A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 38: Battle of the Stairs

Chapter 38: Battle of the Stairs

After teleporting, I was in a small room that relied on moonlight to see. In front of me was the redheaded Alford, the blonde Eliza, and Sieg who had long black hair.

Where are we?

The outskirts of Greyberg. Sieg answered.

Apparently its an inn in the town called Mira.

Its not Greyberg?

After Alberts death, theyve increased the guard. It wasnt possible for us to hide in the castle town due to the increase in patrols.

I see, it doesnt seem like youre very good at this.

Were this a small country we would already be on our way by now.

Alford replied with a serious look on his face.

But, when it comes to Greyberg, thats not the case.

In other words, Greyberg is a Major power?

It has a lot of guards, to cross the border you have to break through the guard. Then the lower town is protected by a wall, not only that but the town and the castle are also protected by Alberts sensing wards.

But were outsite the walls now, so youve gotten nowhere.

Dont worry about that. Sieg said. Then Eliza filled in the blanks.

If you mark where you break in, afterwords you can just teleport in, the barrier isnt working right now so we can enter freely.

And after that, we enter the castle.

As expected, you guys are skilled. Welp, lets go.

Before that Nito, I just want to confirm, will you be able to kill Aries and the king?

Thats why you called me isnt it?

Greyberg is strong. Aries in particular is a skilled assassin, she can kill someone without making a sound..

So in other words they werent originally royalty? Like they rose up?

No, Just while being a princess shes also an assassin, not many people know about it.

Its hard to understand.

Forget it, do you know about this countries war with the demons?

The reason we were called here in the first place was because of the war with the demons.

I know of it, what about it?

It means that Greyberg is strong enough to fight the demons, who possess strong magic power. In the event of war the demons would face a great many enemies but still this country has not won but is instead just enduring. Theyve even lost a great many soldiers to the war including some S rank adventurers like Silent Zari and the Sword Laura. Youve probably heard about them.

Theyre famous right? Who are they?.

There are still many people like them left, Well take care of them.

So youre saying that after fighting them, taking care of the princess and the king would be difficult right?

First, our magic wouldnt last, and second those two are probably the two strongest people in the country. Well take care of everyone else.

In other words, those two will be left to me because after taking care of the others you guys wouldnt be able to manage?

Correct, thats why we called you. We could handle single combat but with this many opponents its not possible.

I understand, leave them to me, you convinced me by saying you could take them in single combat.

I was wondering how skilled the people who summoned us were, but if Sieg can take them in single combat at his level then theres no mistake.

I can beat them.


Sierra walked up quietly to Toa who was alone in Masamunes room,Nem was by her side with an anxious look on her face. By chance they had heard the conversation from outside the room.

Im pathetic arent, even though he asked me to trust him.

Toa said with tears in her eyes.


Did master have to leave? Is he not going to come back home?

Thats the way Nem felt at the moment.

Its ok, Masamune will come home, but if you keep making that face when he does hell make a fuss about it. Its our turn to help masamune, just like he helped us, we have to save him.


Nem looked down and wiped her tears.


They teleported into a quiet ally from Mira.

Were here, lets go.

Masamune followed behind them.They ran through the castle town at midnight passing between the buildings. Then a distinctive gate appears before them.

Were here.

Beyond the lattice style gate was a fountain and beyond the wider than necessary staircase a castle could be seen. You could see the lights from here, the lit up castle a symbol of power.

What a nostalgic castle.

What did you say?

Nothing, I was just thinking that rich people live differently.

Sieg looked at masamune suspiciously as he smiled in front of the castle. His blood shot eyes seemed to be tinged with madness, But Sieg saw what he was looking for there.

Were going in.

Yeah, lets get this over with.

Masamunes mind was already in such a state that he could see Aries laughing face on the castle.

Once the four of them had flown over the gate two guards appeared in front of them as if in ambush, one held a spear and the other a sword and shield.

I listened to what you said and understood but it seems there really is not chance of assassination. Looks like all we can do is just force our way through. Well, I guess that IS why you called me.

Once Albert was killed the chance of assassination disappeared.


Not only Sieg but also Eliza and Alford begin to feel uncomfortable because of Masamunes arrogance.

Youre, no way, Dragon Heart?

Masamune pulled the magic tool Saints Wrathfrom his storage and without hesitation release multiple [Holy light] attacks.


The light hit the guards at the same time and tore them in half sending their upper bodies flying from their lower halves.

By defeating Kevin Wahlberg [Lv: 16], the unique skill Goddesss Blessing was activated. Choose your loot.

By defeating Robert Wilson [Lv: 17] , the unique skill Goddess Blessing was activated. Choose your loot.

