A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 65: Tianfu County

Chapter 65: Tianfu County

Chapter 65 Tianfu County

When the clerk heard this, his face became a little cold. After registering the information in the household registration, he gave him a bamboo sign with numbers, waved his hand and said: "Go to the side to get your things, next one." !

Gu Dashan hurriedly took the sign, took back his family's household registration paper, divorce documents, and Qi's official post. After putting all these things into his inner pocket, he took Gu Jin'an to the side to collect the things.

The government servant at the table next to them looked at their bamboo sign and gave them half a catty of grain and an old quilt: "The clothes have been distributed, and only the quilt is left. Take it if you want it, and put it down if you don't want it. You can come and get the grain every day." Half a pound."

"Hey, I got it. Thank you, Brother Cha." Gu Dashan said, and took the food to Gu Jin'an. He hugged the old quilt, squeezed through the crowd, and waited for Third Grandpa and the others in the distance.

Although half a catty of grain is small, Gu Dashan is very satisfied with receiving half a catty of grain every day.

However, many victims were very angry. They took the half a catty of grain and questioned the government officials who distributed it: "We have a family of twenty-three, and you give us half a catty of grain. How can we survive?!"

In ancient times, parents lived together, and many families had three generations living under the same roof. One family had dozens of people, and they only had to eat half a catty of grain a day, which was simply not enough.

The government officials ignored them. When they saw them making noise, they called the patrolling guards to drag away the disobedient people and beat them up.

After beating dozens of dissatisfied victims, other victims became quiet and did not dare to complain anymore.

Fifteen minutes later, Third Grandpa and the others also received food and old quilts, and squeezed out of the queue.

Gu Dashan led Gu Jinan to greet him: "Third uncle, second brother Luo, everyone has received something."

People in Gujia Village call Luo's father Uncle Luo or Brother Luo. Only Gu Dashan knows that Luo's father has an older brother in his hometown, but his relationship with the people in his hometown is not good. He said that he had an older brother and he didn't correct others when they called him Big Brother Luo, Uncle Luo. Over the years, everyone just called him that.

Three grandpa nodded to Father Luo: "I got it, let's go back."

Women from several families are still waiting in thatched huts in the suburbs. Now the suburbs are full of disaster victims, and people from major dental shops are running around in the suburbs. There are many people with bad intentions. They have been out for a few hours and are very worried about their families. people.

Qin Sanlang did not go back with them, but stayed to continue inquiring about the news.

Qin Sanlang had a lot of skills, and he was the one who went to find out the news all the way. The family no longer worried that something would happen to him, so they did not stop him from going, but helped Mr. Qin get his things back to the thatched hut in the suburbs. .

Half an hour later, they returned to the suburbs.

Today's suburbs are full of low thatched huts tied with branches and elongated thatch. The huts are only about half a person tall, and you need to bend down to enter the huts.

The hay huts of several families were behind the large hay huts. They walked around the hay huts and returned to the hay huts of several families.

Qin Erlang held a machete and led several children around their hut to prevent other victims from approaching. When they saw them coming back, all the children from the families rushed up happily.

Dad, what did you get to eat?

There are also quilts, so we wont be woken up by the cold again at night.

It is now mid-December and the weather is very cold. They are woken up by the cold every night and need to get up and run a few laps to warm their bodies before they can go back to sleep.

Several adults gave the things they received to the children, which made them happy for a long time.

The women from several families were a little disappointed when they saw that they did not receive any clothing to keep out the cold, but they were able to receive old quilts and half a catty of food every day, which was pretty good. The third grandma opened the bag containing the grain. When she saw the grain inside, she laughed: "It's beans and old rice."

Ms. Chen was not satisfied, however: "The official in He'an Prefecture is so stingy. He just gave us this little grain, mixed with beans. The beans were weighed, and a few handfuls of beans equaled half a catty. Why didn't they all give us rice?"

Mrs. Chu said: "Rice is precious and there are so many victims. How can the government give us rice for disaster relief? If you can give us beans and old rice, just enjoy it secretly."

Gu Jinli handed the grain that Gu Dashan had brought back to Mrs. Cui, and said to the third grandma: "Third grandma, let's pick out the beans, wash the old rice with salt, and make some rice porridge to drink. Let's escape the famine all the way and clear our stomach and intestines." We are all starving. Drink more rice porridge to nourish your stomach."

Mr. Chen shouted: "Salt is very valuable, how can we use it to wash rice?" Ms. Chen felt that Gu Jinli was too prodigal and felt sorry for her future husband's family. If anyone married Gu Xiaoyu, no matter how rich the family fortune was, it would be ruined.

Gu Jinli looked at her and said: "These old rice are a bit moldy. If you don't wash them with salt, they will be poisoned."

Mr. Chen is most afraid of death. When she heard this, she immediately shut up.

That night, several families drank a meal of old rice porridge that was very thin and rotten.

After finishing the porridge, Qin Sanlang told everyone the news he had learned: "The government will soon find a place to accommodate us. When we received the food and quilts today, the clerk spent a lot of time doing registration, which is to count the number of victims. , easy to make arrangements.

A government official said that the magistrates of the eight counties under the jurisdiction of Hean Prefecture will come to the city tonight. At that time, the prefect will distribute the victims to the eight counties for the county magistrates to resettle them.

Everyone was happy and panicked when they heard this. They are happy that they have finally settled down after being on the run for so long. What makes them panic is that they dont know where they will be assigned.

Mrs. Chen couldn't hold it in any longer and immediately asked: "Brother Qin, have you found out where we will be assigned? Can we be assigned to a wealthy county? What should we do if we are assigned to a poor rural area?"

Gu Dagui said: "It's already been settled that we can have a place to accommodate us, so just be satisfied."

How many state capitals along the way closed their city gates and sent officers and soldiers to drive them away? Now that you can settle down and settle down, you are still picky and picky. Is this because you think the hard life is not enough?

Whats more, its impossible for the prefect to let them choose. If every disaster victim chooses a place, it wont be a mess.

Qin Sanlang shook his head: "I don't know, the yamen servant said. He just said that the prefect is afraid that so many victims will gather outside the city and something will happen, so they have to leave in batches before the New Year."

So they can settle down as early as before the Chinese New Year.

When Third Grandma and Lao Yan heard this, they immediately bowed to the outside of the hut: "God bless me, if I can settle down before the Chinese New Year, everything will be fine."

Mr. Qin was also very happy when he heard the news. If they could be resettled before the New Year, the yamen would not be too busy to check them in the rush to seal the New Year, and they would be safe.

Because of the disaster victims, the prefect was so anxious that he could not sleep. When the magistrates from the eight counties under his control arrived, he discussed all night and assigned the victims registered during the day to a group of them, ordering them to wait for at most three days. Distributed to them and taken away by the victims.

This can take away one group at a time, otherwise tens of thousands of victims will surround the city and he will not even dare to sleep.

So at noon the next day, a large number of government officials came to the straw huts in the suburbs to notify the victims one by one.

By the time we arrived at the huts of Qin Guluotians family, it was already dark.

The men from several houses hurried up to greet them and asked with a smile: "Brother, who are you?"

The leading yamen servant didn't talk nonsense to them. He only asked them for the bamboo sign that the clerk gave them when they received food. After reading the numbers on the bamboo sign, he told them: "5043, 5044, 5 045, 5046, 5047, 5048, 5049, you guys are assigned to Tianfu County under the jurisdiction of He'an Prefecture. In the next two days, the people in Tianfu County will Im here to take you away, so be prepared and dont make people wait when the time comes.

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