A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 6 Chapter 88: Dragator King

Volume 6 Chapter 88: Dragator King

Volume 6 Chapter 88: Dragator King

"We arrive at the boss floor." Titus and the others were now in front of a big gate. 

"Can't believe we have to come to the tenth floor." Shakti groaned. Yes, the tenth floor. They had been fighting for quite some time now. Everyone looked weary. It was a rinse-and-repeat cycle. 

We were so on edge as well. The whole group was cautious the entire time. Since they didn't know when the boss would appear, they must be alert. And that took a lot out of them. 

Titus spoke, "Everyone, I know you all must be tired from all that fighting. However, this is the stretch that we've been wanting."


"If we take out the boss, we will get something at the end."

"!" The other adventurer's eyes changed.

"Now that he said it." 

"The treasure chest could be better because we waited."

"That's for sure."  

"Now, let's go defeat that boss."

"Yeah!" The adventurers roared in fervor. All their eyes were that of coins. 

"Everyone changed so fast." Keith chuckled. That was what it meant to be an adventurer. Everyone wanted to fight for treasure. When they entered, it was different from the rest of the floor. 

This is definitely the floor boss. That was something everyone knew. Yet, they didn't focus on that. What they were focused on was the ominous feeling in the room. 

What came next was a giant thud!  

"Rawr!" What came from the shadows was a giant dragator. However, 

"This one is huge!" Keith gasped. There were many differences between this and the ones they fought. This one had white scales instead of the regular dark green. It also had spikes sticking out from all sides of the body. 

"Is this a different type, or is it a variant?!"

"No, it should be a different type. The facial features are different from a regular one." Morgan spoke. 

"Keith, be prepared to cook that!" Groa screamed!

"Eh?! You want me to cook that?!" Are you kidding me?! Do you not see the size of that thing! That was overkill, even for me!

"Wings! Deal with the dragators! The center shall deal with the giant dragator!" Titus ordered. 

"Understood!" Like that, the battle ensued between all of them! 

"Rawr!" Shakti charged at the dragator, wanting to destroy it on the spot! The dragator charged back and slammed into her axe. It was a head-on clash. 

Before the dragator could swipe, 

Shh! The ground under the beast changed, causing it to shift position! And when it did, Shakti sliced the head off!

"Keith! You're the best!" Shakti gave him a thumbs up.

"Thank me later! Help the rest!" The other members of White Lily were dealing with the other dragator coming at them. 

"When we're done, I will give you a kiss as a reward!" 

Do you have to say something like that? Keith shook his head as he helped the other side with their dragator. While he did, he looked at the primary battle. They were only dealing with the grunts. Titus and Craig's party dealt with the main force.

"Do you think that's enough to defeat me?!" Craig raised both his shields as the white dragator tried to stomp him!  

Craig was hit dead on! However, the grin on his face made it seem like he wasn't even phased. He wasn't alone. Groa and the rest of the group continued to block it. 

As they did, Titus made his move! He saw an opening and dashed forth with blinding speed! With one stroke, he cut a dragator's leg! 

"Incredible." Keith couldn't believe someone was capable of doing that. It reminded him of Herrick. Well, a faster and perfected form of what Herrick should be. Titus's burst speed was incredible. He would be out for quite some time if he got hit with that.  

Shakti smiled, "What do you think? He isn't an S-rank adventurer for nothing." The only S-rank adventurer in this group was Titus. 

"Wait a moment!" Keith noticed something strange with the white dragator's movement. Titus was the same. Its movements were off. Slowly, the monster curled into a ball!

"Craig! Raise your shield!" "On it!" Craig had raised his shields in the nick of time! A bowling ball. That dragator came rushing at the group. And it hit smack right into Craig and the rest. They were able to stop it. 

"Titus, I don't think I can keep this up." If the dragator continued to go at him like this, it would be a problem. Titus frowned. 

"Mr.Titus, I can stall for time!" Keith quickly walked over!

"You can?"

"Mmhmm!" Keith nodded. He was sure he could do it.  

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