A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 252: Wei Mingting wakes up

Chapter 252: Wei Mingting wakes up

Chapter 252 Wei Mingting wakes up

"My daughter doesn't work hard, it's her blessing to be able to do something for her parents." Wei Qingwan replied.

"With you here, my mother is really relieved."

The daughter's sensible appearance injected a little comfort into Yun's anxious heart.

"Mother, don't worry. Doctor Cheng said that Daddy is safe, and he can wake up after a little more training. During this period of time, I will take good care of Daddy and won't let Daddy have anything to do." Wei Qingwan said.

Mr. Yun nodded.

Wei Qingwan then persuaded Yun Shi: "Mother, go back and rest quickly, father is recovering, and you should recover as soon as possible, so that when father wakes up, he will be relieved to see that you are well."

Then he said to Cuiping, the servant girl who helped Yunshi come over: "Cuiping, help mother go back to the room to rest, she is not well enough to move around, there is still ginseng soup stewed in the kitchen, you can ask someone to bring it back to mother Take some."

"The servant girl knows."

Cuiping obeyed Wei Qingwan's instructions and helped Yun to the next room, while Wei Qingwan stayed in the room to look after Wei Mingting.

Wei Qingwan is mainly responsible for feeding medicine and ginseng soup to Wei Mingting. Wei Qingwan still can't do such a job as changing Wei Mingting's medicine. Doctor Cheng and his apprentices have to come.

When Dr. Cheng untied the bandages on Wei Mingting's body, revealing the hideous wounds on his body, Wei Qingwan was still frightened, and she didn't dare to look carefully.

Although the blood on those wounds has solidified, and some have begun to scab, the large hole where the flesh was dug out is still there, and the huge scar is as scary as a giant centipede.

Doctor Cheng took Wei Qingwan's reaction into his eyes, and asked her to wait outside until the medicine was changed and bandaged before coming in.

After noon, the room was a bit hot. Wei Qingwan saw beads of sweat on Wei Mingting's forehead, so she wiped the beads of sweat on Wei Mingting's face with a warm towel.

Wiping, Wei Mingting frowned, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"Father?!" Wei Qingwan couldn't believe it, she was shocked first and then happy, and then tears welled out of her eyes and rolled down.

"Wan..." Wei Mingting tried to speak, but almost no sound came out of his throat, his whole body was very heavy, as if being pressed by a huge stone.

"Father, don't talk yet, you were seriously injured, you managed to save your life, and you still need to rest and recover!" Wei Qingwan hurriedly said.

Wei Mingting really didn't have the strength to speak, and his body was extremely heavy, and he couldn't move any part easily, so he just blinked his eyes to show that he understood.

Wei Qingwan couldn't hold back her tears: "Father, you have suffered!"

Seeing his daughter crying, Wei Mingting couldn't help but want to say again: "Don't...cry..."

"I won't cry, I won't cry, Daddy, please rest well, I won't cry, please don't talk." Wei Qingwan hurriedly wiped away her tears.

Doctor Cheng came over when he heard the movement, felt Wei Mingting's pulse, and then said earnestly: "Master Wei is in good health, and being able to wake up this time means that the catastrophe is over! Congratulations! Congratulations!"

Immediately afterwards, Dr. Cheng warned: "Master Wei, don't move around, cultivate yourself well, don't work or read, and put your body first."

Wei Mingting blinked his eyes to show that he heard it.

Wei Qingwan asked with concern from the side: "Doctor Cheng, what else do I need to do?"

Doctor Cheng said: "Take the medicine on time and change the medicine on time. In addition, the second lady can also feed Mr. Wei some ginseng soup as before. When the body is better, add some easy-to-digest food. Remember to Step by step, the body should slowly recover, don't rush!"

"Okay!" Wei Qingwan nodded obediently, carefully writing down what the doctor said.

When Wei Ruo came over at night, there were Wei Qingwan and Yun Shi standing in front of Wei Mingting's bed, and a bunch of servant girls waiting on them.

Wei Ruo looked at the door for a while and asked about the situation of Doctor Cheng Wei Mingting.

After confirming that Wei Mingting was fine, he planned to leave.

"Why did you leave?" Wei Yilin, who came to watch the night with Wei Ruo, met head-on, and Wei Yilin was puzzled when he saw that Wei Ruo was about to leave.

"Father has passed the critical period, so it's the same if he leaves it to other people to take care of him." Wei Ruo replied.

Wei Ruo didn't want to go in to join in the fun, the room was full of people, Yun Shi and Wei Qingwan were also talking all the time, she would rather go to sleep when she had this time.

Wei Yilin thought for a while: "Well, you are tired these days, go back and have a good rest!"

Wei Ruo didn't say anything more to Wei Yilin, turned around and went back to Songyuan.

After no longer having to worry about Wei Mingting's affairs, Wei Ruo had a good night's sleep and had a good rest.

The next morning, she inquired about Wei Mingting's situation as usual, and learned that he was recovering as she expected, so she went out to Sibaozhai to find a nanny.

Brother Xiaoyong is also at home these few days, Wei Ruo doesn't want to miss this rare time together.

Arriving at Sibaozhai, Wei Ruoqing entered the backyard with ease.

"Sister Ruoer!" Xu Zhengyong ran out of the house as soon as he heard the voice.

"Are you okay?" Wei Ruo asked again.

"Of course I'm fine. Sister Ruo'er, don't you believe what I told you last time! As I said, I only suffered a little skin trauma, and it doesn't matter at all." Xu Zhengyong replied.

"It's not that you don't have a criminal record of 'falsifying military information'. You were naughty in the past, and even if you knocked your head off, you said you were fine." Wei Ruokai said.

"How long ago did that happen, sister Ruoer, why do you still mention it?" Xu Zhengyong said with some embarrassment.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Zhengyong changed the subject and asked Wei Ruozheng about something: "Sister Ruoer, do you still have the medicine?"

Hearing Xu Zhengyong ask Wei Ruoyao, the nanny who came out of the house hurriedly interrupted: "Xiaoyong, the medicine for you as a young lady was blown by the strong wind, and now rice is expensive and medicine is expensive, why don't you know how to cherish it?" ?

Xu Zhengyong looked embarrassed. Of course, he also knew that medicinal materials are expensive nowadays, but on the battlefield, when his comrades were injured, he didn't care so much.

This battle lasted for more than half a month. Although they successfully retreated from the enemy in the end, the casualties of the soldiers were more serious than the previous few times, and the medicine was naturally not enough.

"Grandmother, don't talk about Brother Xiaoyong. I prepared this medicine for him to save the lives of himself and his comrades. Both Brother Xiaoyong and his comrades are heroes who defend their home and country. Give it to them. There's nothing wrong with taking medication."

Wei Ruo turned to Xu Zhengyong again and said, "Brother Xiaoyong, don't worry, Yingying and I have a medicine field in Xingshan County, and a batch of good medicine to stop bleeding will be produced soon. Bring it over immediately for you and the soldiers to use."

"Sister Ruoer, you are the best!" Xu Zhengyong jumped up and down happily.

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