A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 90: snow

Chapter 90: snow

Chapter 90 Snowing

Several families were very happy when they heard this figure: "I can earn more than 500 cash in one day, which is equivalent to a month's wages of a strong laborer."

Several men worked part-time jobs in their hometown. They worked hard every month, costing half their lives, and could only earn 500 cash at most. Uncle Tian, who had no skills, could only fight sacks. Yes, its only three hundred cents a month.

Therefore, after hearing that his family could get five hundred and thirty-nine cents in one night, Uncle Tian was so excited that his hands were shaking. Aunt Tian even wiped away tears and said to Gu Jinli: "Xiaoyu, Auntie, I want to thank you. If it weren't for you, Our family cant live with the tofu we make.

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "Thank you, everyone in this tofu business has contributed."

Making and selling tofu is too laborious and complicated, and her family alone cannot afford it. Moreover, her family has many women and children, so the village is not very safe. If she wants to protect her family, she must stay with several families so that if something happens, she will have a helper.

Mr. Chen couldn't care less about being moved. He stared at the pile of copper coins with green eyes, rubbed his hands and asked, "Third uncle, should we... divide this money?"

Why are you talking so much? It would be prudent to quickly give her money and let her touch her.

Third Grandpa knew that everyone was poor, so he said: "Okay, let's divide the money according to An Ge'er's calculation. But each family must leave one hundred coins as capital."

Several families agreed that each family would leave one hundred coins and only take away four hundred and thirty-nine coins.

Gu Jinli's family accounted for 40% of the profits and needed to leave 400 cash. In this way, the capital reserved by the family would only have one or two taels of silver, which was enough to run the tofu stall.

The capital of the two taels of silver was held by Third Grandpa, and Gu Jinan's accounting book was also given to Third Grandpa for safekeeping.

After finishing it, the third grandfather pointed to the basket placed in the house and said, "I bought seven bowls of glutinous rice balls. You and your family can take one bowl back and let's have a good Lantern Festival."

"Hey." Mrs. Chen was the most unkind. She immediately ran to the basket, picked out a bowl of the largest glutinous rice balls, took her children, and followed Gu Dagui and Gu Dafu home.

Several other families also took glutinous rice balls.

Qin Sanlang took the money and glutinous rice **** and returned to Qin's house with Mr. Qin. As soon as he entered the house, he heard Qin Erlang's sarcastic voice: "You help those mud-legged people to do this and that, and you get a bowl of lumps." Dropped glutinous rice balls?"

Mr. Qin frowned, somewhat dissatisfied with Qin Erlang's words.

Qin Sanlang didn't care, and said with a smile: "Second brother, third grandpa bought glutinous rice balls. I'll take them to the kitchen to heat them up. The three of us, grandma and grandson, will eat the glutinous rice **** before going to bed."

"What third grandpa? A mud-legged man is worthy of being called grandpa by you and me!" Qin Erlang was very excited. He took a step forward and knocked the glutinous rice **** from Qin Sanlang's hand with a bang. He looked directly at him and said angrily: "Don't forget yourself. Your Qin familys ancestors have made great achievements, not just to make you a fool, you have simply disgraced the Qin familys ancestors!

"Erlang, have you made enough trouble?" Mr. Qin finally couldn't help scolding Qin Erlang.

Qin Erlang ignored Mr. Qin and went back to the house angrily, slamming the door behind him. The door was in disrepair and most of the wood was rotten. He smashed it so hard that a piece of rotten wood fell out.

By the light of the fire in the hall, Qin Sanlang looked at the glutinous rice **** scattered on the floor. He felt regretful and went outside the door to get a broom and dustpan, cleaned up the glutinous rice balls, and then took the dirty wooden bowl to wash.

Lao Qin came to the kitchen, poured a basin of hot water for Qin Sanlang, asked him to scald his feet, and said, "Sanlang, don't worry, Erlang didn't mean to say anything about you."

He added: "You are right, we must now integrate with the Gu family." Only in this way, outsiders will not doubt their identity.

Grandpa, dont worry, I dont blame the second brother... He just doesnt want to give in. Qin Sanlang smiled lightly and said, Our Qin family is originally a mud-legged family. If I go back to being a mud-legged person, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

When Mr. Qin heard this, he looked at Qin Sanlang who was sitting in the kitchen washing his feet. He felt very sad. What if...

The atmosphere in the Qin family is not very good, but the Gu Jinli family is very warm.

The six members of their family and the three grandparents and the three grandmothers heated up two bowls of glutinous rice **** and shared them among the eight members of the family. Although each person could only get two glutinous rice balls, the rich sesame aroma in the glutinous rice **** made them enjoy eating them.

After the family finished eating glutinous rice **** and soaked their feet in hot water, they could no longer resist their sleepiness and went back to their houses to sleep.

Before dawn, Gu Jinli was woken up by the cold. She muttered: "Why is it so cold?"

Gu Jinxiu was adding firewood to the fire in the house. When he saw her waking up, he hurriedly said: "Xiaoyu, quickly cover yourself up, it's snowing outside."

"Is it snowing?" Gu Jinli was extremely surprised. He got up and put on his cotton clothes and shoes. He ran to the door of the house and saw his grandfather and grandmother standing inside the door looking out. They also looked through the half-open door. Looking outside the house, I saw fluffy white snow falling from the sky, covering the entire yard: "It's really snowing."

The third grandma choked and said: "Yes, it is snowing. With this snow, there will be no need to worry about spring plowing."

They fled from famine all the way. There was no rain or snow in the places they passed, only a thin layer of white frost. She had been worried, fearing that the drought would continue. Now that it was snowing, the drought could be alleviated.

Because of the snow, Gu Dashan and Gu Jinan got up to chop wood and light a fire to warm the house before the family went back to sleep.

When Gu Jinli woke up again, it was already completely white outside and the snow had reached his ankles.

Grandpa San and Gu Dashan were sweeping snow from the roof to prevent the old house from being crushed by the snow.

Several other families were also clearing the snow, clearing a path from their yards to the old well.

Because of the snow, we couldn't set up a stall today, so the third grandfather called a few men over to discuss opening up wasteland.

Dafeng Village is very large. It is divided into front village and back village. With the village as the center, Dafeng Village covers a five-mile radius. The fields of Dafeng Villagers are generally located nearby.

During the few days of the Chinese New Year, Grandpa San and several other men had already visited the nearby places and took a fancy to the wasteland on the left side of the village.

That piece of wasteland is big and the soil is of good quality. Its better than the wasteland in our hometown and its close to where we live. Lets go and tell the village chief today that our family will go to that piece of wasteland to clear up wasteland after spring.

The men of several families were all thinking about farming. After hearing what Third Grandpa said, they went to the village chief's house together.

Because of the snow, the village chief and his family were at home. He Dacang's wife opened the door for them. After seeing half a piece of cotton cloth and two packs of candy in the basket they were carrying, she smiled and said, "Are you here to see father-in-law? His old man is here, come in."

He Dacang's wife took them to the door of the main house where Village Chief He lived. After shouting inside, she took the gift brought by the third grandfather and turned around to leave.

"The old man of the Gu family is here, come in quickly." He Dacang came out to pick them up and led them into the house.

In the house, Village Chief He was wrapped up like a cotton ball, sitting on a chair, warming himself in front of the brazier. When he saw them coming, he said, "It must be for land reclamation."

He knew that Qin Gus Luotian family had visited the wasteland.

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