A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 62: He'an Province

Chapter 62: He'an Province

Chapter 62 He'an Mansion

Zhong Xiucai had never thought of adopting Ma Cuilan, so he was stunned when he heard her cry and beg.

Seeing Zhong Xiucai stunned, Ma Cuilan burst into tears and kowtowed to him. While kowtowing, she said: "Master Xiucai, Cuilan really has no way to survive. Please adopt Cuilan."

Ma Cuilans head was already injured, but as she kept kowtowing, her newly bandaged wound began to bleed again, which made the victims around her feel uncomfortable.

A woman stopped her and prevented her from kowtowing.

A woman spoke for her: "Zhong Xiucai, please adopt this girl. She is an unmarried girl. If something like this happens to her family again, she can no longer travel alone. She must find a kind-hearted and generous family." adoption."

"Officials should love the people as their own children, don't they? You are a scholar. In the eyes of us common people, you are just like the officials in the yamen. You can't ignore this girl at this time."

Yes, Zhong Xiucai, this girl Cuilan is so pitiful, just adopt her.

More than a dozen women tried to persuade Zhong Xiucai one by one, saying many nice words, which made Zhong Xiucai very excited. She felt that she was a scholar and a nobleman like an official. Should she be protected at this time? Rely on Ma Cuilan.

Seeing that Zhong Xiucai was praised, Ren Li was very pleased and said at the right time: "Zhong Xiucai, you are different from the rest of us. You come from a good family and you are a scholar with a good reputation. You care about the people most and your family cares about you." Good man, you dont have a daughter, so it would be great if Cuilan could become your daughter.

Ren Li sighed: "Well, my family has many people and is not rich. If my family were as rich as yours, I would definitely adopt Cuilan's child."

In the Chu Dynasty, the li chief could go directly to the yamen to meet the county magistrate. He was a local official and was a great figure in the villages of ten li and eight villages. In many cases, the li chief did not take the scholar seriously. After all, the scholar could not If you want to get ahead as an official, you have to pass the exam.

Because of this, Zhong Xiucai felt dizzy after being flattered by Ren Lichang. He felt a little dizzy and said with a smile on his face: "Ren Lichang's words are serious. I don't want to see the child suffer, so I just helped."

Ren Li was overjoyed and hurriedly said to Ma Cuilan: "You kid, what are you doing in a daze? Thank Zhong Xiucai quickly. He has agreed to adopt you as his daughter."

Ma Cuilan was very aware of the opportunity. When she heard this, she immediately choked up and said to Zhong Xiucai: "Cuilan... No, my daughter thanks her father for taking her in. My daughter swears that she will be filial to her father and mother, respect her brother and sister-in-law, and take good care of her nephew. Niece, try your best to help the family and not cause trouble to the family."

After saying that, he kowtowed three times to Zhong Xiucai, which was regarded as recognizing Zhong Xiucai as his father.

The surrounding victims were very happy to see that the matter had been resolved, and the happiest ones were Chief Ren and Ma Cuilan.

Mr. Ren was completely relieved. If Zhong Xiucai didn't adopt Ma Cuilan, with Ma Cuilan's temperament, there would definitely be trouble on the road. He didn't want to deal with Ma Cuilan's trouble anymore.

Ma Cuilan achieved her goal and became a girl from the scholar family. It can be said that she flew to the branch and turned over. She was much more beautiful than when she was in the Ma family.

Seeing that the matter was settled, the head of Miao Village was very happy. Knowing that Zhong Xiucai likes to be flattered by others, he said a few nice words and made Zhong Xiucai feel comfortable. Then, in front of all the victims, he made the villagers of Miaojiagou He took Miao Liushun and beat him twenty times, and the matter was over.

Zhong Xiucai saw that Miao Liushun was being punished, and scolded Miao Liushun politely. After satisfying the official's addiction, he happily led Ma Cuilan back to his resting place.

After Zhong Xiucai and Ma Cuilan left, Miao Village Chief also took Miaojiagou villagers and carried Miao Liushun back to the resting place in their village. Ren Lichang also left.

Seeing that there was nothing to do, the victims dispersed one after another. Only the third grandmother could not recover and still stood there. The third grandfather looked at her, snorted and said, "You see, don't be so kind in the future. The girl who has suffered will know how to calculate, so you don't need to feel sorry for her."

Ma Cuilan never thought about being adopted by their family. She just used their family as a raft to make the matter bigger and take the opportunity to get into a family with better conditions.

The third grandmas eyes were red. She lowered her head and wiped her tears. She nodded and said yes, which was considered to be in agreement with the third grandpas words.

Third Grandpa knew that she felt bad because of what happened to Jue Hu and Fu Ya'er, and he always hated to see younger girls suffer. He sighed, took Third Grandma's hand and said, "Come back, it's time to cook." As long as he is here, he will definitely live longer than her and prevent her from being too miserable after her death.

After Zhong Xiucai took Ma Cuilan back, the Zhong family made a fuss, but in the end they failed to drive Ma Cuilan away.

In the following days, the weather became colder and colder. In order to survive, everyone had no choice but to hurry up and reach the outside of Tongshanfufu City in less than two days. However, the defenders of Tongshanfufu City also set up roadblocks to prevent the victims from entering the city.

The victims had no choice but to continue moving forward, passing through Pingning Mansion and entering the Jianghuai boundary.

Jianghuai is close to Jiangnan, so the disaster was not serious. The river water was only half full and did not stop flowing.

Grandpa San and the others burst into tears when they saw the flowing river. However, the officials at the Jianghuai border were afraid that the victims would cause trouble and did not dare to let the victims stay. Like the six prefectures in Zhongzhou, the city gates were closed tightly and they would not allow the victims to enter the city or provide relief.

The victims were once again desperate, cursing officials in Jianghuai and other places. After scolding them, they set off again and headed south of the Yangtze River, hoping that the officials in the south of the Yangtze River would open the city gates to let them in and give them a way to survive.

Hurrying all the way, they passed through the four prefectures on the Jianghuai border. When they arrived at He'an Prefecture, they were unexpectedly stopped by a large number of defenders and were not allowed to go further south.

The victims didnt know what had happened, so they had no choice but to stop and sleep outdoors on the outskirts of Hean Mansion.

Although the victims were curious as to why the government did not allow them to continue walking south, it was already mid-December, the real twelfth lunar month of winter, and it was so cold that peoples bones ached. In order to survive, they could only suppress their curiosity and start looking everywhere. Make a fire with firewood to keep warm.

Gu Jinli and his family found a piece of land leeward from the wind. They all worked together to cut branches and find weeds. When it got dark, they finally built a shelter for the night.

After they set up the shed, lit a fire, and boiled the water, Qin Erlang and Qin Sanlang, who went to inquire about the news, also came back.

When several families saw them coming back, they immediately welcomed them into the shed. Before they could sit down, they immediately asked: "Brother Qin, Brother Qin, what's going on in Fucheng? Why don't you let us continue going south?"

Qin Sanlang said: "The victims in the northwest, northeast, and south have rebelled and captured more than a dozen cities. Now there is a commotion outside. The court has no choice but to provide full relief."

"Jiangnan is the granary of Chu. In order to protect Jiangnan, the imperial court sent heavy troops to He'an Prefecture and Linhe Prefecture to stop the victims on the north side of the Huai River and not allow the victims to cross the Huai River and enter the hinterland of Jiangnan."

This is why victims were stopped.

Theres nothing wrong with that. Im about to settle down. Thank you for your support, okay? ^0^. Actually I like this facial expression better. |O|Ouch~~ Looking for a name, various names, the more earthy the better!

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