A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 116: Training for the battle proposed by Roselyn

Chapter 116: Training for the battle proposed by Roselyn

When Helena turned her head to see who had appeared, she quickly greeted "Good day, ma'am"

Roselyn nodded her head to her greeting and asked with one of her brows furrowed "Helena, Amber told me that you want to go into the world to acquire contribution points, is that true?"

Helena nodded her head.

"It's true ma'am. I want contribution points to be able to use the library and exchange them for artifacts at the Artifact Hall." She politely answered.

"Hmm" Roselyn uttered.

She then asked "And do you know that it involves you going into the world?"

"Yes ma'am. I know that." Helena replied.

"And do you know how risky it would be for you?" Roselyn asked.

"Yes ma'am. I know that too" Helena answered while Roselyn nodded her head.

Roselyn then said with seriousness in her tone "Well, for me to know that you are truly ready to go into the world, you will have to battle an elite Sky-level spellcaster, one from the Law Enforcement and Punishment Faculty."

Immediately Roselyn said this, Helena's and Lydia's eyes widened with shock.

Roselyn saw the intensely amazed gazes in both Helena's and Lydia's eyes and said with a solemn expression in her face "Once you can do defeat that spellcaster from the Punishment Hall, you will be allowed to go to into the world to do your thing. But if you can't, you will never bring up this topic again until I decide myself to allow you go into the world to acquire contribution points."

She then asked further "I believe I am clear?"

"Yes ma'am" Helena nodded her head.

"Good!" Roselyn said.

She then looked at elder Jones who only nodded at her as a form of greeting. She nodded back too and flew back to her office.

Amber looked at Helena who quickly looked at the ground.

She couldn't meet Amber's gaze with her eyes, since she went against Amber today and might cause Amber to be really angry at her.

Amber looked at Helena who was staring at the floor and then said "Helena, come here."

Helena quickly hurried towards her.

And when she appeared before her, she hurriedly said "Instructor Amber, I am really sorry. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to disobey you, I just wanted to acquire contribution points. The thing is I am tired of everyone making decisions for me because I am the Chosen One. I want to be able to make my own decisions too. I am really instructor Amber"

Instructor Amber smiled and then stroked Helena's hair.

"Helena, you don't need to apologize. You actually did the right thing and I give kudos to you for that. You being the Chosen One doesn't mean that we have to be the ones making all the decisions for you all the time till you are of the age to make wise decisions for yourself. So, with what you did earlier, by fighting to make your own decision, I am really impressed. And that shows that you are becoming more mature and independent. Therefore dear, there is really no need to apologize to me or to anyone else over the obstinate behavior that you exhibited earlier. You absolutely did the right thing." She said.

Amber then said further "The only thing that really compelled me to stop you from that taking that rightful decision was because I am really concerned about your safety. I don't want anything bad to you. If anything bad or terrible happened to you, then there is no hope for our world again. Everything will absolutely be drenched in blood and fully permeated with agony and misery. There will no redemption for our world again, since the limitlessly powerful redeemer of our world has been slain."

Still gazing at Helena, Amber said "So, you see how important you are to our world?"

Helena nodded her head.

"Yes ma'am" She replied.

"Good! That is my girl. Let's go." Amber said.

She then beckoned for Lydia to join them as they left the library's perimeter together.


On their way back to their rooms as they walked through a wide stony path that had tall and colorful, fragrant flowers on both sides, Amber said in a solemn tone to Helena "So Helena, what are you going to do about your formidable challenger from the Law Enforcement and Punishment Faculty that you will be facing very soon? Everyone there are elites since they possess exceptional fighting skills and astonishing spellcasting prowess. That challenger of yours could knock you out for days with only his or her fist."

When Helena heard that, she shook.

'Wow, that's some insane fighting ability' She uttered inwardly.

She then said "Well, I have some powerful magical spells that I can deploy to either defend myself from my challenger's magical attacks or to throw my own magical attacks at him or her. Besides, I should be able to handle that person if I time my attacks correctly."

