A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 3210: The end of the full text, the Northeast War, a quick victory

Chapter 3210: The end of the full text, the Northeast War, a quick victory

The end of the full text of Chapter 3210, the Northeast War, a quick victory

"Your family members were kidnapped by enemy thieves. Why didn't you report such a big thing? Concealing military information, that's what my elder brother and I taught you?!" General Xiao Liu was so angry that he swung his riding whip and beat several generals severely.

The generals suffered and shouted that they realized their mistake, but: "That traitor Rui Xiong sent a threatening letter. If we dare to report this matter, our families will be tortured. The boys and girls will be mutilated and castrated, and the girls will be thrown into the military camp." Inside... ears, fingers, noses and other things have been sent... General Xiao Liu, we are really afraid!"

I cried out loud after saying this.

A large group of men knelt down and cried bitterly, which was very sad to see.

But General Liu became even more angry and kicked his most familiar general: "Liu Guangze, not only did you conceal important military information, but you also accepted threats from enemy thieves. How is this different from collaborating with the enemy? I will kill you!"

Having said that, he really drew his sword.

General Bing hurried to stop him and knelt in front of Liu Guangze: "Brother Liu, you can't kill him. Aze and the others only made mistakes for the sake of their family. Whoever's son is caught by the enemy soldiers will be anxious..."

"But they violated military law!" General Xiao Liu roared: "And as soon as the Duke of Qin arrived, they knelt down in public and begged for help. What kind of idea did they have? Do you still have to say it?"

He pointed at Liu Guangze and others and said: "Let me tell you, Qin Guogong's father and ancestors are all kind to the Liu family. If any of you dare to embarrass him, he will be at odds with me, Liu Tao, my Liu family, and the Xiao family!"

The three families of Qin, Gu and Xiao are now in-laws, and most of the generals in Jiqing Mansion were brought out by General Xiao.

He sneered again: "Don't forget, Duke Guo of Qin is your Majesty's cousin!"

General Xiao Liu is not stupid. He understands that the generals in the Northeast have changed. Although he has great feelings for these comrades, he still supports Qin Sanlang in public.

I also want to take this opportunity to tell these generals... don't do stupid things. Going against the Duke of Qin means going against His Majesty. That will result in the annihilation of the entire clan!

Liu Guangze looked at Qin Sanlang hurriedly: "Qin Guo Gong, these generals know that they have violated military laws. They no longer ask for their lives. They only ask Qin Guo Gong to agree to rescue our children. We kowtow to you!"

Bang, bang, bang, a group of military generals kept kowtowing to Qin Sanlang... There were more than 20 military generals. The only one with the highest military rank was Liu Guangze, a deputy general, and the rest were from thousands of households.

But the people of thousands of households are the ones who really lead the troops to kill the enemy!

Rui Xiong is worthy of being Ning Ji's son, and all his tricks are underhanded.

"You, you are clearly forcing the commander!" General Xiao Liu was going crazy. He wanted to order people to arrest and clean up these generals, but Qin Sanlang stopped him.

"Don't worry, colleagues, I, Qin Mu, will definitely rescue your children. If they are unfortunately killed, I will definitely kill all the people who harmed them and avenge them!" Qin Sanlang made the promise in public, and then told Liu Guangze They said: "The Qing thieves are insidious and ferocious. I hope you all will work together with me to defeat the enemy thieves!"

General Bing was also afraid of something happening, so he was the first to respond: "All the generals in the Northeast will obey the orders of the Duke of Qin and work together to defeat the enemy and thieves!"

Liu Guangze wiped the tears on his face and said gratefully: "Thank you very much, Lord Qin, for being willing to save our family. We will definitely listen to Duke Qin!"

Second uncle/Second uncle! Two shouts came. It was General Lius two sons who arrived.

"Brother Dai, Brother Chong!" General Xiao Liu was so excited that he ran towards his two nephews, looked them up and down several times, then called San Nuo and begged: "Doctor Xiao Lei, show them. Have you been poisoned by the Qing thief?"

Sannuo stepped forward, checked the two of them, and said, "No problem."

General Xiao Liu was relieved. The three uncles and nephews cried together again when they talked about the death of General Liu.

