A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 40p2 - Large black wand

Chapter 40p2 - Large black wand

Are we going in the right direction?

Were in the castle which is all well and good but, this corridor is going on and on forever. The throne room is nowhere in site.

I used to live here, of course were going the right way.

Why is this hall so wide.

To show off power, for when like other countries kings or guests come to impress them.

And, these five people are?

Three people stopped walking.

In front of me were five people wearing gold-decorated armor, and behind them was a huge door.

No matter how you look at it, they cant be servantsright?

The kings guard, theyre the top knights in the country. Alford replied.

So, whos going to do it this time?

I will.

Eliza, they are tough. Both their sword skill and magic skills are at an advanced level.

Then, Ill go.

Sieg, arent you unable to use magic?

I didnt say I couldnt use it, just that I needed to rest. The use of powerful skills takes a lot of energy. And since my magic power isnt stable I cant use powerful magic.

Have you decided on a strategy?

A large knight at the front called out.

Whats wrong pretty girl, dont ignore us. Why dont you come over here and play.

Apparently they heard our conversation. The knight was staring at Eliza an ugly smile on his face.

Greater magic bullet!

Water bullet!

One of the knights suddenly activated magic but Eliza reacted quickly. The water dispersed the magic and continued flying forward blowing a hole through the knight that shot. He vomited blood falling to the floor with more blood leaking from his wound. One knight down. However the leader seemed unperturbed.

As expected of Dragons heart, such a cute face but her magic is on another level.

Eliza go ahead and use as much magic as you want, Ill restore it after youre done.

What? You have a mana crystal?

Alford asked suddenly.

Youre prepared.

Mana crystal? No, Im going to use magic to restore her mana.

With magic?! Nito, you have magic that lets you restore mana?!

Yeah, thats why I said she can go ahead and use as much as she wants, actually this is rather annoying so why not just go ahead and blow open the doors behind them too while youre at it?

When I defeated Gordon at week ranch I go the magic cursed spear which takes away mana from the victim. Not only that every time they try to use magic they will suffer severe pain.

Blessed Spear

Using mischief inversion {extreme} I changed it into something that gives mana. Although its apparently still considered a disease.

First well do Alford, dont move.

Wait, Nito. Dont be hasty.

Wrapping around behind Alford whos face was twitching, I slammed the spear into his back.


He arched his back screaming but stopped fairly quickly and stared down at his palm in confusion.

Right, Sieg and Eliza as well.

I hit them both with a spear as well. Although unlike Alford they took it like the adults they were, but they did stare at their palms afterwards.

My mana, its being restored.

What is this magic..

I was intrigued by the satisfied expressions on their faces so I stabbed myself as well for funzies.

..I see, so this is how it feels. Well I definitely feel a sense of satisfaction.

Alright! Lets do this all at the same time!

Alford appeared to like the spear and got excited.

But I feel like if we all shit magic it will just interact with each other and explode.

Well we could probably do it if we adjusted it a little.

Its dangerous! I dont want to bring the whole building down because we were goofing off!

Lets do it. Sieg chimed in. Nito your magic is a bit dangerous so, its probably best if you sit this one out. The three of us can handle them and weve got mana to spare now.

I feel like Sieg is wary of me because of what I did at the staircase.

Well then, Ill leave this to you.

The three of them stepped forward.

Match the wave lengths.

Alford and Eliza gather mana according to Siegs orders. While the three were concentrating their magical powers, I turned my back and opened my storage. I pulled out the magic tool Saints wrath, Id been wanting to try mischief inversion {extreme}on a magic tool but I kept forgetting.

Explosion !

Water Spirits Rejection!

Thunder Emperors Wrath!

Hearing the chants I turned around in time to catch a bright flash to the face. The three of them cast tremendously powerful magic at the same time which mixed together in the air and sailed towards the knights.

Bullet barrage!

Saints thunder!

Wind blade!

Stone blast!

However the knights retaliated in kind.


The magic collided and exploded in the air, the blow back from which was so great I instinctively covered my face with my arms. However the flash still robbed me of my sight momentarily. Once everything cleared I saw three people standing in front of me with happy smiles on their faces.

That feeling of satisfaction is a bit scary.

In my hand was Belphegors wandI added it to my list of equipment.

Alford was laughing. Past them, not just the knights but also the large doors behind them. and the surrounding walls.were gone.

The white cane was transformed into a red-black wand, and the image of the divine goddess at the tip was transformed into a terrifying devilish image with the appearance of a demon.

Nito, we opened the doors.

Sieg informed me of the results from their use of magic in a much livelier voice than before.

As we discussed before well leave the king and Aries to you and well.Nito, what is that.

What is what?

All three of their expressions had suddenly hardened.

Nito, thats.

Eliza appeared tense. It took me a moment to realize the meant the wand.

Oh, this? I dont know its my first time to use it so-

Huh, is this my master? He seems kinda weak.

I was interrupted by someone on my right talking but when I looked no one was there.

The wand! The wand is talking!

The wand?

Eliza appeared extremely upset so I looked down at the wand.

Whats with this dumb looking face. Will I be alright with a master like this?


The want was talking.

Oi! Did you hear me? Why do you look so surprised?

The carved devil head on the tip is talking to me.in other words, Im basically talking with a stick..

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