A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 7 Chapter 20: The Problem With The Team

Volume 7 Chapter 20: The Problem With The Team

Volume 7 Chapter 20: The Problem With The Team

Hearing what Krystal said, she was right. That was why he headed to the guild. To figure out how to solve the situation, he would need the help of adventurers. 

"Keith, what brings you here?" Madison spotted Keith. 

"Is Titus here? I want to speak with him?" 

"Titus is here. He should be sitting in the lobby." Keith nodded as he looked around and spotted the demon. 

"Titus! Hello, Galven." When Keith walked over to him, the adventurer was sitting with Galven. 

"Hello, Keith." Galven waved.

"What's the matter?" Titus smiled. 

"I need advice."

"Advice?" Titus and Galven looked at one another before turning to Keith, "What kind of advice do you need?"

"Well, you see." Keith started to recount everything that had transpired in the dungeon. Hearing this, Galven frowned, "So your problem is that you want to increase your team's strength?"

"Mmhmm." Keith nodded. That was the end goal. 

"The issue with your team is that you guys lack experience more than anything."

"Yes." Titus nodded. Keith's party was formed a few months ago. There was bound to be some disconnect with one another. More so when they added two new people. For them to already head into a B-rank dungeon was a little fast. 

"I understand our teamwork will rise as we fight with one another. But I feel like there's something wrong with the team in general." That was what made Keith so off. It was weird; Alfia and the others were strong. But that incident was a warning call. 

"..." Galven and Titus stared at the boy. His hunches and instincts were usually on the spot.

"Hmm?" Titus thought about it, "How did you form your team?"

"I have it like this." Keith took out a piece of paper and started to draw out the formation he used.

"Our team is pretty high on power. When push comes to shove, we could probably deal with a B-rank party." Herrick and the others could go toe to toe with any tank. 

Titus thought, "I think I know what your problem is. You see it too, right?"

"Indeed." Galven nodded. He figured it out as well. 

"What is it?" Keith still didn't understand. 

"This goes with the formation of any team; you have frontline-middle-and rear. That's the most basic formation of any team." Titus explained.

"Breaking that down even further, you have fighters and tanks, wings and middles, mages and supports," Galven added. 


"The problem with your party is that it's too skewed."


"The two forwards in your party are not tanks but fighters. Your entire team is so offensive-oriented." The two party leaders realized the problem. Keith's team was composed of heavy hitters. Defense was their problem. 

Galven added, "Your team is like a glass cannon. It has high offensive capabilities, but it's not durable." 

"Most teams will have at least one designated tank. A sturdy tank will bring up defenses, and the person could buy time for the mages to do their work." 

"In your case, it'll also give your two fighters more freedom to move around."

"..." True. Herrick and Melor probably had to hold back for the team. Sometimes, he saw Herrick backing off because he focused on the team's defenses. That restricted most of his movement. 

"So we need another person or one of us has to change," Keith muttered. 

"Yes." "That's the best."

"Thank you for all this information." Keith bowed. But Titus shook his hand, "It's fine. Helping out juniors is our job."

"Just talk to us if you need help." Galven waved.

"Here's this as thanks." Keith quickly took out some cookies and fruits. The two chuckled when they saw this.

"He really didn't need to hand us anything." "But we're going to enjoy it, right?" 

"For sure." Titus wasn't going to say no to free snacks.

"Guys," The two leaders looked up to see their party members staring at them.


"You're going to share, right?" 

"Hah." The two sighed. Being a leader is so difficult. 


"What do you want to do?" During dinner, Keith said something that caused Herrick and the others to tilt their heads. 

"I'm going to change my role from mid-fielder to a tanker." What Titus and Galven said made Keith think up many ideas. Right now, the team was too unstable.

"Adding a tank will create a more stable team." Thank goodness we found it out sooner. The reason why he couldn't see it was because this team was too talented. 

Through sheer talent alone, they were able to blast through everything. And talent wasn't enough to conquer everything. 

"But why you? Couldn't we get someone else to do it?"

"I thought about it. But I don't think we can find anyone suitable." Also, it would be weird for the team. Who could they actually bring in that would not cause a disconnect. 

"Are you fine with it?" That should be the main question. Keith was the strongest out of all of them. This will definitely restrict him. 

"Mmhmm. Actually, I'm the only one capable of changing my role on the fly." That was one of his strong suits. The others weren't capable of changing their role. They could, but it would definitely screw them up. 

"I have the strongest body. I should be able to withstand hits coming my way." Keith was sturdy and strong.

"But we don't want to restrict you." Herrick and Melor were worried. 

"I'm fine. And besides, it will allow the two of you to run wild. You guys just have to do my part."

"On it!" "We'll take care of everything!" 

"Let's do this!" Keith grinned. He was prepared for all of this. Their team was going to destroy anything in their way! 


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