A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 30: part 2 - Teamwork part 2

Chapter 30: part 2 - Teamwork part 2

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However, it seemed Toas magic had an effect, Gordons breathing was heavy his shoulders heaving with the effort. The two girls separated from him.

Haa.. Haa. Your magic power is impressive, there arent many who could compare.

It seems I was correct, a demons magic power is completely different when compared to a human. Regardless, Gordon appeared to have just been struck by lightning, he should be on the verge of dying.

Nem is gunna fight too! Nem wants to help them!

Behind me Nem raised her arms in the air and issues a Shya shya with her mouth as she extended her claws.

Wait here and leave it to those two.


Nem sounded dejected, but theres no way a little girl could do anything to that giant of a man.


With the angry shout still ringing in our ears a purple colored magic circle appeared around Gordons feet.

Darkness attribute magic?!

Sierra appeared upset at this, but on the other hand a smile and floated its way onto Toas face. Regardless magic with the darkness attribute is troublesome.

As a white knight you know how dangerous this magic is right?

I think theres been a misunderstanding.

The expression on your face says otherwise. Its not something to hide, Boris Week of Week Farm and the King of Razhausen. Even I know about their relationship. Hes a peaceful king but when a friend is in trouble there is no way hed send simple adventurers, now is there!

The magic circle rose from his feet moving up his torso enveloping Gordon in a purple aura.

That Looks dangerous.

You dont talk boy! I was talking to the white knight here.

Toa-dono, Ill go first.

Gordons gaze moved away from me as Sierra dashed forward.


As Toa shouted a warning the rapier made contact with Gordon.


And in that moment, what Toa had been worried about became clear. As the blade made contact the blade didnt pierce Gordon but instead bent and just like that snapped. It should be impossible for a humans skin to be harder than the blade but the magic he used made it so.

It appears you dont know about this magic. *

Gordon smiled evilly preparing to attack Sierra with his right arm.

Like this I am invincible! Physical attacks have no effect, but dont think that means magic will work. Gordon is invincible!

At that moment.

[Lightning Speed]!

Toa disappeared.

Her after images could be seen approaching Gordon as she chanted.

[Lightning phase]!

In the next moment Toa appeared between Gordon and Sierra.

Gordon had a dumbfounded look on his face. Facing him Toa swung the broadsword with a cool expression.


A large amount of blood flowed from Gordons neck.

Thank you Toa-dono you saved me.

Consider it thanks for giving us a place to stay.

Gordon could be seen in the background, the the electric shock of the broad sword finally left his body and he fell to the ground.

I see, you probably could have taken out that kerane without me.

Humans and a kerane are completely different. This guy couldnt nullify magic so I was able to take him.

But thats not something a normal adventurer could do, thats high grade movement magic. Toa-dono what in the world.

Im just a novice adventurer.

You should join the white knights! *

Thats great, but first we should get Toa back to her hometown safely.

Behind them Gordon appeared again. He looked more monster than human, a cunning smile on his face.

Reincarnation! The true secret of this magic!

They both turned back at the voice but they werent in time.

[Cursed Spear]!

A black spear appeared in Gordons hand as he pierced forward.

I was on the verge of using [soul break]. However Gordons expression was unsightly his eyes locked on the girls.

[Erosion wave] !

The Red black wave enveloped my body. I trampled the ground as I passed through the girls with [God Speed]. When I came into contact with Gordon not even his voice was heard, it was if I simply just passed by.

When I stopped and looked back there was nothing there as the announcement of defeat rang in my head. August stood next to the barn his face cramped.

You want this to happen to you too?

I pointed the snake sword at him.

Absolutely not! Im terribly sorry! Ill never do this again, please spare me! Please let me go!

Borris, what should we do with this guy?

Borris seemed surprised that I would ask. He slowly calmed down but still maintained a worried expression.

August, do I have your word you wont get involved with anything here again? This is my home, passed down to me through the generations. I will not sell it to you.

Yes, yes Im sorry.. I promise.

August seemed in earnest.

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