A VR Travel Story That Makes You Want to Be Humiliated

Chapter 127: Hero Party and Saint (2) *

Chapter 127: Hero Party and Saint (2) *

The warrior party is all handsome men and women.

According to the law of this world, "Mana and Beauty," Which states that strong people are good-looking, the warrior's companions who had the potential to become strong enough to take on the Demon King were all incredibly beautiful and handsome.

Moreover, aside from their strength, they were 'companions of the warrior.'

The hero's companion became the main character of this scenario when Soira used the 'Achievement Character' function.

In terms of the game, it was the main character and the main characters.

It was natural that the main characters were beautiful and handsome.

However, good looks and personality are not proportional. Lev, a scout and member of the glorious Hero party, had very promiscuous relationships with the opposite sex.

Because his face was so suspicious, women who spent the night with him politely described him as a 'playboy,' but those who did not would call him a 'boyfriend,' or even a 'male prostitute.'

Nevertheless, the reason he wasn't kicked out of the hero party was because his skills were clear.

In addition to his excellent skills as a scout, when there was a threat to the party, he did not joke around and took on the scouting mission seriously.

Because of this, the women at the party had decided to keep him in rather than expel him from the party.

This is because the hero party's obligation to defeat the Demon King and end the war that has lasted for decades was too heavy to drive out a person of that level of skill with nothing more than flirting.

Contrary to the female group, which had an 'irritating but tolerable' attitude, Lev was also seriously targeting women in his own way.

Serina, a warrior with a beautiful appearance and body that looks like something out of a fairy tale, to the point where one wonders whether what is needed to be called a warrior includes not only the holy sword but also appearance.

Silphiere, a tall, beautiful archer with distinctive green hair and the elf-like straight limbs.

Berti, a priest with black hair neatly cut off his shoulders and still maintaining a youthful appearance.

The last Berti was not to Lev's taste as she could not take off her youthful t-shirt even though she had just become an adult. However, from an objective perspective, Lev acknowledged that Berti was also included in the category of a beautiful girl. 〉

The point was that all the women at the party were beautiful girls.

The reason why the women tolerated Lev was because of his skills, but the reason why Lev did not leave the party and go meet new women was because each and every woman at the party was a beauty that was difficult to find anywhere else.

However, unlike the other women who were easily taken in by Lev's looks, the women at the party were not taken over as easily as the other women, perhaps because they were beautiful women themselves.

– Female! Sylphy! I found a nice restaurant the other day. Would you like to go together? I shoot!

– Can it be packaged?

These days, when Lev flirts with him, he just accepts it with a gruff attitude.

In such a situation, when she had been traveling for a long time and was unable to have a woman, and her sexual desires were building up, she happened to be accompanied by a saint, albeit temporarily.

It was enough of an opportunity to create some bad feelings in Lev's heart.

Using cowardly means was not the taste of Lev, who prided himself on being a charmer and playboy. The path that Lev always pursued was that when picking a woman, you should seduce her fairly with your charm.

However, due to my built-up sexual desire and the presence of an item that came into my hands at just the right time, I felt a little different this time.

– Crack, crack.

A bonfire burned quietly in the orc cave. The shadow of the stalagmites created a soft ripple on the cave wall.

There were a few magic tools that provided a light source for camping, but it was a luxury to use them in a situation like now that wasn't that dangerous.

No matter how convenient the magic tool was, the act of watching firewood burning with a dry sound had its own charm.

The first member of the hero party camping in the orc cave where all the orcs were defeated was Lev.

It was consideration given in exchange for keeping watch for Gaidon, the tank of the party where Lev was injured.

In fact, what Lev was aiming for was to trample on such consideration.

Lev is serious about his duties as a scout and does not mess around when there is a threat to the party. This was not only other people's perception of Lev, but also Lev's own belief.

But at this moment. At best, camping in an orc cave cannot be considered a 'threat'... The party was too strong.

While investigating the cave, I saw the corpses of the orcs the advance team had killed. It wasn't dark red, had clear abdominal muscles instead of abdominal fat, and wasn't wearing a helmet.

It was not a subspecies, nor was it an honorable orc that was occasionally found, and it was the weakest of the orcs, having not established its own society.

