A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 3125: Ning Ji's misfortune, the so-called surprise weapon【5】

Chapter 3125: Ning Ji's misfortune, the so-called surprise weapon【5】

Chapter 3125 Ning Jis misfortune, the so-called surprise weapon [5]

The horses were frightened and ran wild, trampling and injuring several enemy soldiers.

The prisoners on death row took the opportunity to swarm up and kill the men and horses of Mr. Jin Banner... Those who had weapons were killed with weapons, and those without weapons were bitten and beaten with fists and kicks. By the time Mr. Jin Banner's men and horses came to their senses, most of them were dead or injured. .

The rest hurriedly called to the medicine men: "Ring the medicine bell quickly and use the medicine soldiers to tear these prisoners apart!"

Catch the person holding the medicine bell! Qi Sanyue shouted, and struck out the big yue knife in his hand again. Bang, the medicine practitioner was hit in the back and fell to the ground. The medicine bell rolled to the ground.

There were three medicine men, and the other two had already turned the medicine bells. The tinkling bells rang, and the medicine soldiers immediately went crazy and started to kill Qi Sanyue and the others.

Disperse! Qi Sanyue shouted, but he picked up the big yue knife and rushed forward, hitting the medicine soldiers head hard.


The shock caused half of his arm to become numb, but only the medicine soldier's flesh and skin were injured, and his bones were completely unharmed.

The bones are as hard as iron, it is indeed a monster! Qi Sanyue hurriedly told the prisoners on death row: You cant forcefully lure the monster to death row and trap it.

"Yes!" the death row prisoner responded. Some of them had been scouts and were fast runners. They followed Qi Sanyue to walk the medicine soldiers.

Xu Chongfeng said anxiously: "No, there are still a large number of unconscious prisoners in the prison. They will be bitten to death by monsters. They are not death row prisoners. Some of them may be unjustly accused!"

"..." Qi Sanyue avoided the medical soldiers and took the time to yell at Xu Chongfeng: "You are the most troublesome, hide quickly, we don't have time to save you!"

Boss, catch the medicine bell! Someone took advantage of the chaos and got the fallen medicine bell and threw it to Qi Sanyue.

After Qi Sanyue got it, he took a quick look and saw that the medicine soldier had grabbed him by the corner of his clothes. His coat was ruined. He was so angry that he chopped the medicine bell into pieces with a knife.

Ding ding ding!

A distorted bell rang, and all the poison hidden in the medicine bell flew out. It had no smell to humans, but the medicine soldiers could clearly smell the smell of the medicine... But the smell was wrong. The medicine soldiers paused, and then began to go crazy. , regardless of friend or foe, they will bite.

The enemy soldiers were unprepared for the medicine soldiers, and several were killed in a short time, leaving only a dozen people.

They went crazy and scolded the two medicine men: "Trash, control the medicine soldiers quickly, or we will all die!"

But the medicine disciples have no access to the real secrets of the medicine soldiers. They only know: "There is a mechanism in the medicine bell. Press the fixed mechanism to control the medicine soldiers. We don't know the rest. We have to ask the three surnames of Rui, Zhao and Qiang." The leaders!"

But the powerful prisoners are all detained in the prison outside the Ministry of Punishment and the Five-City Military and Horse Department. In addition, the big guys look down on Xu Chongfeng, so the manpower here is the minimum. Who would have thought that they would encounter hard problems? !

Qi Sanyue was very happy when he heard this and called out to the prisoners on death row: "Hide all of them and let the monsters bite them!"

The enemy soldiers were furious and fled for their lives.


Swish swish!

Xu Dexian led a large number of Tibetan soldiers to block the gate, fired arrows at them, blocked their retreat, and then closed the door immediately.

The road ahead was blocked, and the medicine soldiers quickly rushed forward. A dozen enemy soldiers were bitten and screamed in agony.

"Go!" Qi Sanyue saw the right moment, held a big yue knife, and led a few of his best brothers to rush forward and sneak attack the medicine soldiers.

It's a pity that they fought desperately for three times, but failed to injure the medicine soldiers at all. They also angered the medicine soldiers and killed them.


Hiss, a death row prisoners arm was torn off by a medical officer.

