A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 139: Mo Chunyue counterattacks

Chapter 139: Mo Chunyue counterattacks

Chapter 139 Mo Chunyue counterattacks

These words made the faces of the entire Mo family feel hot.

Old Mrs. Mo was in a dilemma and could only ask Mrs. Shuan to wait for a while. She ran to the back room and asked Mr. Mo: "Old man, do you want to sell it or not?"

Mr. Mo was also very angry when he heard what Mrs. Shuan said. But after he was angry, he calmed down and said cruelly: "Sell!"

Anyway, she is a girl with a bad reputation. She may not be able to get into a good family if she is kept. Although the money she sells for is small, it may allow the Mo family to climb up to the Lu family and the county magistrate.

Even though the Lu family was punished for robbing prescriptions, didnt the Lu family survive the same?

This is enough to prove the ability of the Lu family. The county magistrate still protects the Lu family.

He also heard that the county magistrate was very fond of the third young master born to Aunt Lu. The third young master was good at studying and was destined to be promising in the future. They must join the Lu family.

With what Mr. Mo said, Mrs. Mo returned to the main room and said to the eldest daughter-in-law Shuan, "It's settled, the matter is settled. I'll give you three taels of silver and I'll pick you up on the 22nd."

When the eldest daughter-in-law Shuan saw that the matter was done, she immediately smiled and said, "Okay, it's settled. Auntie, don't worry, when Chunyue becomes the third master's aunt, your family will be relatives of the Lu family, and from now on, they will live in all parts of the country. No one dares to bully your family, just wait and live a good life."

However, he also reminded: "Be kind to Chunyue girl these three days, but don't treat her harshly, lest she gets injured or becomes too skinny, which Third Master doesn't like."

"Hey, you know, we are good to Chun Yue." Dakui's wife said against her will. In fact, during this period of time, because Chun Yue refused to sell herself to be the girl who married her, the three of them, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, took turns. He was beaten and scolded, and his body was covered with bruises from being beaten.

Mo Chunyue hid behind the house, looking at the people in the house through the cracks in the old mud house, remembering all their faces in her mind. She was angry and desperate, and didn't understand why her family treated her like this. ?

Is it because she was touched by He Dacai?

Or is it because she has no mother, so she is easy to bully?

But she still has Mo Dali as her father.

But she begged Mo Dali many times, crying and saying that she could do embroidery work to make money for the family. After her reputation was ruined, she could marry a widower from a well-off family and still get a large betrothal gift for her family. She just begged Mo Dali not to sell her out.

Mo Dali refused to listen and said to her: "Yue Yatou, our family is a stranger. If we want to gain a foothold in the village, we must get married. You are the eldest sister in the family. You must think about your younger brothers and sisters and marry Lu San." I am the best. The Lu family is powerful and can help our family. Besides, after you go to the Lu family, you will be able to eat every meal and eat meat. Whats wrong with that?

Whats wrong with it?

Do they think she is a fool?

She has long heard about the filthiness of the Lu family. How did Widow Qiu spread in this village? Widow Qiu is not following Mr. Lu, but the entire Lu family.

If she enters the Lu family and signs a death contract, who knows how she will be abused?

She is also a daughter of a good family, why should she be made a court lady?

Also ask her to think about her younger siblings at home? Those were all cousins, and her biological brothers and sisters had long since died on the way to escape.

Her father only said these things because her grandma said that when she is sold, the money from selling her will be used to marry him a new wife, so that he can have a wife, give birth to sons, and continue the family line.

Mo Chunyue could no longer shed tears. After the despair, there was anger... The Mo family wanted to sell her and use her to join the Lu family and make the Mo family rich, but there was no way!

She will definitely make them regret it.

Mo Chunyue dragged her weak body back to the house before Shuan's wife left. When Mo's third wife came in, Mo Chunyue had already taken the soybean soup and sweet potatoes from Dakui's wife and started eating them.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Mo family felt very proud when they saw that she stopped going on hunger strike and started eating. Look, for a little girl, no matter how stubborn she is, there is no way she can cause trouble, and she has to accept her fate in the end. Mrs. Mo held Mo Chunyue's hand and said sincerely: "Chunyue, just think about it. The family will not harm you. The Lu family is really a first-class good family. If you join the Lu family, from now on You can eat meat every meal.

After Mo Chunyue finished eating the soybean soup in the bowl and the sweet potato in her hand, she said, "Nai, I've figured it out. The past few days were my fault. I shouldn't have been so disobedient to my elders."

He smiled again and said, "Dad has already told me how good the Lu family is. Even the servants of the Lu family wear cotton clothes instead of burlap and live a good life. Chunyue...Chunyue is willing to go to the Lu family."

She promised Mrs. Mo: "Don't worry, Ma, Chunyue is the granddaughter of the Mo family. She will remember the Mo family's kindness in raising her. When she enters the Lu family and captures the heart of the third master, she will definitely let the third master help the Mo family." .

"Hey, my dear granddaughter, you have finally figured it out. This is how it should be." Mrs. Mo was so happy that she asked Dakui's wife to get a sweet potato and give it to Mo Chunyue: "After that, You have to go out in three days, and you must be well fed and nourished, not hungry."

Mo Chunyue didnt refuse and ate the sweet potato in a few bites.

After eating, I said I was tired and wanted to rest.

Mrs. Mo said: "Have a good sleep and take good care of your body and bones."

After being raised well, you can serve Mr. Lu and benefit the Mo family.

Mrs. Mo and her two daughters-in-law went out happily and told Mr. Mo about Mo Chunyue's transformation.

Mr. Mo was quite smart when it came to scheming his own family. After hearing what Mrs. Mo said, he frowned and said, "Are you telling the truth? Isn't that girl Chunyue playing some trick?"

Mrs. Mo's smile paused: "No way, how can Chunyue be so scheming?"

Mr. Mo said: "If you're not afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. The Lu family will come to pick me up in three days. Don't be soft-hearted. You have to watch Chunyue carefully and don't let her run away."

Mrs. Mo said: "You are thinking too much. Chunyue is a little girl, and we still have her household registration in our hands. Where can she go? Without our family, how can a girl like her survive?" "

Hearing this, Mr. Mo felt that Mrs. Mo was right, but he still said uneasy: "Watch it for two days before speaking, so as not to offend that girl."

"Okay, don't worry. Can the old lady do this?" Old lady Mo disagreed, thinking that old man Mo just thought too much.

But Mr. Mo's worries came true. Mo Chunyue found a chance to escape after two days and before dawn on the third day. She knew she couldn't run away, so she didn't run far away, but went to He San Leizi's house.

She knew that He San Leizi was a bachelor, a scoundrel as good as He Dacai, and someone who could fight with the Mo family, so she went to find He San Leizi.

She didn't talk much. She took off her clothes after seeing He San Leizi.

He Sanleizi has become a lot more honest since he was beaten up by Gu Jinli and what happened with He Dacai and the others, but no matter how honest he is, he can't help being like this. After enduring it again and again, he still couldn't hold it back and had **** with Mo Chunyue. The rice is cooked.

By the time the Mo family found out that Mo Chunyue was missing and found her, it was already too late.

She covered her face and couldn't help but write about Mo Chunyue. She would not live a bad life in the future. Thank you to those who have always supported me^0^

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