With a monster of that size, even if I were ambushed right now, I could defeat it alone without waking up the party members.

That's why Lev is not the scout Lev now, but the usual bully.

The hourglass that had been erected turned two times. All the time of being on alert has passed. Lev had to stand still one more time.

Lev, who walked around the area to check for any possible threats, was convinced that this place was safe, and finally began an insidious plot.

The material required is a remote trap disarming kit that was used even during the day.

The functionality of this kit was exactly as described during the day. An effect that allows you to disarm traps from a distance.

However, the important thing is not the ability to disarm the trap remotely, but how it is possible.

Being able to check detailed parts of a ship remotely. It meant that a field of view was provided that could see far away places.

When Lev sat in front of the campfire and activated the remote trap disarm kit, a rectangular window appeared in front of Lev's eyes.

If Soira or Asil had seen it, the window would have been called a 'monitor', with only the edges visible and the center part transparent, illuminating the other side.

"If we do it like this... "

As Lev manipulated the magic power, the screen showing the other side of the monitor moved.

The screen followed Lev's manipulations and projected the scenery of another place like a drone. However, the drone, which only operated with magic power through magic tools, had no substance and was not visible.

The screen continued to move and stopped in front of a tent.

It was a tent used by a saint. It looked expensive at first glance, so I was curious about what was inside.

Of course, the door was tightly locked. There seems to be a lock on the expensive tent. It was difficult to find the lock that was locked from the inside.

However, the drone Lev was using consisted solely of magical power. He passed through the tent and went inside, paying no heed to the lock.

The inside was surprisingly clean.

Perhaps reflecting the saint's frugal personality, all that was left was a lamp that gave off a pale light, a backpack in a corner of the tent, and a bed that took up most of the space. The bed, which consisted only of supports and a mat to avoid the chill rising from the floor, was simple but practical.

A saint was sleeping on that bed, wearing simple clothes.

Since it was outside, it was not a revealing pajama that focused on comfort like I usually sleep in, but a thick pajama that would be comfortable to run out in if the situation calls for it. Still, it was an unconventional exposure compared to the daytime.

The sight of the saintly woman lying down looking at the sky with both hands politely placed on her stomach, as if she had fallen asleep while praying, was even reverent. Only her comfortably closed eyes and the regular rise and fall of her voluptuous breasts allowed us to know that she was asleep.

After admiring the saint's defenseless sleeping form for a moment, Lev moved her screen and got between her saint's legs.

There was a large close-up of the woman's lower underwear, which no one could have seen on the screen.

Lev took out another magic tool and took a picture of the screen to preserve it. Even if her records were discovered, it was safe because no one would be able to recognize that this was her vagina just by looking at the panties between her legs.

And finally, I moved the tool in the kit I had taken out in front of the screen towards the panties that were filling up the screen...

The saint's panties were pulled to the side, as if they were really in front of her.

Her pure, pleasureless vagina, which she had never used and had never even touched, was fully exposed.

The function of the remote trap disarming kit is not only to see traps from a distance. Of course, you can't dismantle a trap just by looking at it.

The second function was that physical force could be exercised remotely.

Unfortunately, it was limited to only the tools included in the kit, but it was sufficient for Lev's plans.

When I carefully opened the labia using forceps, I could see the clean, pink flesh inside.

The small, pink labia minora were prominent enough to not be burdensome, and the clitoris was almost entirely covered with a shell, so it barely stuck out. The hole was also so small that you couldn't even tell if a little finger would fit.

Among Lev's numerous experiences with women, there were many beautiful women's stories that could be counted on one hand. Although it is an extremely rare occurrence in this world, there were cases where the expression 'gross' could be used for some pussies, and the saint's new vagina was a clean pink color that looked like a work of art.

I decided to take a picture of this and preserve it as well. With this, you can identify an individual, but I don't think there's any crazy person who would open up a saint's vagina to check.

And after finishing preservation, Lev took out the tools in earnest.

Originally, a tong was used to open and secure a small gap in a trap, and a rod was inserted into the gap to touch what was inside.

Lev planned to use these to train the saint's clitoris.

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