A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 73: Old woman

Chapter 73: Old woman

The Beyoment tavern The drunken Tiger was actually quite prosperous. The conversation between the four of us was drowned out by the large number of adventurers lined up at the bar singing drinking and eating. It looked like their antics would continue until morning as they showed no signs of stopping.

Is it always like this?

I asked the barkeep from across the counter.

Of course not, recently all these idiot dreamers have been coming in.


Yeah its about the dungeon, youve heard talk of it too right? Thats probably why youre in such a poor town, but its better to give it up. Dungeons have long been known as the fools graveyard.

Us? Were here looking for someone.

A person huh?whats their name, I might know them.

A girl by the name of Khalifa. Shes probably in this town somewhere.

Khalifa huh?

The barkeep struck a pose as if he was thinking. Apparently hes drunk as well.

I dont know anyone by that name. I was born and raised here so, if she was part of this town Id know her.

Although he called it a town its really more the size of a village so its entirely possible that he would know.

Hey, is that person really here? Toa asked uneasily.

Probably, I dont think Im mistaken at least.

The revenge God wouldnt have had reason to say something so careless.

Lord Nito, this person knows something.

I wasnt sure when Sufilia left her seat but she came back pulling a man beside her.

You know Khalifa?

Yes, I know Khalifa, I know her.

He feels shady.

Is she in this town?

I will take you too her.

Can I meet her just like that? No appointment?

Well then, after you.


You found that person there huh.

He was wondering around the shop and asked if I was searching for someone.

The man turned between buildings saying this way.

Well arrive soon

Then he turned the next corner.

Were here.

Dozens of men surrounded us.

Thats what this is?

Im sorry.

Sufilia apologized.

Dont worry about it.

Accidents are an integral part of adventure, besides, this could be fun.

Well take the girls and your money, if you keep quiet well let you live. Were gentleman after all.

The biggest of the men said this to the laughter of the men around him.

You deceived us?

Sorr~y. This is just a job, for people like us its a chance to live the dream.


No body challenges a dungeon empty handed do they? They prepare for it, and we, kindly accept those preparations.

I see, so you aimed for us knowing that we were aiming for the dungeon?

I figured if you were looking for people there werent many of you.

So you have confidence in your own abilities then?

Were well known bandits around here. Taking things from someone still wet behind the ears is a piece of cake.

Because of what happened with Ichijo Im reluctant to use magic around Toa and the others. But I dont think its necessary against these guys.

Connection break

Suddenly a green light flashed in front of us and the bandits turned around, stumbling away as if drunk.

That could have been dangerous.

The voice sounded like it came from an old lady, i turned around to see someone wearing a hood.

Are you a traveler? Its not been safe here recently.

A, oh, thank you.

Since the dungeon appeared this town has been a mess. You..what have you got in your hand.

The old ladies voice changed.

Hmm? Oh, this? Its the snake sword killgills.

She went stiff.

What did you just say?

The voice was young.

Its the snakesword, killsgills.

Suddenly understood, this person is surprised. But what shes surprised by is the sword.

Where did you get that.

It was shawns.


It was worth a try.

Im waiting on the hill.

I said those words.


I conveyed to Toa that nothing was wrong.

Im waiting on the hill.

I said it clearly one more time.

My. Wheres my ring?

The third drawer.

The woman collapsed into tears.

I found you.

This woman is Khalifa.


Im superhuman so I live longer than you. Thats why I look so old.

Khalifa set 4 chocolate milks on the table.

She lived in an old wooden hut lit by candle light. When she took the robe off I was stunned to see a stunning beauty underneath.

Hes alive isnt he?


Zephyr, thats why you came here isnt it?

Zephyr? The revenge God asked me to come see you.

Oh, thats what hes going by now a days huh? Thats Shawns right? I recognize it.

The snake sword killsgills.

Why do you have it?

It seems like she knows Shawn, this is awkward.

Hes dead.

Yeah, but afterwards he came to me in a dream. In a place that was like a temple of white clouds.

Zephyr, right. And?

And what?

What are you doing here? Why did he tell you to come?

I was just told to come see you.

Thats it?

Thats it.

I thought all I had to do was meet with her.

Strange, he must have led you here because he wanted something.

What do you mean?

He wanted something. Did he say anything else to you?



In my dream he said that he was in a prison.

The white temple?

Yeah, I asked them why they were there but they couldnt answer.

Thats strange, perhaps he wanted you to free him. It doesnt seem like he can get out under his own power.

But what does he want from me?

I dont know, but if you know about us then you must know something.

When you say us youre referring to Shawn and Zephyr?

Of course, there were 5 of us adventurers.


Yeah, it was about 150years ago.

150 years ago!?

Rude! I told you in superhuman.


It was before we were known to the world.

Khalifas gaze looked distant.

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