just pick out the white clouds?”

Hearing the welcoming voice, the evil Soma’s eyes smiled brightly.

“Did you have a good time?”

“Thanks to you, I had a great time.”

The person who spoke to him was Geommugeuk.

Extreme Soma stood up. Then, the poison king entered the yard. The Poison King’s appearance always gives a clear and blue appearance.

But I definitely experienced sword dance this time. Contrary to his bright and fresh appearance, what a scary person he is. His reading was a work of art, and the results were fatal. He is the person who can put his hand into the poison pocket of the best poison expert in Sapa.

Sensing our gaze, the Poison King opened his fan and came in, waving it gently.

Extreme Soma stood up from his seat and greeted him with a light hug.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

“you’re welcome. I just followed the plan. “The plan was great.”

Then Geommugeuk spoke.

“If it weren’t for the Poison King, I never would have been able to accomplish this.”

This time, I learned clearly why my father values the Poison King and why the martial arts fear the Poison King.

The Poison King looked up at Sword Dance and asked.

“Are you going to say that to everyone you meet?”

Geommugeuk could tell what he was asking. This is what you want to hear.

“yes. “Until I tell my father for the last time.”

The satisfaction of hearing what he wanted to hear flashed across the Poison King’s eyes.

Sigh. After folding the fan noisily, the Poison King went inside.

“ah. “It’s so nice to see the sky after being in prison.”

Geommugeuk sat down and Geukak Soma stood there and looked up at the sky together.

I stayed like that for a while and someone came in through the front door and said.

“I’m home.”

Seo Dae-ryong bought a dish from the author and returned. His hands and arms were full of ingredients for cooking.

“I will prepare a meal. “Please wait a moment.”

Seo Dae-ryong talks while looking at the ground.

The long green onions were covering his face, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t see this way. He couldn’t make eye contact with the evil Soma.

“There were a lot of fresh ingredients today. I learned a dish I had never cooked before from my guest, Sooksu. “I will make it delicious for you.”

Geommugeuk smiled and looked at Seo Dae-ryong, who was talking like that without even making eye contact. He didn’t even know there was a sword dance.

“Thank you every time.”

Seo Dae-ryong’s gaze went straight to the ground at the words of Extreme Demon Soma.

“Of course it’s my job. Oh, and last night I had a dream that Mr. Gakju was coming back. “You have a knack for making us secretly miss you.”

Geommugeuk told him.

“I shouldn’t have come until I missed you so much.”

Seo Dae-ryong raised his head in surprise.


Ingredients fell from the arms of Seo Dae-ryong, whose eyes were wide.

Whi profit.

The falling materials floated in the air as a result of the sword dance. A key appeared in the prison, and now green onions, vegetables, and meat have appeared.

Seo Dae-ryong hurriedly collected them.

Seo Dae-ryong, who was carrying a lot of food ingredients, could not hide his joy. I could understand the sword dance. If it weren’t for the evil Soma next to him, he would have immediately flown up to the roof and hugged himself. It would have been buried under waves.

“Go tell the boy. “We have taken revenge, so get on with your life.”

The moment he spoke, Seo Dae-ryong was moved to tears. Throughout this journey, Seo Daeryong was thinking about that boy.

“Yes, I will tell you that this is the next Heavenly Demon’s magic sword.”

Geommugeuk said with a smile.

“It might be able to reach my brother’s ears.”

Then Seo Dae-ryong quickly spoke again.

“I will tell you that this is Gongja Lee’s magic spell.”

Geommugeuk jumped down.

“Let’s eat, I’m hungry. But are you crying?”

“I’m going to cry. “It’s because the onions are too spicy.”

Seo Dae-ryong went inside with the uncut onions.

Before Geommugeuk followed him in, he looked up at Geukak Soma standing on the roof.

Their eyes met and the two nodded slightly to each other.

Although Geukak Soma always ate separately, Geommugeuk always made eye contact with him like this before eating. This made me feel like I was eating with him.

* * *

In the evening, Gowol and the leader of Pungcheon joined.


“Gongja Lee!”

These two people are always the same.

“Now there will be no more dirty and dangerous drugs going around.”

The head of the Pungcheon Church praised the efforts of me and the King of Dogs.

“The King of Poison also had a hard time.”

“It was a good experience.”

