A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 80: Small success in her evil magical art

Chapter 80: Small success in her evil magical art

"Okay ma'am" Helena nodded.

"So, you have to increase the intensity of your training before the tournament would start." Amber said and Helena nodded.

"Can you please tell me the rewards that would be given to the contestants that would make it to top five?" Helena asked.

"Well, just keep in mind that excellently-crafted magical artifacts would be given to the winners. But more of it would be given to the person that comes first place." Amber said.

Helena nodded her head.

But she knew in her heart that even if she couldn't win, she had the scepter that the Heaven-Burying BlackCat Emperor gave to her. Although she didn't know what it was called, she felt that it was also a magical artifact and was one that was hundreds of thousands of times better than the one that they would give the person that came in first place for the tournament event.

She even felt that it was tremendously powerful than any of the magical artifacts that even the Camp Overseer, Roselyn, or the powerful leader of the Great Sisterhood society, Olivia would have.

When she thought all these, she gave a beautiful smile.

Then she began to feel a great itch in her body to use the Golden Heaven Burial Cat scepter. She wanted to drain all of her Aetha energy into it and see the size of the feline black claw that it would produce.

"Alright. You can go to your room to rest." Amber said.

Helena nodded again and then left Amber's presence to go to her room.

When she got to her room, she immediately locked the door.

As soon as she did so, she sat in the cross-legged position in her bed and produced the golden scepter from within her.

She then recalled what that being told her which was to study the magical spells inscribed into the scepter.

She held the scepter which was about five feet long and an inch wide in her hands and began to rub it surface that had thick engravings of cats on it.

She then stood back to her feet from the bed and began to use it strike at an imaginary target.

Helena recalled all the pole-fighting techniques that the girls who she observed many days ago used to attack and defend themselves. Then she tried to replicate them.

And without surprise, she was able to easily do so.

She skilfully swung the scepter in her hands about and used it to horizontally and vertically attack an imaginary opponent.

Not long, she became deeply engrossed with what she was doing as she continued to swing the scepter in her hands about for many hours into the night to block her opponent's imaginary attack and as well as seize opportunities to rain down her own heavy strikes upon it.

Sweating like she just came out of a stream, she stopped what she was doing and then walked to the bathroom to have a refreshing cold shower.

When she was done and had worn another dress, she sat on her bed in the cross-legged position and began to look at the scepter again.

"Now, how do I see the spells that are inscribed into it? I forgot to ask that being this very important question. It could have told me itself. Perhaps it wants me to find out myself" Helena said.

Then she began to ponder about what to do.

After a brief moment of thinking, she suddenly recalled something and her eyes glittered.

'Wait. It has bonded with me, right? So, since it has bonded via blood with me, I should be able to access every information that has been recorded into it.' Helena said and concluded within herself.

Then she closed her eyes to totally focus on the golden scepter that she placed on her legs which were crossed on the bed.

With her eyes tightly closed and her concentration fully placed on the scepter, she thought about the information that had been stored into it and how she would access it.

As soon as this thought flashed in her mind, the golden scepter glowed in a soft golden light for only a second before dimming in the next instant.

Then Helena who was ready to go through the few spells and other information that the scepter would reveal to her, suddenly had a great rush of information into her head.

She saw more than seven mighty spells in her head which then surprisingly branded themselves to her mind.

Now, she wouldn't be able to forget them even if she wanted to. Also, even if her memory was cleansed of everything that she ever knew, the spells would never fade away or vanish from her memory. They would remain there everlastingly as they had been indelibly branded to her mind. One could see them as tattoos drawn into her very memory.

When the spells appeared in her head, she began to go through them.

However, she couldn't as her head began to bang and ache really bad.

They were spells that she shouldn't come across at her flimsy spellcasting level. And the reason for this was because they were enormously powerful for her to understand. So, they caused her to be instantly inflicted with an intense, skull-renting headache.

She was just fortunate to have them in her head because the scepter magically, permanently imprinted the spells into her memory. If they were written in a paper and then she tried her best to put them into her memory, she would never be able to do so. Not even in a thousand or a million years, since world-level spells are highly profound magical spells that absolutely required the spellcaster to be at the World-level spellcasting rank which was an exceedingly difficult rank of Spellweaving to attain.

But Helena wouldn't give up because of some headache that gave her the feeling that her head was being rent apart by some sharp-edged objects.

She again easily recalled the world-level spells that were engraved into her memory and tried her best to comprehend the mysteries behind why they could produce such level of power that would affect an entire world, if not worlds.

She however hadn't even started contemplating on just a single one of the spells that she focused on when she suddenly coughed out a large mouthful blood that stained her bedsheet.

"Ugh" She uttered on seeing how she had ruined her bedsheet.

Then she wiped her mouth clean of blood.

"The spells are way too advanced and powerful for me to comprehend at this level. I can only give up on it for now and learn less advanced ones like the earth and sky-level spells. But sometime in the future when I have grown stronger in spellcasting, I would definitely revisit you" She said inwardly with an aura of great resolve emanating from her delicate-looking figure.

She then carried the scepter from her crossed legs to look at it with a radiant smile in her face.

"Thankfully, you don't need me to understand any spell. I would just channel my Aetha energy into you and you would unleash a powerful magical spell that is proportionate to the amount of Aetha energy that I would discharge into you." Helena said.

Then she said further with a wishing expression in her face "How I wish I was at the Sky or Heaven-level spellcasting rank, then I would be able to go out there to fight some evil fiends. The magical attack that you would deploy which would appear as ink-black cat claws would definitely rip apart my target that would be at the Mage-level spellcasting rank."

"I would definitely be able to use this golden scepter to dominate spellcasters who are at a spellweaving rank that's above mine because of the astronomically powerful magical spells that it contains. Anyways, I would be able to use it in future when I go out there into the world just to gather more experiences."

"But wait. I could use it on Jennifer's mom. I could kill that annoying and arrogant bastard with it. Hmm. I don't think so. I am too weak at the moment to power the scepter to that level. She would instantly destroy any attack that I would unleash at her from the scepter with a single strike from her and then come for me"

"Besides, apart from easily overpowering me, I definitely wouldn't want to do that. I can't expose this scepter to anyone lest they kill me for it out of envy or greed. Right now, I am too weak to even go against the seniors with Sky-level spellcasting rank in here. I would only use it when I am in great danger and incapable of protecting myself using my own strength and prowess."

"Yea. That's what I would do" Helena said and returned the scepter into her body.


"Jennifer, have you gained a small comprehension into that Sky-tier, meridian-ruining spell?" Jennifer's mom, Anissa asked.

"I have done so mom. Now, what is remaining is to fully master the spell so I can hit her and crush her future to smithereens." Jennifer said evilly.

"Good!" Anissa said out loud.

"Remember, it's only one hit that you would be able to succeed in. If you can't make it with that one hit, that's the end." She said further.

"I know mom. Since it's a Sky-level magical spell, it would certainly drain all the Aetha energy in me. Therefore, I have only one strike which I am sure is going to be successful in impacting that little bitch and would ruin her life eternally."

"And when she grows old as a mortal in some small village or hamlet, I would visit her and let her experience hell before she finally dies with an unaccomplished destiny. Hahaha!"

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