Absolute Depravity: Reincarnated with a lustful System

Chapter 195 195 - Paradigm Shift Hysteria

Arriving in a silver gilded carriage at the kingdom's gate, Razor Alumnibolt struck fear into the heart of the lion guards. To them, he was a snarking brute who steadfastly believed that humans were superior to any other species on Atlas.

"What's the matter? Open the fucking gates!" Holding onto the open carriage door, he yelled at the two.

Terrified, the guards felt their throats dry up instantly, making them want to end this interaction as soon as possible. Chewing down on their gums, they both quickly left the carriage alone before holding the gate open for Razor to pass through. 

"Take me in slave," ordering the demi-cat coachman, Razor settled back down into his seat.

As the carriage began to move once more, he reached for his temples to contact the others, and despite the show of confidence, the quake in his fingers was making him jittery.

"You guys ready?" He asked.

"Yeah, minotaur necklaces, remember that, okay?" The voice on the other end replied.

"Alright," letting his hand down, he closed his eyes shut and drew long deep breaths to calm his heart.

Arriving into the city with hefty rain singing drumming the top of the carriage, that brief moment of calm broke down quickly. However, with the plan already set in motion, he couldn't afford to waste a single more minute.

"Are you ready?" Opening the coachman's window, the demi-slave asked.

"Yeah, stop the carriage," he replied, huffing out a final sigh.

Bringing the carriage to a halt in the middle of the street, the coachman intentionally cut off the passage to get the attention of everyone around them. Once the people began complaining and hurling insults at him, Razor kicked the door open and peeked out through the edge of the door. Wearing a creepy smile, he glanced around at the demi-humans and monsters all looking directly at him.

Horrified gasps could be heard all around the passage despite the heavy downpour. Standing before them was a man known to be a murdering scum let loose by the emperor to do as he pleased.

"I bring great news to you high society demi-human scum!" Snapping his fingers, he disappeared from the doorway and reappeared at the top of the carriage. 

The pouring drops of rain evaded his body like a coat of wax, which only further instilled fear of the man in the hearts of the people.

"What is he doing?!"

"Isn't he banned from the city?! Didn't the emperor promise us that?!"

"What does he even want?!"

As countless questions began circulating around the crowd, Razor curled up his fingers in front of his mouth to amplify what he had to say to the citizens of Dolatia.

"I've brought great news to you from the emperor!" Moving his hand away for a bit he bit down on his lips, visibly excited by what was to follow. "You're all going to be slaves again! Every single one of you fucking scum! It doesn't matter if you're an elite or a diplomat for the emperor anymore, all non-humans can either choose to be eradicated or turn to their rightful place as slaves to us superior humans!"

His words lingered in the ether for a while, since the masses couldn't comprehend the preposterous thing he'd just spouted out of his mouth. Some wondered if they were dreaming, and dreaded if this was a nightmare turned reality. But what none dared to do was to break the silence as they all knew what would follow if they did so.

"Don't bullshit us!" However, silence is always bound to break.

Walking up to the front was one of the elite demi-fox dressed in a gown of black with jaded violet rocks. Pulling along with her, she'd brought forth two other fox slaves of her own to the very front of the crowd. Following the woman's lead, yet another elite demi-human cat walked up to the front with two of her own slaves and stood beside the demi-fox elite.

"We've been working for the emperor every day, and you expect us to return to being slaves and servants? Never!" Complained, the dark-skinned demi-cat.

His eyes half closed, Riley seemed utterly unimpressed. However, recognizing the minotaur necklaces hanging by their necks, he knew what he had to do.

"Eradication it is then…" Hearing those words, the crowd began freaking out into a cacophony of screams.

Raising his hands up high, Razor used his mana to strike down the two elites who'd stepped up to the front. Directing his fingers towards them, he shot them both with a bolt of lightning. The moment the attack made contact with them, their bodies wrinkled up and their skin slowly began to smell of burned blood. Wallowing up in screams, the elite demi-humans were brought to their knees as their bodies continued to burn from the electricity zapping in and out through their skin.

"Anyone else?" While the two squirmed in pain, Razor glanced at the others watching it all unfold. "Make up your mind in under a month's time or you can expect the same treatment."

'That should be good, but where's master?' Trying to spy for Haruki, he couldn't find him anywhere in the terrified crowd. 'Did something happen at the mansion where that devil girl is?'

Although worried about her master, the illusionist Moriyana decided to finish up her role before trying to figure out what was happening.

"Oi, scum, go collect their bodies," ordering Alice who was posing as the coachman, Moriyana got back into the carriage and finally dropped the act.

Her shoulders dropped down, she wondered how effective the act had been, and from the petrified look on the populace, it was quite clear that they'd been successful in instilling fear in the heart of the people.

'Now we just wait for them to start revolting…' Hoping that everything will go as planned, Moriyana and the elite demi-humans as well as their servants were all inhumanely loaded up in the cramped trunk of the carriage.

After the carriage was taken back out through the front gates with a promise to return soon, the streets of Dolatia were in absolute chaotic disarray. Screams were the least of their worries now as they all began preparing to desert the city before the return of Razor. However, when the very first elite tried to escape, another war general dropped right in front of them.

"Go back, you're gonna leave the city until the month is over," said Haruki, posing as the dragon slayer, Michael Arc.

Standing by the gates, he was clad in illusion magic that gave the illusion that he could use bright lighting to travel just like Moriyana had done to give the illusion of using Razor's power.

"It's the emperor's orders, and you'll follow them or you'll die," noticing the fear in the eyes of the people, Haruki couldn't help but smile that his plans were working.

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