“That must have been fun.”

He was a Pungcheon religious leader that I was secretly jealous of. He was so devoted to me, but I thought that I should make time for him separately.

After saying hello, we all sat down in one place.

While we were taking out Aecha and Jindogeosa, Gowol had finished researching the next target.

“The next goal is to reform the Buddha.”

Before his explanation, I asked him what he wanted to focus on first.

“Since two people died one after another, wouldn’t Yayulhan be suspicious?”

“Of course there will be suspicion. But what can you do? There are a lot of subordinates who witnessed the two of them fighting with swords. Moreover, one person is addicted to light waves. In the end, you can’t help but think it was a combination of bad luck.”

“There is no need to bring in the remaining two people?”

“yes. Moreover, Yayulhan’s personality is someone who extremely dislikes being swayed by external pressure.”

Let’s go one step further.

“Since this happened anyway, they will be looking for someone new to fill that position. He is not one to look back.”

“There must be a lot of people. “Because the Sa Sect masters will be lining up to join hands with the second in command of the Sadomaeng.”

At that time, the leader of Pungcheon Church came forward and said something.

“If Yeo Bul-gae dies, then you will think differently. “I wouldn’t believe it was a coincidence three times.”

With those words, Gowol presented a plan for future operations.

“So, I’m thinking of making a plan to kill Yayulhan before Yeobulgae’s death becomes known to Yayulhan.”

“What about the remaining one of the four rooms?”

“He always sticks next to Yayulhan. “We are the ones who will have to deal with it together anyway.”

He kills Yeo Bul-gae and kills Yayul-han and the last of his limbs before his death is known. In other words, the idea was to deal with all three at almost the same time.

“good! “Let’s do that.”

I accepted his opinion without hesitation.

“thank you. “I will post a detailed plan soon.”

Then the poison king who was listening suddenly asked.

“If we kill Yayulhan, the Apostolic Alliance will suspect that it was ours?”

I answered that question instead of Gowol.

“I have one solution to that problem. “I don’t know yet whether it will work or not.”

The Poison King looked at me with eyes that asked if he could really do that. Actually, I don’t know that either. Because I didn’t know what was waiting for me.

“First, tell me about Yeobulgae.”

Gowol explained about Yeobulgae.

“Yeobulgae is a person with a rat tattooed on his chest. He is truly called the Lord of the Night, managing hundreds of bases in the central plains. “The reason I got the rat tattoo was to show my determination to make money at night without sleeping.”

“What is your personality like?”

“This person is also a very vicious person. He kidnapped women, stole the daughters of families driven to Yeomwangchae, and used all kinds of ugly means to create the night city he has now. Moreover, his lust was so strong that many women were beaten by him. There are even rumors that older courtesans sell their bodies to those who practice strange boating techniques.”

If Jisaeng had to die due to Shinseonchae and Aecha and Jindokgeosa had to die in a violent rage, Iza also deserved to die.

Since I received permission from my father to deal with Yayulhan and Sainbang, I plan to deal with them all without leaving a single one out. Who else but me and the Magons can eliminate the person who has ascended to the position of Lord of the Night? That is, a person who receives the protection of Lee In-ja of the Apostolic Alliance.

“We are expanding our base throughout the central plains, and recently we are trying to expand our territory to Gwiju.”

It was right then.

Extreme Soma opened his mouth.

“Did you say Guizhou?”

“That’s right.”

Extreme Soma’s eyes became cold.

There was Cheonhwaru in Gwiju. The journey of Cheonhwaruju, a woman who likes extreme demons, was also there.

Extreme Soma looked at me. I told him without hesitation.

“I will assist Soma this time.”

Extreme Soma nodded, then stood up and left.

Everyone looked at me wondering what was going on, but it wasn’t my problem to talk about.

“We will leave for Guizhou early tomorrow. Everyone, get ready.”

* * *

After the meeting, I had tea with Gowol separately.

“We need to be more careful about this matter.”

I told Gao Yue everything about Cheonhwaru, Cheonhwaruju’s journey, and even his relationship with Extreme Evil Soma. Even if I didn’t know other people, I had to know about the military.

“There is truly nothing left out of the net spread by the sky.”

I nodded silently.

When Gao Yue found out that Extreme Evil Soma had a deep relationship with Cheonhwaru, he became worried.

