A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 3183: The beginning and end of killing Chu [End]

Chapter 3183: The beginning and end of killing Chu [End]

Chapter 3183 The Beginning and End of Killing Chu [Final Chapter]

The crowd was excited, and some people had already reported their names to Wei Changling and wanted to register to join the army.

Wei Changling was very happy, but Rui Shuang was bored to death by hearing this and was ready to give up. Wu Changzhen said hurriedly: "Be quiet, be quiet! Those who want to join the army to help the Northeast can bring their household registration to the Five Cities Army and Horses Division to sign up tomorrow. Today I will only tell you the truth about the disaster!"

Rui Shuang didn't explode just now.

But because she was angry, she coughed violently, to the point where it was difficult to breathe. She quickly pinched several acupuncture points near her neck, and then she regained her breath.

Wu Changzhen was afraid that Rui Shuang wouldn't be able to survive, so he endured the pain and said hurriedly: "The reason why Emperor Dongqing gave the princess to Ning Zei as his wife is not only because of the great progress in the medicine soldiers developed by Ning Zei, but also because Ning Zei brought him here We have many accomplices, the most important of whom is the old King Tuogu of Dayong!"

The people were stunned when they heard this: "Old King Tuogu? That sounds familiar...but is the father of King Tuogu, who had his arm cut off by the Duke of Qin?"

"Exactly." Wu Changzhen nodded, remained silent for a while, and continued: "Old King Tuogude has a powerful witch army in his hands, specializing in latent assassinations. The disaster of the witch army in Beicang Prefecture a few years ago was caused by The witch army was carefully crafted. But the witch army commanded by the old King Tuogu was more powerful than the witch army in Beicang Mansion. In the last years of Dafeng, there were witch armies who took advantage of the chaos in Dafeng to sneak in. Our territory!

Its just that the number of lurking witches is small. They can only do small things like stealing ordnance blueprints and assassinating generals. They cannot shake our giant-like empire.

"But because Ning Ji colluded with Emperor Dongqing, and because Emperor Jingtai was afraid of Emperor Jingyuan, King Lao Tuogu sensed an opportunity and went to Dongqing in person to formulate an agreement with Emperor Dongqing, Ning Thief, the remnants of Da Feng, etc. An even more brutal plan to destroy Chu..."

"And if you want to destroy Chu, you must first kill the generals. If you want to kill the generals, you must first separate the relationship between the emperor and the generals. King Lao Tuogu is the best at this. He used the incident of Emperor Jingyuan who once lived in the Rong realm Son, spread rumors that slandered Emperor Jingyuan, and spread this rumor to the ears of Emperor Jingtai through the mouths of rebellious ministers of the famous family, so that Emperor Jingtai believed it to be true. It even made Emperor Jingtai think that something happened to Emperor Jingyuan because it was the Duke of Wei who deliberately Because of this, Emperor Jingtai began to be afraid of the Wei Guogong line and hated Emperor Jingyuan!"

He is afraid that the military power of the Wei Guo is too much military power and the boldness will be destroyed in the future.

Hate that Emperor Jingyuan had disgraced him and wanted to be his successor!

After hearing this, the people were indignant: "The thieves are so vicious. Not only did they rob us openly, but they also planned poisonous plots to harm us behind the scenes!"


Who is the rebellious minister of the noble family who surrendered to the enemy?!

Wu Changzhen said: "It's the family of Mr. Zhongge and Hou Hong of Wenchang."

"Mr. Zhongge? Marquis Wenchang? Who is it?!" Ninety people present didn't know.

But the elders knew: "The Zhong family and the Hong family were the first aristocratic families to bring their property to Da Chu. They were at their peak at that time. The youngest daughter of Marquis Wenchang even married Emperor Jingtai and became Jingtai Emperor." The emperor's favorite concubine, the eleventh prince was born to Concubine Wen. At that time, there were rumors in the capital that Emperor Jingtai was going to make the eleventh prince the crown prince!"


Later something big happened, the two families were wiped out, and even Concubine Wen and the eleventh prince died.

No need to guess, it was Emperor Jingyuan who did it... In order to seize the throne, Emperor Jingyuan and Emperor Jingtai had a real fight. In the end, Emperor Jingtai was defeated and Emperor Jingyuan ascended the throne.

And Emperor Jingyuan was able to win because the empress's family, Zhong family, Luo, Qin, Wei family, Feng family, and Emperor Jingwu's courtiers all helped a lot.

But not long after he ascended the throne, Emperor Jingyuan raised the butcher knife towards the Duke Wei's mansion.

