A Failed Idol’s Rise to Bottom

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

The response to Wish Petal was hot. Su-Gyeom couldnt say it was awesome, but it was enough to say it was successful. U-PITE has imprinted on the fans as well as the general public.

Although it is often believed that idols only sing similar dance songs, U-PITE gave the image of performing ballad songs well through this Wish Petal.

Wow, thats amazing.

What are you watching?

Huh? Uh, just our ranking.

Han-Sol scratched the back of his head embarrassed by Su-Gyeoms question. Su-Gyeom burst out laughing at the reaction.

I cant believe we got such a good result.

I know, its amazing to me, too.

Su-Gyeom responded with a grin at Han-Sols words. After a short conversation, there was an awkward silence between the two.

Su-Gyeom was worried because he told Han-Sol that he would commit assault in the future.

Of course, he didnt lie or point out what was not confirmed, but he was still sorry. Above all, Su-Gyeom couldnt believe that the sweet and kind Han-Sol would hit someone. Even if thats true.

Sol, you know what?

Yes, go ahead.

Han-Sol said with a rather bitter smile as if he knew what Su-Gyeom was going to say. Su-Gyeom looked at his face, his lips stuck together for a long time.

Its all right, you can say it.

No, I just dont want you to pay too much attention to what Im saying.

Su-Gyeom muttered quietly because he felt sorry. Then Han-Sol smiled brightly. The smile was so bright and pretty that Su-Gyeom felt even more uncomfortable.

To be honest, I still dont know. I thought a lot after hearing what you said. Did I really, why? What happened? Is it true? Oh, of course, its not that I dont believe you. Its just that I had that many thoughts.

Han-Sol quickly added a back remark as if he was worried that Su-Gyeom might misunderstand. Su-Gyeom nodded lightly at the words.

I know, what you mean.

Thank you for knowing.

No, I dont want you to thank me.

While he was endlessly sorry, Han-Sol said thank you, so Su-Gyeom even waved his hand. Then Han-Sol laughed playfully.

Hey, I said thank you. Why are you sorry?

Su-Gyeom laughed after. His attitude was clearly an effort to relieve the awkward atmosphere. A part of his heart felt sorry and grateful.

Anyway, Ive been thinking about it. But I dont think I would have done it for no reason.

I dont either! I dont think you could ever do that for no reason.


Of course!

Han-Sol smiled at Su-gyeoms confident words. He seemed genuinely pleased.

Thank you for believing me.

Hey, why are you thanking me for that? What did you usually do? Honestly, I cant believe it either. Thats how good your image is.

I feel good that you say that.

Su-Gyeom felt more comfortable with his sincere words. When his posture became as comfortable as his comfortable mind, he put his head on Han-Sols shoulder and leaned on it.

His broad shoulders supported Su-Gyeoms small head with stability. As both his mind and body became at peace, he fell asleep easily.

Are you sleeping?

Yes, I am sleeping.

Sleep comfortably. Why do you sleep like that?

Its comfortable now.

Su-Gyeom replied, muttering in a sleepy voice. Han-Sol listening smiled pleasantly. His body trembled lightly as he laughed, but even that tremor was just comfortable for Su-Gyeom.

You know, Sol.


No matter what happens, Im on your side.


Yes, really.

its touching.

I really wanted to tell you this.

In his past life, he couldnt say this to Han-Sol because many things were constantly happening at the same time.

Su-Gyeom trusts him more than anyone else, but he couldnt ask him if he was okay or say something for him.

It remained unsatisfied.

In fact, he lived without knowing what happened to Han-Sol. It was because so much happened that he was out of my mind. Then too much time passed and he missed the chance to give him comfort.

To say what you have to say at the right time. He learned from a single death that the fact was really important. Therefore, Su-Gyeom vowed to say what he wanted to say so that he would not regret it later in this life.

Feeling relieved, Su-Gyeom smiles happily and rubs his head on Han-Sols shoulder. Han-Sol gently swept Su-Gyeoms hair, which was rubbing like a cat.

Su-Gyeom felt drowsy and was falling asleep.



Su-Gyeom opened his eyes with a strange sound at the voice calling him. When he looked at the other person with resentful eyes who interrupted his sweet sleep, the person laughed as if he was ridiculous. The person was Lee-Gyeom.

Why are you laughing?

Let me talk to you.

No, Im going to bed.

If you sleep now, you cant sleep at night.

Am I a baby? If I sleep now, I cant sleep later?

Its about the same.

What are you saying?

Su-Gyeoms eyes widened at Lee-Gyeoms sudden initiation of a quarrel. Regardless, Lee-Gyeom only shrugged his shoulders lightly. The bad luck made Su-Gyeom feel emotional.

What is it, say it!

Not here.

Ugh, its so annoying.

Su-Gyeom jumped out of his seat while complaining. Han-Sol looked at Lee-Gyeom with a firm face, but Su-Gyeom, who was still drowsy, was too busy to see Han-Sols expression.

While following Lee-Gyeom to the veranda, Su-Gyeom still did not like what he called him. In the meantime, the reason for following Lee-Gyeom was simple. It was because he was wondering what the hell he was going to talk about.

When he stood on the veranda, which felt a little chilly, Su-Gyeoms sleepiness vanished. Su-Gyeom glared at him resentfully.

Hurry up.

Thats really not true.


I dont know who I am dating, but definitely not true.

Im telling you.

Su-Gyeom closed his eyes tightly at Lee-Gyeoms words. Hes called him as if hes going to tell an important story.

He cant believe its just that. Do you want to fight? Su-Gyeom glared at him, pressing down his anger.

Whatever it is, its a misunderstanding.

I got it.

Su-Fyeom wanted to get angry, but for a moment, Lee-Gyeom looked so desperate that he couldnt say anything that came to mind. Of course, it may be unfair, but there would be no need to say it so desperately.

Not at all. I mean

I know.

Dont get me wrong.

He honestly didnt understand what the misunderstanding was. First of all, Lee-Gyeoms words dont sound like a lie. Right now, you may not have someone you like, but what about the future? Su-Gyeom didnt understand how on earth he could say that so firmly.

Liking someone is an emotion you cant stop.

I got it for now. All right, lets just say it is. I dont want to insist its not. There could have been a misunderstanding. But no matter who you like, I wont blame you for that. Just dont let the romance rumor go off.

Its actually a sex scandal.

Su-Gyeom emphasized by swallowing back words. Then Lee-Gyeom looked at Su-Gyeom with a firm expression. Su-Gyeom felt the gaze and kept saying things that came to mind.

To be honest, I dont remember the other person either because I was out of my mind at the time. But well, who cares. Anyway, even if you dont like anyone now, in the future.

Who says I dont like anyone right now?

Huh? Do you like someone?

Su-Gyeoms eyes widened in surprise at Lee-Gyeoms rough words. Lee-Gyeom stared at Su-Gyeom.

Is this the confession scene? Please tell me your thoughts through a comment.

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