A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 82: Ghost school

Chapter 82: Ghost school

I looked up at the roof, other than the fence there was nothing in particular there, no people.

All of this may have started there but I dont want to go back. Its not fear but the more I stare at it the more I find myself refusing.

What do we do?

Hmm? Oh.

Toa was asking where we were going from here.

Lets head inside. There might be something there.

The four of us climbed the stairs to the school building.

By the way Nem, whats your level now?

For some reason Nem looked at me with a pout.

What are you sick?

No! When was Master going to ask that, Nem was waiting!

So in other words she was pouting because I didnt ask her right away.

So, hows your level?

Its awesome!

Nem jumped happily. It looks like shes been wanting to tell me.

Nem was level 13 but now Im level 24!

24? Thats not much, is that all the experience you got from that?

Nem looked sad when I said that, did I say something wrong? Luckily Toa was there.

To go up by 11 at once thats amazing.

Is it?

Nem did not directly defeat him she just cast a spell and burned him a little. So its enough that her level went up. I looked back down at Nem and started over.

You did well Nem, lets go find the next one!




Nem looked up into my face.

Of course. I might have compared it too closely to my level. But that magic you did was awesome!

Nem started to smile.

Yeah, I practiced really hard!

I patted Nems head praising her.

Masamune, whats that?

Toa pointed to the inside of the school building.

The shoe rack.

Its something I hadnt seen for a long time.

Hm? What?

Something moved in the shadows of the rack.


A muddy lump came out of the entrance.

What is that?

Sufilia was looking at the same thing I was.

Sufilia, do you know what it is?

No, I dont.

I looked at Toa and Nem too but neither of then knew either.

Nem, can you hit that thing with magic like you did before?

Ok! Will o whisp!

Three fireballs appeared like before and flew forward hitting the lump.

I did it!

I waited for the smoke to clear and when it did

No way!

In the lumps place were countless others, all the way inside the school building the darkness seemed to be moving.

How troublesome.

What do we do?

The three of them were waiting for my instructions.

Its annoying but, lets find a different way in.

This isnt the only entrance, we could even go in through a window if need be.

We headed to the corridor that lead from the gym back into the main school building.

We were walking down the corridor.

This is an unusable place isnt it?

Toa said.

It doesnt look like its in use.

Well. Public schools are the same everywhere.

Hmmmm, it kind of looks like.an internment camp.

An internment camp?

You know, that place where they put bad people.

Hmm, but I came here to study everyday.

When I said that Toa seemed impressed..rude.

By the way, where does this lead?

Various places, for now why dont we go to the classroom?

Classroom? Masamunes classroom?


Theres no particular reason behind it.

Lets go.

Toa immediately tried to headout. Perhaps she saw a corpse? We went upstairs to the classrooms. As soon as we did I noticed them on the right, desks, blackboard, but no students.

Well, this is a dungeon after all.

Is it?

Yeah, I was just thinking that its strange no one is here normally theres someone here even in the evening.

However, theres no one here but us.

Yeah, there isnt anyone else here is there?

Just corpses.

Toa made a face when I said that.

Dont remind me, Im trying not to think about it.

Speaking of which, didnt you say that in a dungeon monsters explode into particles of light and disappear?

Y, yeah?

Even though were in a dungeon that Minotaur from before didnt disappear.

Youre right. Well whatever.

It doesnt matter if they disappear or not, all that matters are the secrets hidden in this dungeon.

We kept walking down the corridor past the classrooms until


Yeah I know.

A monster appeared.


It was shambling towards us.

An undead, walker.

Sufilia whispered.

Its a zombie.no matter how you look at it, this thing is a zombie.

Is walker the common name for it?

Yes, Im sure its a walker.

And undead are?

A monster classification, its said that theyre are born accidentally from corpses. And they stink.

As Sufilia said this she pinched her nose.

Ill take care of that alone, after all you two dont feel up to it do you?

Toa was covering her mouth as well while Nem was swaying side to side her face blue.

I dont even think Nem is listening anymore.

Lord Nito?


Sufilia called out when I went towards the zombie.

Undead can only be affected by the holy attribute, and since its a priests specialty

I see, OK not a problem.

I pulled out saints wrath from my storage.

Whats that? Toa asked.

Its the staff I found in the first dungeon. It lets even me use elemental magic.

How rare.

Sieg said the same thing.

You want to do it?

Im ok..

Toa smiled at me from behind a pillar. I shrugged and turned around, after taking 5 steps towards the undead I stopped. Something was wrong, there was no noise behind me. I turned around to see all three of them not moving hiding behind pillars.

Hey! You have to come too! Its dangerous to be on your own!

I called out quietly so the Zombie wouldnt notice and then Nem came over too me followed by the other two tiptoeing behind her.

What are you doing?

We dont want it to notice.

Didnt I say not to get separated? Anyway, youll get used to it soon.

Toa was dramatically plugging her nose causing me to grin as I pointed the staff at the first zombie.

Saints wrath

A yellow ball of light cause the zombies head to burst open.

For defeating Walker Lv: 450, [Goddesss Blessing] has been activated. Choose your loot.

First, the binge eatingskill.

Youve acquired the binge eatingskill. Your level has risen to 909.

It smelled even worse in here now.

Oh right, I have a skill.

I looked at my status trying to find what I was looking for.

Whats wrong Lord Nito, is it over already?

Sufilia barely managed to ask me as she gagged from the smell.

No, theres more in the bathroom. Here it is.

I used the cleaningskill to clear the smell.

Hows that? Its more bearable now isnt it?

Nem pulled her hand away from her mouth and took a breathe.

Its fine, theres no smell anymore!

The other two followed after Nem.

Its really gone!

My skill is awesome isnt it?


Toa was surprised.

I used cleaning.

A skill?

Yeah, I forgot I had it but Ill keep it active while were here.

The three of them took in lungfuls of air with refreshed looks on their faces.

Youre exaggerating.

Were not exaggerating! It was really bad!

Oddly Nem was the first to protest.

Well, Nem has a sharp sense of smell

Nem couldnt help it but the other two.

Alright, lets take out the other zombies. By the way their level 450.

Nem with do it too!

I, Ill leave it to you three.

Toa looked like she didnt want to get involved when she heard the level.

Im ok too Lord Nito, Ill think it over again when something a little easier appears.

whatever, but I dont think anything easier is going to come along, this is a dungeon after all.

Sufilia smiled bitterly.

Id like them to raise their levels for our future adventures but, it doesnt necessarily have to be inside the dungeon.

Dont separate from me though ok.

Alright Nem, when I open that door, shoot your magic ok?


Nem raised her arms.

By the way, can you use Holy magic?


Nem looked sad when she said that.

No its OK, just use that fire magic from before.


Nem nodded, she didnt look sad anymore. Is she manipulating me?

I know youre just trying to live up to me but relax, youre already doing much better than I expected.

Ok, Im ready.

Nem was right behind me as I approached the door.

Ok here it goes.

I looked back at Nem.

Just hit the first one, all you have to do is shoot once then get back.


I pushed the door open.


Will o whisp!

Nem cast her spell hitting the zombies inside.

Alright, Ill finish it!

At my signal Nem retreated. It should be OK now right?

Erosion wave

I stepped inside the bathroom as I used the magic.

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