With a serious expression still in her face, she said "If I can position myself well to defend without falling to my back or staggering backwards from the tyrannical waves that will appear from the collisions of our dense magical attacks, and then I timing my attacks well to successfully hit my challenger, I think I should be able to emerge as the winner."

Amber and Lydia grinned with Amber saying "Helena, it's easier said than done."

She then spoke further by saying "Anyways, you should still be able to do so since you are the Chosen One."

Amber said that and winked at Helena while Helena only rolled her eyes at her.

Amber then took another route to go to her office, leaving both Helena and Lydia behind.

"Should we go to the training field? It will be vacant by now. Let's go practice." Lydia suddenly said.

"Oh. That's true. Let's go" Helena said.

Then they dashed to the training field using high-speed movement magical spells on themselves.

An instant later, they arrived before a massive bronze gate to go into the training field.

Then when the gate was opened wide for them with them stepping into it with smiles in their faces, they were surprised to meet Lauren and Deborah in there.

They were also training themselves as a pair of large burnished wings that gave the feeling that they were forged from hard, polished metal could be seen flapping extremely fast at their backs, generating gale-force winds that caused many of the stones and sands on the training field to be swept up in large amounts into the air.

"Girls!!" Helena said out very loud to pull their attention towards her.

Immediately her voice loudly rang out, Deborah and Lauren who were high in the air and were fully focused on what they were doing, turned their heads to look in the direction that somebody called out for the both of them.

Then they saw Helena and Lydia far in front of them.

Immediately they saw both Helena and Lydia, they lowered themselves from a shocking height of sixty feet to the ground before retracting their pairs of astonishingly large, metal-like wings back into their bodies.

Then they went to meet Helena with beautiful smiles in their faces.

"Senior Helena, you are here too" Deborah said respectfully and with a admiring tone in her voice.

"Yea, I am here. But what are you girls doing here? Shouldn't you be in Lucretia's room or your room doing something?" Helena asked with surprise in her tone.

Deborah and Lauren grinned when Helena said that.

Lauren then answered "Senior Helena, Lucretia was exceedingly fortunate to immerse her mind into a full comprehension state for some pretty high-level magical spells that she wanted to master. And since we don't want to disturb her to bring her out of that self-enlightenment state that is kinda hard to enter, we decided to leave her room and come here to train ourselves. It's high time we awakened some of our high-grade bloodline abilities. We have been slacking off"

"Oh really? That's good for her and good of you girls. You can carry on with you training. Don't let me disturb you girls. I am also here for the same thing if you may ask." Helena said and then grinned.

Deborah and Lauren nodded their heads with smiles appearing in their faces.

Then they said to Lydia who was by Helena's side "Hello Lydia", they both greeted at the same time like they had the same thought.

"Hi, Debbie. Hello Lauren" Lydia answered back with a smile in her face too.

Lauren then said with a serious tone in her voice "The members of the Heavenly Fiend Termination Cult are gathered here. So, what are we girls waiting for? We have fiends to destroy, let's start training."

Deborah turned her head to look at her younger sister, Lauren, with a conspicuous smirk expression in her face and then suddenly barked "Can you shut up, please?! Don't you know you sounded stupid when you said that? Ugh!"

She then expanded out her large collapsed wings and took into the air to a great altitude to continue what she was doing before Helena and Lydia came in to interrupt them.

Helena arrived before Lauren who had a soured expression in her face and then said with an affable smile on her lips "Don't mind your older sister. She is only jealous of the fact that you are way more funnier than her, making her to react to your funny statements with harsh words. If she does that next time, just ignore her and don't try to feel bad, since she is only envious."

Lauren's face instantly brightened up.

She then unleashed her pairs of massive metallic wings and shot into the air at an incredible speed.

Helena then looked over at Lydia who simply nodded her head at her with a brilliant smile in her face as she prepared to start her training with her broad blue blade that faded in and out of visibility like it were a phantom object.

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