A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 112: price increase

Chapter 112: price increase

Chapter 112 Price increase

After leaving the iron shop, Qin Sanlang hesitated for a while and asked Gu Jinli: "Xiaoyu, what are you doing making these discus? It costs a lot of money. Do Uncle Dashan and Aunt Dashan know about this?"

Gu Jinli looked at Qin Sanlang. The young man's face was only worried, without any intention of blaming her for spending money. He smiled and said: "Brother Qin, don't worry, my parents know. I told them to order discus." Hammer presses soybean oil.

Pressing soybean oil? Qin Sanlang frowned, not knowing about soybean oil.

"It's oil squeezed out of soybeans, which can be sold for money." Gu Jinli knew that Qin Sanlang was worried that she would lose all her money, so he said: "You don't have to worry about me losing money. If the soybean oil can't be made, I can still make a discus iron." Sell the hammer to the iron shop."

Iron can be smelted again after being melted and will not be wasted. And the iron shop is happy to collect these things. After all, there is no need to go to the Yamen again, which is much more convenient.

Seeing that she had a plan in mind, Qin Sanlang put down his worries and the two of them quickly returned to the tofu stall.

Nowadays, the business of the tofu stall is already very good, and people are all carrying baskets or carrying burdens to buy tofu.

Mrs. Chu and Aunt Tian were frying tofu and bean dregs cakes on the iron plate. Uncle Tian was packing the guests with yellow paper. Luo Huiniang was watching the fire while getting spice packets for the guests. Father Luo was carrying white tofu for the guests. Third Grandpa Everyone is busy collecting money.

The guest is still urging: "Boss, please hurry up. I'm still in a hurry to get to work. Remember to add some spicy food."

People who come to buy tofu include residents of the town, farmers who come to the town to sell their produce, and people who come to work in the town. These workers think the bean dregs cakes are fragrant, and those who are willing to buy them will buy one or two. Come for breakfast.

"Coming, coming, coming soon." Mrs. Chu responded while using a small shovel to flip the tofu and bean dregs cakes on the iron plate. After a while, she put the fried tofu and bean dregs cakes into a basket aside. , Aunt Tian handed it to Uncle Tian to pack.

Gu Jinli hurried to help. They brought an extra iron plate today. She put the washed iron plate on the clay stove borrowed from Xuanhufang and started to make a fire to fry tofu and bean dregs cakes.

With a sizzling sound, pour in the oil and wait until white smoke comes out of the iron plate. Then put the tofu cut into small pieces and the palm-sized bean dregs cakes on the iron plate and start frying.

After a while, the tofu and bean dregs cakes were fried until golden brown on both sides. Then grab a handful of seasoning powder and sprinkle it on the tofu and bean dregs cakes. The fragrant flavor came out immediately. Fry for a while and sprinkle a little of the guests' requirements. With the spicy food, this batch of tofu and bean dregs pancakes are ready.

Qin Sanlang came over to help with packing. The eight people in the group moved quickly. After working for more than half an hour, the number of guests became less and less. They could finally take a breath and no longer have to be so busy.

Im so exhausted. Luo Huiniang was biting the bean cake and drinking the soy milk she brought from home. She almost collapsed on the stool: I wont come here again next time. Its easier to grind spices at home.

Gu Jinli flipped the tofu and bean dregs cakes with a shovel, and deliberately laughed at her: "You said the same thing last time, why don't you do it the same way?"

Luo Huiniang chuckled: "I think it would be interesting to set up a stall."

Although she is tired from working at the stall, she can come to the town to play. She is happy when she sees people coming and going, so there is no way she will not come.

He asked Gu Jinli again: "Xiaoyu, what were you doing just now?"

I went to the iron shop and ordered some discus discs and hammers.

Discus and hammer? Luo Huiniang was puzzled: What do you want those things for?

"Make oil." Gu Jinli sprinkled the tofu and bean dregs cakes with seasonings, fried them for a while, sprinkled them with spicy pepper, and shoveled the tofu and bean dregs cakes into the basket.

Qin Sanlang held a small shovel in one hand and yellow paper folded into a funnel shape in the other. He shoveled six pieces of tofu into the yellow paper, wrapped it in twos and twos, and handed it to the guests aside: "Your fried pancake Five-spice tofu with spicy sauce.

Hey, your tofu is getting more and more delicious as you make it. The guest took the tofu, smelled it through the yellow paper, and left with satisfaction.

Can discus be made into oil? Luo Huiniang continued to ask.

"Yes." Gu Jinli took out tofu and raw bean dregs cakes and continued to fry them on the iron plate. Luo Huiniang didn't understand this, but she felt that playing with discus was better than playing with snakes, so she didn't ask any more questions, but hurriedly finished her food and went to get spice packets for the guests.

Today is not a market day, but their business is still good. Before noon, the tofu they brought was sold out, and the spice packets were sold out half an hour ago.

Many customers who came to buy white tofu did not buy the seasoning packets and complained a few times, only to leave in frustration with the white tofu.

Aunt Tian rummaged through the basket: "The spice packets are brought according to the kilograms of white tofu, how come they are sold out?"

Mrs. Chu said: "Don't look at it. Even if it's sold out, all the food shops and stalls in the town come to us to buy it."

The spices made from small fish are so delicious that food shops and food stalls in the town are rushing to buy them. They buy dozens or hundreds of packages at a time.

When Aunt Tian heard this, she hurriedly said: "Then we have to go home and grind the spices quickly, otherwise we will not be able to supply them."

Gu Jinli was helping to clear the tables and stools and listened to what they said.

After a while, they cleaned up the stall and moved the things to Xuanhufang for storage.

Dr. Du was treating patients. When he saw them coming, he only took the time to say hello to them and started busy again.

When eight-year-old Du Xusheng saw Gu Jinli and the others coming, he ran over with his five-year-old sister and shouted: "Grandpa Gu, Uncle Luo, Uncle Tian..."

Called everyone once.

The third grandfather smiled and handed two packs of pan-fried five-spice tofu and bean dregs cakes to their siblings: "Take these to eat with my sister."

"Thank you, Grandpa Gu." Du Xusheng thanked him, gave his sister two bags of things, and asked her to go back to the backyard to watch the fire making the medicine. He helped move the things. If the big items couldn't be moved, he helped move the stools. , bowls and chopsticks, until everything is moved.

Xuanhufang was very busy. After they finished moving their things, they didnt stay too long. They only spoke a few words to the old doctor Wu in the backyard, then left Xuanhufang and went to the grain store to buy soybeans.

Shopkeeper, bring us three hundred catties of soybeans, Luos father said to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper's surname was Tao, and he originally looked down on people like them who were fleeing famine. But for the past half month, they had been buying soybeans in the shop every day, buying several hundred kilograms of soybeans every time. Shopkeeper Tao started to take them seriously. Every time they came they were greeted with smiles.

This time was no exception. After hearing what Luo's father said, he quickly walked out of the counter with a smile and said to the waiter: "What are you doing here? Go get the soybeans for Brother Luo."

Hey, lets go right away. The guys hurriedly went to weigh the soybeans.

I thought everything would go as smoothly as before, but when paying, shopkeeper Tao said: "Food is expensive now, and the price of soybeans has gone up. From today on, it will cost five cents per catty."

Luo's father's face suddenly darkened: "Five cents per catty? Why is it suddenly so expensive?"

This is almost twice as expensive.

Shopkeeper Tao smiled and said: "You are fleeing famine, and you also know that the northwest has been drought for more than two years, and there is no harvest. Although the soybeans are unpalatable, they are still food, so the price will naturally increase."

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