“If we make a mistake, our true identity may be revealed.”

“Because you know it well, Soma. “There is no need to worry too much.”

“When someone you like is involved, there are bound to be unexpected variables.”

“There are no variables. “You can trust me.”

Gowol smiled at my assurance.

“Why are you laughing?”

“I was wondering if there was someone who believed like this, Confucius.”

“You are there, right? There is also an investigator. Ian is there too. There is also Lord Jang. “We all believe the same.”

Nevertheless, it seems that there is something special about thinking about the extreme soma.

“Can I ask you one thing?”


“Have you ever thought that the people you just mentioned might betray you?”

I guess I was worried about the way he was forming such deep relationships with people.

“Betrayal that was planned from the beginning is not common, right? “Unless you are being persuaded by someone, don’t most people feel betrayed for one reason or another throughout their lives?”

Gowol nodded and listened to me.

“Betrayal can be perceived differently from each person’s perspective. You may be leaving because you feel disappointed by the other person, but you may be accused of being a traitor just because you leave. “Maybe the person sending you away is a traitor.”

I revealed to Gowol my beliefs about breaking up with people.

“If someone wants to leave me, I will let them go with more courtesy than when I met them. “We won’t make anyone who leaves a traitor.”

A smile appeared on Gowol’s face.

“At times like this, you seem more like an older brother than me.”

“It’s because I’m young.”

We need to have a lot of honest conversations with Gowol. The more I know exactly what kind of person I am, the better soldier I will be. If you only hope to become a good soldier without making such efforts, then you will become a traitor.

At that time, a person appeared there.

“Can I join in too?”

He was the leader of Pungcheon Church.

“of course.”

He sat down together.

“Now that I think about it, you seem to have lost some weight.”

Pungcheon’s expression brightened as if he had been waiting for him to say those words.

“Someone nags me so much. I have no choice but to take it out. Since ancient times, a man must have a dependable charm.”

Gowol, who used to be serious in front of me, showed a different side.

“The religious leader said he was fat.”

“I know. That’s why I’m training hard!”

Due to the nature of Pungcheon Gyoju’s martial arts, he did not move much, so he gained more weight.

“You need to lose more. not there yet.”

“No nagging! Bring me some alcohol and meat! “I’m going to eat it all today!”

Who in the world would think this man was the leader of the Pungcheon Church if they just heard this conversation? Who would think that this man was the shackled man who was tied up at that time?

Seo Dae-ryong also joined there.

“How was it? What about Soma-sama?”

“I was scared.”

“I don’t think it was all that scary?”

“What do you mean?”

“I heard you talk a lot when you buy food at the restaurant and come in?”

“Don’t you know that when you’re scared, you talk a lot?”

But it seems it wasn’t all scary.

“Honestly, it’s a shame. Every time I brought food to Soma, my heart was pounding so hard that I could hear it in my ears. “The strange tension at that time is addictive.”

Then someone else spoke from behind.

“Addiction is my specialty?”

When I turned around, I saw that it was the poison king.

“What kind of tea are four men drinking together?”

Even though I don’t like alcohol that much, I sat down and said something for no reason.

“Our inspector was in the middle of a conversation about being addicted to Soma.”

“It must not have been easy to please Soma.”

Then Seo Dae-ryong thought it was an opportunity and told us.

“I wasn’t going to say this, but Soma-sama’s mouth is shorter than he looks. Do not eat the same food in succession. So, every time, I wander the streets lonely like a wolf in the rain, wondering what side dish to buy today or what to cook tomorrow…”

At that time, Seo Dae-ryong saw. Everyone’s eyes are looking behind them.

Seo Dae-ryong said with a tearful expression on his face.

“…No? Please say no.”

Extreme Soma said as he sat down next to Seo Dae-ryong.

“I grew up noble, so my mouth is a bit short.”

Seo Dae-ryong bowed his head and said.

“I have a bad mouth. Please kill me.”

“As my mouth got shorter, so did your lifeline, so it’s okay.”

Seo Dae-ryong held his head at Extreme Soma’s joke, and everyone laughed at him.

Extreme Soma didn’t look upset at all. Rather, it felt a little more cheerful and pleasant than usual. So I could tell.

‘Yeobulgae, you’re in big trouble.’

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