A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 7 Chapter 17: Step Away From It!

Volume 7 Chapter 17: Step Away From It!

Volume 7 Chapter 17: Step Away From It!

"Nya!" The leopard was the first to move as he released a fireball at the serpent! It was quick and flashy. However, the serpent quickly slithered, dodging those balls of fire. 

"Nya?" The leopard froze but didn't last long as the serpent dashed at the feline! Even though those fireballs missed, it definitely got its attention. It slithered at the leopard's position, wanting to take out the attacker! 

"Woof!" Saphir and Agi quickly made their move as they pushed the serpent away! Its mouth went flying over the place! 

"I will restrict it!" Fira waved her hand. Vines burst from the ground and dashed at the serpent, wrapping it up. She learned from Diana to constrict the monster. However,

Slip! The serpent escaped from the vines! 

"This is a tough matchup for Fira. Vines won't be able to constrict the serpent." In particular, it would be difficult for Fira to use her abilities to the fullest with this monster. Her go-to way was to constrict the opponent and take the beast out afterward. But it was impossible with a serpent since it didn't have solid bones. It could break free from the hold. 

She needs to work together with the others. That was the only way to take care of the serpent. 

And the little spirit realized it as well. 

"Quill, I need your help!" 

"Pii!" Quill nodded his head and made a move! The earth around the serpent started to move around. As it did, 

"Saphir!" It was the wolf's turn; she fired water blades at the serpent. Those blades weren't for damage but more so to keep the monster in one place!  

This lasted for a few seconds; that was more than enough. Walls of earth were erected, blocking the monster from going anywhere. That was when the leopard and Agi made their move. Fire and wind burst forth, burning the monster up!

The only thing left of it was a burnt-up corpse.

"Good job you guys." Keith clapped his hand. 


"We're going to go down. Can you guys handle this floor by yourselves?" It was time for them to split up. They didn't need to stay on this floor now. 

"Okay! We'll stay here and play!" Fira and the other spirits were prepared. They were going to have fun and fight. After beating this one, they wanted to defeat another. 

"If you guys see something, bring it home!" Keith chuckled as he turned to the rest, "Let's go now." They nodded as they headed down to the third floor. And when they arrived,

"It's similar to the first one." There was a lot of grass around. The only difference was that the grass was yellow. 

"Keith, I sense a monster near here." Leona's ears twitched as she looked forward. There was something before them. 

"Prepare yourselves," Keith warned. Slowly, everyone heard a large bang as the monster got close. And what they saw was a giant bison. But it had four horns on its head. Each one was pointed toward the center of his face. 

Herrick and Melor's eyes changed. "Fresh meat!" They only saw a giant fresh piece of meat walking around.

"Don't head in. You're playing to its game." Keith could tell what it was. The bison was a charger type. The horns told him it was meant to slam at what was before it. 

Fighting head-on would be at a disadvantage. 

"Herrick, Melor, focus on the monster's side. Don't let it direct those horns at you."  

"Understood." Herrick made the first move as he dashed at the bison's side. However, the bison didn't wait either as it jumped in the air! 

"!" Herrick quickly moved his sword, guarding against the stomp! 

"Get away from him!" Melor slammed the bison away. Yet, the bison was only pushed back slightly. 

"You two need to cool it!" An earth spear fired at the bison's leg to make it pause. 

"We need to limit its movement!" Since there was only one monster, there was no need for the standard formation. The wings would circle around the beast. 

"Keith, what- what's the matter?" Scarlet and Alfia noticed Keith's off expression! 

"Everyone, out of the way!" With that one roar, everything quickly took a step back. The bison was prepared to charge! And the target was Alfia and Scarlet! It understood those two were the most dangerous. 

Herrick and Melor were the ones who took the charge head first. The two were prepared as they raised their sword and hammer to guard. Faelyn prepared for it as well, creating a couple of earth walls in front. 

"Shadow bind!" Scarlet even added black chains on the bison, trying to limit whatever she could. The bison didn't seem to slow down! It blasted through the earth walls like they were paper. 

Before it was Herrick and Melor. As the three weapons clashed, the outcome became obvious; 

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