Without looking at the corpses Masamune selects the skill purification and the magic swordmans defense from the list.

Nito, is that a magic item?

Feeling uncomfortable with Masamune, who had no hesitation when it comes to murder, Alford asked about Masamunes white cane.

Yeah, I found it in a dungeon apparently it can use mid-level magic. What about it?

In a dungeon!?. I think you have quite the strange item.

Strange? I see so this is a strange item. Well anyway, lets go.

The three of them followed behind Masamune with bitter smiles.


Two men could be seen by the fountain in front of the large staircase. It appeared that they too expected the four of them to come and held their swords at the ready. However unlike the two before them they didnt wear armor but instead stylish blue coats. They had the simple look of a soldier instead of a knight because of the lack of armor.

Bernardo, well do a pincers attack from the left and right.

Got it, Ill leave the left side to you.

The guy who went left immediately swung at Sieg.

Ill take care of it.

Masamune activated God speedand as he passed by the man in the right he pulled out a sword from his storage and whipped it threw the mans neck. The man had no time to react, not even realizing hed been attacked.

By defeating Bernardo Ottoman [Lv: 38] , the unique skill Blessing of the Goddess was activated. Choose your loot.

Masamine chose the magic Explosive fistfrom the list.


The man attacking Sieg stopped and turned to look at his headless friend.

You cant afford to look away.

Oh s-

Sieg separated the mans head from his shoulders then put his sword back in its scabbard.

That sword is just as absurdly long as ever, anyway are these guys actually strong? He wasnt even watching your fight.

Perhaps they are not used to losing friends. Greyberg is a relatively peaceful country with no civil war, if not for the war with the demons.

Why is such a country at war with the demons?

The king. Sieg answered.

Alford then explains to Masamune.

His first wife died to an illness and the second was assassinated. The king started to fall apart, he decided that his soldiers and knights would be proud to die for him and declared war on the demons.

So hes mad at the demons because his wives died? The demons have got to be annoyed about that.

I dont know, the mind of a mentally ill person is complicated and incomprehensible to others.

Masamune continued to the stairs with an indescribable expression on his face.

At the top of the staircase approaching the square, countless guards emerged from the corridors on the left and right of the stairs. Countless people surrounded them. After a few seconds a man on the left spoke up.

Dragons heart, we have you surrounded! There is no escape!

Immediately after issuing the proclamation the man seemed to notice something and appeared stunned.

It is you, lord Alford.

This is truly unfortunate, for us to have to attack the Prince.

Prince? Masamune couldnt believe his ears.

With a sad look Eliza spoke.

Alford Greyberg, thats Alfords full name.

Then Alford is.

Alford is the son of the kings second wife, Aries little brother.

Eliza dont talk about unnecessary things, thats all in the past.

As he said this Alford moved put in front othe the other three.

Youre the unfortunate ones, this country started down the wrong path a long time ago and you all just closed your eyes to it in the interest of self preservation.

You who have abandoned the country are not entitled to blame us. We chose to endure, for the future and the peace that will come, for our friends who still lay on the battlefields.

You think thats patriotism? Peace doesnt come just because you wish for it. Youre just walking the dogs road. Even if the king and Aries die this country will not know peace. The Greyberg bloodline is rotten and they think only of themselves, I had that I share the same blood.

[T/N: to walk the dogs path- it means to work hard but produce nothing of value, eventually all your work is futile. Basically it means that no matter how much they endure it means nothing because there will never be peace.]

This is our home, we have families! We cant just run away!

Alford looked pensively towards the castle.

I could barely stand, but I unlocked my jail cell with a mouse bone and escaped the country. Without a sword I couldnt do anything, so I wondered the open fields and the forests, but it was better than the jail cell. I could eat the grass, it was better than nothing after all. But you guys are different, you should have been prepared, you just did nothing.

Nine bowmen prepared to shoot the four one the stairs. In a low voice masamune told Eliza. Ill take care of the guys up above. But those surrounding them noticed as he made eye contact with Sieg and grew nervous.

We are different! After all, you are a heo You still being alive is proof. As you said, we are just ordinary soldiers. If we encounter a monster we form up and fight as a group even if its just one. Its different from you, who can deal with more than one person! Isnt that the case even now! You are only thinking about gaining time even if you are surrounded in this way. Its different! Everything is fundamentally different!

Alford looked away from the castle and back at the man.

Im not a prince now. I dont know what you want from me, but thats the reality. From the day you noticed the stench of this country, you havent tried to change anything. This is the result and the reality that accompanies it.

The look in Alfords eyes was ruthless.

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