A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 6.5 Chapter 65: You Three Ate Before Us!

Volume 6.5 Chapter 65: You Three Ate Before Us!

Volume 6.5 Chapter 65: You Three Ate Before Us! 

"Sniff, sniff!" Herrick quickly jumped out of his bed; his eyes were bloodshot, and his nose flared. What is that smell?! His senses were on high alert right now! And they should; a scent he had never smelled before! 

It was otherworldly and nothing compared to what he had sensed. 

Drip! Drip! Drip. Herrick glanced down and noticed a small puddle forming on the floor. How could I be like this?! Wiping the drool from the corner of his mouth was never-ending. The smell kept messing with him! The number of aromas he had smelled before was enormous since he had lived here with Keith. But this made his nose explode. 

"No doubt!" Herrick quickly left his room. And when he did, Melor came out simultaneously with Jack. The three shared a glance. They weren't alone, as Alfia and the rest also came out.

"What is going on?!" It was as if the entire mansion was filled with this tantalizing aroma. They were beckoned by it as their eyes focused on one place.

"Is he cooking right now?" Jack muttered.

"No doubt about it!" Alfia retorted. This man had to be doing this!

"Damn, bastard!" Herrick didn't wait as he quickly dashed out of the mansion with the others in tow. Aidiun, who had just come out of his room, saw the crazed look they had. He shook his head. Never a dull moment on this island. 

However, he quickly followed after them. 

"Oh, wow. Everyone is up." Keith blinked as he saw everyone by the door. One side was Gabriel and the others, while the other was Diana and Nephele. 

Keith, Udine, and Arlo were surrounded. 

"Keith, what are you making?!" Diana gasped. She couldn't believe it. The smell coming from the smoker wasn't just intense. It was destructive!

"Food?" "We know that!"

"And why are there plates here?" Nothing could get past Nephele's gaze. She saw three plates on the table. But what was on it made it even more suspicious; sauce. Small sauces and crumbs were littered around. 

Red flag! That was when Herrick quickly walked before Keith and started to smell him! More specifically, his mouth. 

"You three ate before us!" He pointed his fingers at them like they were culprits. 

"Yes, we ate some. We were hungry?" What did he expect would happen? With such a smell, how could they not eat? 

"Pfg!" No coherent words came out of Herrick's mouth as he couldn't respond. That straightforwardness just killed him. While the others tried to talk with Keith, Udine was being circled by the two great spirits. 

"Udine, why are you up so early?!" Last time they checked, this woman didn't wake up early. So why was she awake with Keith and Arlo?

"I saw the two of them together. So I came out to check it." Udine had woken up out of coincidence. She then saw Keith and Arlo outside, preparing to work. 

"I see." Diana had nothing to say. 

"Udine, how could you eat without us?!" Nephele, on the other hand, had a lot to say! They were sisters! How could she sneak out without telling them?! 

"But Keith said he needed help, so I helped out. He said it was a privilege of a chef." Udine answered. 

"..." That was one of Keith's sayings. He misused that power too much and was corrupting their sister. That didn't help the great spirit of wind at all. To hear that one of them ate such good food was just….

"It was really delicious," Udine muttered as she remembered the taste. It was still lingering on her tongue. 

"..." Are you picking a fight?! 

Keith grinned, "That's because you helped out with the food. Food always tastes better after hard work."

"..." Udine gave Keith a look. 

Pat Pat. With that look, Keith patted Udine's head again. A small smile formed on Udine's mouth as she let the guy do it. When he did that, Diana and Nephele's eyes widened. The two looked at one another, sending messages with their eyes. As they did, 

"That chicken was delicious, right, Arlo?" Keith asked Arlo. The three had so many different types.

"Mmhmm! But I really preferred the shoulder. It was tender and fragrant." Arlo remembered the first one. 

"Arlo, is there anything left?" Herrick was about to cry. His hands quivered as he held onto Arlo's shirt. 

"Umm, I think we ate it all." Arlo and Udine were too immersed in the food to check. They were eating nonstop.

"..." Those words made everyone drop to their knees! 

"Traitor!" Herrick and Melor pointed at Arlo. How could their friend betray them like this?!

"I don't think I could forget about it." Udine recounted, which caused Diana and Nephele's eyes to twitch weirdly. 

Aidiun could only grab his head, "What are we going to do about this?" Thank goodness he isn't here, or else it will get hectic.

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