A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 80.5: Black tower part 1

Chapter 80.5: Black tower part 1

We walked through the for a while before finally seeing a black tower.

Lord Nito, isnt that it!?

Sufilia was excited to see a dungeon, although it seemed out of character for her..

It looked like a festival was happening around the dungeon, stalls and hastily constructed buildings spread out around it. Its like a town had popped up in the middle of the desert.

Im thirsty.

Toa complained so I bought all four of us something called dungeon juice. It had a citrusy sweet taste to it. Nem was gulping it down, it seemed like she was thirsty too.

Were all the stalls here to begin with?

I asked the shop keep.

No way, a dungeon appears to challengers gather around it. We merchants follow them and set up stalls because thats how we make money.

What are we doing after this? Are we going to the dungeon?

I was thinking when Toa suddenly spoke up.

What do you guys think? If you want we can relax for a day before heading in?

Im not particularly tired but Im not sure how the other three are feeling.

Ill leave it up to lord Nito.

Although they all seemed to be OK I decided it was better for us to challenge the dungeon in top form.

Then, why dont we rest for today?

In that case lets stay at an inn.

Yeah, but for now why dont we get a closer look at that tower?

We walked toward the tower our juice in one hand.


Its big

This is a dungeon?

Thats what it looks like.

There are different groups around the dungeon, some of them are exhausted and some look like their preparing to go in the future.

I wonder what its made of?

You mean the material?

I walked up the short steps at the entrance. Nothing can be seen past the entrance but occasionally a cold breeze flows put from it.

Hey lets go.

At Toas voice I looked back down the stairs just in time to see the reporter Francesca and her photographer Dolly.

Been a while, still wearing the mask I see.

I put the mask on before entering town just in case.

Its scary thinking my personal information will get revealed.

Just one picture.

Dolly raised the camera.

No pictures.

Francesca asked about my state of mind.

Im not nervous, were going to enter tomorrow.

Is that so? OK then Ill interview you again tomorrow.

Francesca pulled out a pad and pen.

Before leaving the school we heard about an attack on Artemias, it seems the Empire was after Trifar.

What? We did that, whys it being blames in the empire?

The bodies of the king and his aides were found, it seems that the princess was confirmed dead as well.

Francesca looked at Sufilia and her smile froze, it seemed like she was asking herself why the princess was here.

I said it before but, Im not going to answer anything.

Well then what about my hobby?

Hobby? No.

Ok then, let me change the questions.

Francesca refuses to give up.

Nito, are you related to the empire?


In that case Id like to ask about Sierra.


Its hard to say that shes ok when shes not leaving her house.

I see.

Its already been over a week after since Hildas death. And after 2 attacks from the empire it seems the opinion of the White knights and the king are different.

Opinions are different?

Yes, the knights want revenge on the empire, theyre calling for war. But the king wont allow it.

I see.

Master, what happens to the nuns and Sierra if theres a war?

Nem looked uneasy.

I dont know, but a war hasnt started yet has it?

I dont know, although Razhousen is a small country and shouldnt have enough military strength to challenge the empire.

So what did you want to ask about Sierra?

Were going to publish an article about the white knights, Id like to write about Sierra too.

Its ok as long as you dont announce her connection to me.

Ok then let me ask just a few more questions.

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