"Ah!" The death row prisoner almost fainted from the pain and shouted with all his strength: "Third brother, kill me quickly, I don't want to become a monster!"

Whoosh, a hooked rope flew over, hooked his shoulder, and pulled him to a safe place. Fang chased them out and killed them. He tore open the medicine bag, used hemostatic gold sore medicine to paste his wound, and used beef tendon to The rope tied his broken arm, controlled the blood flow, and carried him to the wall.

The two dead soldiers poured stink potion on the bloodstains to cover up the smell of blood.

The death row prisoner with a broken arm is still begging: "Kill me, I don't want to become a monster~"

"Don't scream, you are not qualified to turn into a monster." Fang Zhui gave him a roll of his eyes and explained: "Thief Ning spent a lot of effort to raise these things. If you are bitten, you can turn into a monster. Thief Ning There is no need to wait for the opportunity, I have already led the monsters to conquer the entire territory."


Wont you turn into a monster? Thats great~ The man on death row with a broken arm was extremely happy.

The stubble is too hard to chew, so get out quickly! Qi Sanyue led the death row prisoners back and called Xu Chongfeng and others to escape to the back door of Dali Temple.

On the way, Qi Sanyue said: "Sir, this business is not easy to do. We can only promise you to save more people. As for those monsters, we can't kill them."

It was really impossible to kill him. His big yue knife had two holes popped out.

"...It's done." Xu Chongfeng knew that it was difficult to fight with medicine soldiers, so he agreed, and said: "There is a tunnel in the bookstore next door. Where do you send people? We use the tunnel to transport people to the prison. The safest place now is the prison."

It was indeed a good idea, but Qi Sanyue paused and said: "...There are monsters in Dali Temple. What if they break through the iron gate and break into the prison?"

Fang Zhui said: "Don't worry, Yang Chui and others understand the structure of Falcon Mou, and they will block the road in front of the prison."

What the hell? The death row inmates didnt understand, but they soon understood.


There was a loud noise, causing them to stop in surprise.

Qi Sanyue hurriedly climbed to the roof of the bookstore, looked at the direction of the sound, paused, and exclaimed in surprise: "It's amazing, it actually collapsed the entire row of the jailer's house!"

There were several rooms in front of the prison entrance, where the jailers were on duty. Now those houses have collapsed, and the prison entrance has just been buried.


The medicine soldiers were frightened and became more and more manic, rushing around and causing great harm to Dali Temple.

Xu Chongfeng cried anxiously when he heard the screams, and was very worried about Xu Dexian.

Fortunately, it didnt take long for Xu Dexian, Fang Tian, Yang Chui and others to catch up. Two hundred people arrived, plus a large group of death row prisoners, so that there was no space left in the cellar of the bookstore.

Get the map. Every house, mansion, and street in the capital is clearly marked.

Rescue people according to the map, save those who are nearby first, and send them here... Those who are less skilled and slower will stay behind and be responsible for receiving and treating the injured..."

Xu Dexian spoke quickly. After the explanation, Xu Chongfeng took out the weapons hidden in the tunnel for them and said: "They are all from Dali Temple. They need to be recycled after the completion. No one can hide them privately. It is against the law to hide weapons privately." !

It was really annoying. Qi Sanyue wanted to beat him, but now he was pressed for time, so he hurriedly called out to the prisoners on death row: "If you are good with weapons, come with me!"

Weapons are limited, and not everyone has them.

Yes! The skilled death row prisoner immediately took his weapon and rushed out.

Yang Chui and Fang Tian also led their troops out, while Fang Zhui stayed behind to take charge.

More than a quarter of an hour later, some prisoners on death row came back carrying injured people. They were all from the families of minor officials who lived in the back streets of Dali Temple.

Lao Peng, its really you, thats great! Xu Chongfeng was very excited, but there were only six of Lao Pengs family of more than a dozen people, and none of them were seriously injured.

It is an old rule to only save those who can survive. Those who are too seriously injured may not survive even if they are saved.

"Thank you, sir... It's our blessing that you still remember us at this time." Lao Peng was so grateful that he burst into tears. He really didn't expect that someone would come to save them.

While I was crying, another group of death row prisoners came back.

Xu Dexian said hurriedly: "Dad, stop talking about old times and transport the people to the prison quickly, otherwise there won't be enough congestion here."

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