All the generals in the Northeast admired Liu Hou. Their eyes turned red when they saw this, and they all promised: "We will definitely cut the Qing bandits and the Shangui army into thousands of pieces to avenge Liu Hou!"

Kill the Qing bandits, destroy the mountain ghost army, and avenge Liu Hou!

The shouts were soaring into the sky and the murderous spirit was so fierce that it was an eyesore to some people. "I'm going to pay homage to the Duke of Qin." Zhou Tongpan and Lin Tongzhi came over to pay homage to Qin Sanlang. They were civil servants from Jiqing Mansion who stayed in Linfang Camp.

Beside them were two generals commanding the envoys, named Sun and An.

General Sun told the story about commanding Tongzhi: "Yin Tongzhi was hit by a poisonous arrow when he was leading his troops to retreat from the enemy. Now he is recovering from his injuries in the camp and cannot come to greet the Duke of Qin. I would like to ask the Duke of Qin to forgive me."

"Old Yin was hit by a poisonous arrow? When did it happen? How are you now? Your life is in danger!" General Xiao Liu was very anxious when he heard that his old friend had been poisoned.

General Sun replied: "There is no danger to his life, but the poison is so powerful that it can corrode the skin and flesh. A hole was made in Yin Tongzhi's calf. The poison is also contagious, causing people who come into contact with the poisonous blood and rotten flesh to be poisoned, causing It developed ulcers... Fortunately, after the military doctors observed it for a period of time, they found that the number of people that the poison could infect was limited, and they set up hospital camps to isolate them, as well as the prescription of salicylic acid powder given by the court. Otherwise, at this time of year, Lin Fang The camp has long been filled with stench.

"It's so serious." General Xiao Liu looked at San Nuo. He did not ask him to detoxify Yin Tongzhi immediately, but looked at Qin Sanlang... Sanlang is the commander, and he must listen to Sannuo and not do anything in the army. .

Qin Sanlang said to Sang Nuo: "It sounds very similar to the livestock virus used by the soldiers. You should first check the status of the poisoned person. After you have an idea, you can take precautions and go to the hospital camp to see the patients."

He then said to General Xiao Liu: "Uncle Xiao Liu, arrange for reinforcements to set up camp."

"Yes." General Xiao Liu asked General Sun for the detailed map and defense plan of Linfang Camp, and marked a place for the reinforcements to set up camp.

Qin Sanlang's big tent was set up in the middle of the reinforcement camp.

The Northeastern military generals felt something was wrong: "Qin Guogong, a house has been built for the commander in the camp. You can just move in."

But Qin Sanlang refused: "What arrived today is only the advance army. From tomorrow onwards, reinforcements will arrive. The Linfang camp is too small and needs to be expanded more than twice. After the expansion, the Chinese army's tent will happen to be in the new camp." In the middle of the camp, its convenient for me to meet the general.

"The Duke of Qin has thought carefully, so he will do this." General Sun went to transfer supplies and help the reinforcements set up camp.

But they didn't do much to help. When the reinforcements arrived at the designated area, they took the supplies they brought and set up tents. They were settled in half an hour and even had food.

The action was so fast.

Not only is it fast, we dont even need a tent from Linfang Camp, and we bring our own food and water.

Bring your own? How much water can you bring? Is it enough for them to drink until tomorrow?

"Oh, they have already built a leather shed to catch the rain, and also hung a leather bag in the forest to catch the dew. If they save some water, they can last for two days. By then, the follow-up reinforcements will also arrive. They will have more troops and can control it. Now that Linfang is encamped, there is no need to be so cautious, and it will be difficult for us to take action."

Qin Sanlang and the others were the advance army. They looked many, but they were less than 20,000. The army was still walking behind with a large amount of food, grass and baggage.

The total reinforcements are hundreds of thousands, and the family members have been taken captive again... we must decide as soon as possible whether we should do it or not.


Lin Tongzhi tapped the inkstone lightly with his pen and stared at the candlestick with his small eyes. After a moment, he opened his eyes wider and said in a deep voice: "Soldiers are very quick. Inform our people to take action tonight... Even if he is a tiger, facing Even the pack of wolves must save their lives.

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