A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 85: Evil escape treasure

Chapter 85: Evil escape treasure

"Good." Her mother said.

"But mom, after I have struck Helena with that attack, how are we going to get out of there unharmed? The instructors would surely come at us with towering rage in their hearts. Hope we have a way of escaping from their slaughter?" Jennifer asked.


Anissa laughed.

"Jennie, I am highly disappointed with you for that silly question that you just asked me. Do you think I was born yesterday to not know that they would gather round us after you have successfully struck Helena with that evil move of yours?"

"Of course I have a plan for that. And I would tell you about it" Anissa said looking at her daughter.

"There is this evil magical artifact that I got many years back. It drained me of ninety-nine percent of my blood just so I could take it with me from where I found it buried at." She said.

Then she continued "And this artifact, is one that can be used to escape from a place that has even been placed under total lockdown. It can penetrate through magical barriers and move through the void at insane speeds. In the blink of an eye, we could have gone from here to another distant world"

"Wow!" Jennifer exclaimed in shock.

"Can I see it?" She asked.

"You don't need to see it, Jennie. Actually, I don't want you to be harmed by by it. The aura that it would put out upon it appearance would tremendously affect you. You wouldn't be able to withstand the bloody aura that would burst out from it when it appears in the room." Anissa said.

"Oh. Alright mom." Jennifer said.

Then she asked "What's this evasion treasure like? A ship?"

"Correct. It's like a ship. It's one we would be in that would effortlessly penetrate through magical inhibition screens and then fly away at inconceivable speeds" Anissa said.

"Okay mom. But where did you come across it? I believe that when you were younger, you would have gone exploring a lot of ruined ancient sites. Especially the sites where evil practices were being carried out, since you have a lot of their evil books and artifacts with you." Jennifer said with a dark smile surfacing on her lips.

Anissa grinned.

"That's right, Jennie. It was simply my choice to do so. I went searching for the items used by many of the evil magical warriors after they got destroyed because of their bad ways." She said.

"But why did you do so mom?" Jennifer asked in a curious tone.

"This is because the power that they hold is greater than that possessed by magical warriors with kind intentions."

"As an an example, between you who is trying to master a meridian-ruining spell and some other girl who only knows generic magic, if two of you fought? Who do you think would win?"Anissa asked.

"Me of course. That girl wouldn't be able to stand up to me in a spellcasting battle." Jennifer replied.

"Good. So, it's for that reason that I chose to collect only items used by evil magical warriors. Their ways although are very dangerous, it's however perverse. One would be able to step upon one's opponent like a roach and devastate him or her." Anissa said.

"Alright mom. I understand now. It seems I am going to follow that same route that you took too. Only that way would I ascend to power very quickly." Jennifer said with eyes that shone with evilness.

"Yes daughter. That's the best route to ascend to power very quickly" Anissa said and laughed.


- Palace of Lord Black Scorpion -

"Arnold, I went to the boy's place but he is no longer there. Seems like he moved away. And I don't know how to trace him to where to he went to. I am really sorry" Linda said with an apologetic expression in her face.


Arnold sighed.

"I knew you would come back telling me stories. Anyways, thanks for your effort. I guess I would have to continue suffering these wounds till my death then" He said in a morose tone.

Linda shook her head.

"Come on. Don't talk like that. You should know that I am trying my best for you, Arnold. But don't worry too much about your wounds, I would definitely find someone someday to heal you. You know, there are still many other places which are really far from here that I can look into to bring you a magical healer." She said.

Aii! Arnold sighed again.

"Alright. I would try my best to endure the agonizing pain and await your return with a magical healer. And please be quick about it."

"I don't know if I can hold on much more longer. The magical wounds are spreading throughout my entire body and are beginning to fester and decay. So at this rate of spread and withering, I could die before you bring back an healer to me." He said with sadness in his tone.

Now, he looked really pitiful.

Linda smiled and nodded her head.

"I would bring an healer for you before your wounds deteriorates further" She said and then vanished in a flash of glaring red light.


After doing many press-ups, enduring the intense pain in her arms, she collapsed to the ground once again.

Deylina looked at Helena and shook her head.

"What a sack of lazy bones" She said mockingly.

Helena heard this and retorted "No ma'am, I am not. I am just tired. How many girls here can do the number of press-ups that you asked me to me with your perverse counting method?"

Deylina heard what Helena said and chucked.

"So many. Even Lydia should be able to do so." Deylina said, trying to provoke Helena.

Helena however only smiled.

"Well, I don't really care if they can do more than a hundred push-ups with your counting method, all I know is that one day, I am going to do more than a thousand push-ups and not get tired. I would shock" She said confidently.

"Oh really? Let's have a bet then" Deylina said with her interest piqued.

"State your conditions for the bet and what you would bet with?" She asked Helena.

"Well, I don't really have anything on me, instructor Deylina, so I can't bet with anything"

"However, we can do it like this. If I do five hundred push-ups at a go with your counting method, you would give me one-fourth of the wage that you are being paid here for a total of three months" Helena said.

Deylina laughed.

"Oh. And how do you know I am being paid here? What if I work for free? You don't know if I am rendering humanitarian services here, working so hard to train people to become formidable fighters so that when they go out there into the world, they would be able to protect and fend for themselves. " She said.

"What? And you would do all these for free? No ma'am. I don't believe that. I don't believe anyone would render such a free service to anyone. I am sure that you are here for the payment. Or you wouldn't be an instructor in this place in the first place."

"Although I know that your feeding, residence and clothing are been provided for, you however would still be paid. Or wouldn't you like to get good things for yourself too? Would you want to be miserably poor when all the bad things occurring in the worlds stops someday all because you were rendering kind and generous services?" Helena asked.

Deylina shook her head.

"Hmm. I see you got me there, Helena."

"Alright. So, what's the other condition? The one that would be in my favor?" She asked.

"If I can't do five hundred push-ups at a go, I would come work free for you for three months" Helena said.

"Nope. I won't accept that. It's too little. Make it six months. Besides, what kind of service can you actually render to me with your weak arms?" Deylina asked with a smirk expression in her face.

"Well, I could clean your residence and it surroundings for you" Helena said while Deylina laughed.

"Anyways, I don't need you to do anything for me. So anytime you can do a thousand push-ups, one-fourth of my wage for the month would go to you. Deal?" She asked.

Helena's eyes glowed with astonishment.

She actually accepted? And without giving her own conditions if I couldn't do the thousand push-ups at a goal?

"Deal!" She hurriedly said out loud before Deylina would change her mind and put off the deal.

Deylina shook her head with a smile in it.

"Alright. So it's up to you now to train yourself so you can get my hard-earned money" She seriously said while Helena nodded.

"Alright. Continue your training." Deylina said further, restoring the stern expression in her face.

Helena nodded once again and got back to her push-up position to continue her press-up.

Then she forced herself to do so many press-ups at a go whilst enduring the intense burning sensation that surfaced in her arm muscles once again and caused her pain.

Deylina saw this and shook her head.

"I can see that promising to give her a small fraction of my wage has heightened her spirit. But what is she actually going to do with the money that she would get from me in this place? Oh well, perhaps she is going to keep it for her usage in the future. And just like she said, after all the battles in the world ends someday, one would want to spend money. Or one wouldn't be able to get things for one's self. Haha. What a girl" She said inwardly and smiled.

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