A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 6.5 Chapter 39: Are All Great Spirits Beautiful Women?

Volume 6.5 Chapter 39: Are All Great Spirits Beautiful Women?

Volume 6.5 Chapter 39: Are All Great Spirits Beautiful Women? 

"Sure," Udine nodded as Keith handed an orange. She took a bite and ate it normally. No reaction. 

Her expression was mute, not disturbed by it. 

"Umm, does she like it?" Keith whispered to Diana. The expression on Udine's face made it hard to discern whether or not she enjoyed it. Diana nodded, "I think she likes it."

"...You think?"

"Umm, Udine is one of those types where you can't read," Nephele explained. It was hard to figure her out. There were times when she thought she was happy, but actually she was sad. 

"..." Keith didn't know what to say. Diana assured him, "Don't worry about anything, Keith. Udine usually eats the fruits I grow; she likes them a lot."

"... Doesn't that mean she had eaten your food?" That just made Keith more worried. Didn't that mean Udine had high expectations? Diana's fruits were incredibly delicious. 

Her palette definitely was high-tier. 

"..." It was Diana and Nephele's turn to be silent. While Keith thought about it, "By the way, I've been meaning to ask something for a while now."

"Hmm? The three spirits tilted their heads. 

"Are all great spirits beautiful women?" Keith's question hung in the air, inviting deeper contemplation. 

"Eh?" That question was out of the blue.

"Because there's only beautiful women." With Udine, there were three great spirits. All of them were beautiful women. He didn't see anyone that wasn't beside them.

"Do you think we're beautiful?" Nephele questioned.

That caused Keith to look perplexed before nodding. "Of course, the three of you are beautiful." He was 100% positive that every male who saw them would say they were beautiful. 

"Ehehehe," A goofy giggle came out of Nephele's mouth, "Keith, you're such a smooth talker." 

"..." Diana stayed silent while Udine tilted her head, "You think I'm beautiful?"

"Mmhmm." Keith nodded. 

"What makes me beautiful?" Udine questioned. 

"I would say the feeling you have. You have a really serene feeling like an artwork." "I see." Udine didn't say anything, but she seemed satisfied. 

Nephele jumped forward, "What about me, Keith?"

"Hmm, I would say you're cheerful and eccentric."  

"What? That sounds more like an insult than a compliment!" Nephele sulked. 

Keith explained, "I didn't mean it like that. I meant you're the type who could liven up the atmosphere. You're the type everyone wants to be around if they want to smile and laugh." 

His explanation made that frown turn completely upside down. 

"What about me, Keith?" Now, it was Diana's turn to ask.

"Oh, Diana is really simple. You're like the big sister of the group. You are usually the one who cares and takes care of the others. It also helps that you have a gentle atmosphere; it's really easy to talk with you."  

"..." Diana coughed when she heard the long explanation. She explained, "It's just a coincidence that all great spirits you met are females. There are male ones as well." 

"Yeah. But some are way too annoying. It's so much better sticking by your side." Nephele didn't hesitate as she hugged the human. 

"Annoying, how?" For Nephele to say this was surprising. 

"There are some pervs out there! And some just love to do whatever they want!"  

"I see," 

"Like what you're doing now?" Diana retorted. Nephele pouted as she looked at Keith, "You like this, right?"

"It's alright?" Keith didn't hate or like it as well. 

"Keith! No girl likes a man that's so nonchalant!" Nephele wanted to lecture him when, 


"Oh, look at that. It's finished." Keith ignored the look Nephele gave him as he walked over to the oven. Putting on some mitts, he pulled the pan out. He put it before the three great spirits, "Presenting apple and plum galette!"

"This smells so much stronger than pie!" The aroma was the first thing that hit them. It was as if they were surrounded by a bunch of apples. 

"It's because it's not masked under a pie crust. It hits your nose faster." The first thing everyone smelled was the scent of apples. But Keith wasn't focused on that as he took the knife and cut it. 

Crinch! There was a loud, crunching noise coming from the crust.

"Please enjoy." They were able to eat with one hand.

The bottom and side were flaky.

It was the perfect blend of soft and crunchy. 

"Keith, this is incredible." Nephele grinned.

"Thank you. What do you think of it, Udine?"

"…" Udine didn't say anything as she continued to eat.

"Oh yeah! I should make something!" Keith clapped his hands together. There was something he had to make right now.

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