The old stories of the royal family were mentioned again by the old people, and everyone who heard it was very sad... The royal family looked noble, but the life inside was not as stable and peaceful as ordinary people's homes.

He also scolded the Zhongge family and the Hong family: "Ah, we are still a thousand-year-old family. The civil servants of this family are the most abominable. They are eating the salary of the court and being worshiped by the big guys, but they seek the country with the enemy. It is really not a pity to die!" "

After cursing, he began to question again: "General Wu, these are your oral statements, where is the evidence? We want to see the witnesses and physical evidence!"

Wu Changzhen knew they didn't believe it, so he looked at Wei Changling and said, "Let Chu Jun bring Ji Yuanhong."

"Hey." Wei Changling went to find Chu Jun in person, and the two of them brought Ji Yuanhong with their soldiers and horses. Ji Yuanhong was very afraid that Wei Xiao would kill the donkey, so he shouted hurriedly without Wei Changling's introduction: "This is Ji Yuanhong. His grandfather was Ji Shengding, the governor of Jiangnan in the Feng Dynasty. He fought with Emperor Jingwu of the Great Chu. The world!"

He also shouted: "The Ning thief collaborated with the enemy to seek power and captured my family as hostages. I had to pretend to surrender to him. Fortunately, Your Majesty was so powerful that he destroyed the Ning thief. In gratitude for His Majesty's kindness, a certain person volunteered to testify and provide evidence to solve the problem. All parties will kill Chu from beginning to end!"

Your Majesty is kind and seeing that I have done a good job in exposing the thief, you have already promised the Ji family the position of Wu Zhonghou!

I shouted it out in one breath.

Wei Changling looked ugly and urged Ji Yuanhong: "Don't talk nonsense and open the evidence box quickly."

Ji Yuanhong smiled and said: "General Wei, don't be angry. We will be colleagues from now on. Moreover, this is for your Majesty, I will do my best."

Wei Changling almost vomited after hearing this... He had seen a lot of villains, but Ji Yuanhong was the most disgusting. It was obvious that the Ji family also participated in the plan to kill Chu and destroy Wei, but Ji Yuanhong was here to act as a hero to expose the thieves!

Whats even more disgusting is that he still has to endure him.

It was Wu Changzhen who spoke: "Master Ji, it's getting late, hurry up... All the ministers and generals are injured and sick, and they can't hold on any longer."

Ji Yuanhong is already a dead man, so there is no need to vent his anger on the dead.

Ji Yuanhong had already let the people know that he was a meritorious official, so he stopped stretching his arms and said to Chu Jun: "Take out the nine-turn mechanism box and slowly open it according to the method I told you. The physical evidence is in the mechanism box."

The Ji family could compete with Emperor Jingwu because they had some great abilities. Taking advantage of the great chaos in Dafeng, the Ji family obtained a group of craftsmen from the Dafeng court and made a nine-turn machine box. It was originally intended to be used to hold jade seals, but Ji Shengding failed, and his children and grandchildren used the machine box to contain treasonous letters to and from various parties.

Only the Ji family knows how to unlock this nine-turn mechanism box. If it is smashed hard or the steps are wrong, the saltpeter inside will burn and destroy the evidence.

This is the reason why Ji Yuanhong dared to fight Wei Xiao and the others.

This is also the reason why Wei Xiao and Gu Jinan had to spend time with him.

Chu Jun quickly took out the nine-turn machine box.

When everyone saw it, they were shocked and said: "The evidence is in this iron box?"

Ji Yuanhong nodded: "Well, my father's correspondence with the rebellious ministers of the family, the old King Tuogu, the Dongqing people, and Wei Qi are all hidden in it."

Everyone exclaimed: "So much evidence has been hidden?"

Why hide so much?

Of course its to gain allies and sell them off.

Anyway, the Ji family only engages in profitable business and never loses money.

Of course, Ji Yuanhong will not tell them this... He is now a great contributor to the defense and elimination of thieves, and he is a good person.

How to open it, tell me quickly! Chu Jun urged, and the craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry who were proficient in machine tools were also waiting nearby.

Ji Yuanhong: "Don't worry... Use the key I gave you and open the five locks on all sides of the mechanism box at the same time. At this time, the box shell will not open, but there will be a small hole on the top of the box. Pour oil into it to prevent the mechanism from rubbing saltpeter and catching fire. Finally, open the top hole lock, so that all the first-layer machine boxes will be opened, revealing the second-layer box."

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