A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 6 Chapter 50: Facing Against One Another

Volume 6 Chapter 50: Facing Against One Another

Volume 6 Chapter 50: Facing Against One Another 

"Today, you all will be facing one another in a match." Shire declared. He snapped his fingers, and small shields started to float around him, "These are shields. Treat them like your life. When all three shields are destroyed, that means you lose." 

"Understood." The lesson was simple enough. The students were picked through a magic tool again. 

"Why am I facing off against you?" Keith groaned. The person Keith was facing off with was Scarlet. 

Scarlet smiled, "Is facing off against me so bad?"

"Yes." Keith didn't deny it. I don't want to fight against a tigress. He would always pick the second option if he had to choose between facing Scarlet and someone else! This woman would definitely not hold back against him! 

"Come now. I will hold back." 

"..." Say that without a grin. Keith didn't want to stand next to this girl. He looked down at the arena. The two people fighting one another were Herrick and Alfia.

"This is the worst match-up." Keith slapped his head. 

"Heh, we are fated rivals." Herrick crunched his knuckles. 

"Indeed we are," Alfia knew it as well. 

"Begin," Shire stated.  

"Let's-" Before Herrick could do some trash-talk, he heard a loud break. He turned his head to see one of his shields destroyed. He turned back to Alfia, who had a devious grin. Wind floated around her body. 

"That's one." There were two more. And like that, the game of cat and mouse began. 

"Come back here!" "No way! You're crazy!" 

The match-up was just unbalanced. The magic-oriented Alfia would always win against the close combat-oriented Herrick in a battle of magic.

She is clearly letting off some steam as well. Added to the fact that Herrick always annoyed her, it was the perfect time to go crazy. This game of tag lasted a few minutes. 

The victor was obvious. 

"Let's go now." Scarlet turned to Keith. It was their turn now. 

"Can I not?" Your expression says it all! And from her expression, she was about to do the same thing as Alfia.  

"No," Scarlet clutched Keith's arm. She dragged him into the arena. The others could only shake their heads at the sight. 

"Are the two of you ready?"

"Yes," "No," 

Ignoring Keith, "Begin!" 

"Come on!" 

Scarlet didn't wait as she fired her magic at his shields. However, Keith quickly summoned a few earth walls to block them. Quick. Scarlet's magic was fast. 

It wasn't only one coming at him. 

Keith continued to create earth walls to shield his things. As he did, Keith raised his hand and started to chant.

"Water to pierce thy enemies! Water lance!" Lances made out of water shot at Scarlet. However, the demon created a shield of fire. Yet, the lance almost pierced through!

"Tch!" Scarlet frowned as she fired more fire magic at him. Keith continued to dodge it. As he did, 

"What are you doing out there, Keith?!" Herrick roared as he watched Keith dodge the attacks coming at him. The man used a lot of different types of magic. However, Scarlet continued to overwhelm him with her fire magic. 

"You lose," Scarlet blew up the last shield Keith had. 

"Indeed," Keith took a deep sigh as he walked out.

"What were you doing out there?!" Herrick and the others came up to him.

"Oh, I was practicing my water magic." Keith laughed. Didn't he see what he was doing?

"Aren't you good at it?"

"Of course not. I'm not all-knowing. I can only use some magic to a certain degree." The highest ones Keith had were lightning and wind. He wasn't adept in the other elements. 

"But you always use them so casually?" Alfia frowned. Keith had been using the other magic like it was nothing. Like he created a fire with a snap of his fingers. 

"That's for living purposes. In actual combat, I could never use them so skillfully." Comfort vs. actual combat were two different dimensions.

"That's why I must develop my skills in the other elements." He was working on earth with that. However, he wanted to be skillful in the other department to a reasonable degree. Maybe use low-level magic chantless. That should be the threshold. 

"I see." This monster! What he was asking was insane! 

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