A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 182: food and wine

Chapter 182: food and wine

Chapter 182 Food and Wine

The reason she went out these days was to go to Tianqin Garden for class.

Now that Mr. Wang Caiwei is teaching in Tianqin Garden, Mrs. Yuan actually invited a few women from the Yuan family to attend the class, which is exactly the same as Wei Ruo's previous family members said.

It's just that Wei Ruo himself skipped classes more frequently than before. Mr. Wang Caiwei didn't say anything about it, but said that some things are worse than learning from textbooks.

Wei Mingting did not doubt Wei Ruo's answer, and then said to Wei Ruo: "In the past few days, my colleagues in Xingshan County have sent me news that those people who opened up wasteland in the south of the city are fine. Qian Zhi County has settled them properly, so you can rest assured."

These days are getting colder, Wei Mingting knew that Wei Ruo cared about those hardworking and poor people, so he specially told her the news.

"Well, as long as they are fine, I hope they are all safe." Wei Ruo was also happy for those old people and children.

Then Wei Qingwan also arrived.

These days, she also started to attend classes again. She went to Tongzhis house, and she left early and returned late every day. She was very diligent. In the past, she just arrived at the house when it was time for dinner. Today, she came back early.

Seeing Wei Mingting, Wei Qingwan bowed her head and greeted softly: "Daughter has seen Daddy, Daddy has worked hard recently."

"Being a father doesn't feel hard, Wanwan doesn't have to worry about it." Wei Mingting said.

"How many days will Daddy rest this time?" Wei Qingwan asked again with concern.

"After dinner tomorrow, we will go back to the barracks." Wei Mingting only had two days off, and in order not to delay things, he only rested at home for one night.

Hearing this, Wei Qingwan looked at Wei Mingting with distressed expression.

Seeing his daughter's concerned eyes, Wei Mingting felt warm in his heart.

Wei Yilin came late, sweating profusely when he arrived.

"Father! I learned a new sword technique today! Master said that on the battlefield, a sword is worse than a sword. A sword is a show, so it is not as fierce as a sword!"

Before Wei Mingting could ask about his recent situation, Wei Yilin began to talk about his recent study situation incessantly.

Wei Mingting was very pleased: "Well, your master is right. On the battlefield, knives are indeed better than swords. After dinner, let's go to the courtyard and see if you have made any progress."

"Okay!" Wei Yilin agreed, looking confident.

Then the Yun family came, and asked Wei Ruo and the others to go back to clean up first, and then come back to have a meal together, especially Wei Yilin, a skinny monkey, who has been practicing martial arts for a day, and his body is sweat-stained.

Only Wei Mingting, Yunshi, Wei Ruo, Wei Qingwan, and Wei Yilin were at home celebrating the festival today. Wei Yichen and Wei Jin also didn't return home. Based on Yun's premise, the separation of tables between men and women was avoided today.

Wei Ruo looked at Wei Mingting, thought for a while, then went back to Tingsongyuan and brought back a jar of wine.

"Father rarely comes home, let's drink some wine and relax."

Wei Ruo knew that Xijiu's father never drank alcohol in the military camp, and only tasted it when he was resting at home, but he was really too busy, so he couldn't drink a few times throughout the year.

Looking at the wine jar that Wei Ruo moved, Wei Mingting couldn't help but smile a little more: "Ruo'er understands me."

Wei Ruo's wine jar looks rough and not attractive, but Wei Mingting knows that his daughter's wine is a good wine that can't be bought anywhere else.

Speaking of this, Wei Mingting stretched out his hand to take Wei Ruo's wine jar.

Wei Ruo withdrew his hand, and said something first: "Father, drink as long as you drink, but don't be greedy, don't get drunk, a small drink is good, and a big drunk will hurt your body."

"Okay, I promise you for my father." Wei Mingting couldn't help laughing, the feeling of being controlled by his daughter was a warm experience that he had never had before.

Wei Ruo then gave the wine jar to Wei Mingting.

Wei Mingting opened the top lid, and a strong aroma of wine wafted out, permeating the dining room in an instant.

"Ruoer's wine is different from last time?" Wei Mingting asked.

The aroma of this wine is obviously much stronger.

"Well, last time we all drank together, I took a lighter fruit wine. This time, I gave it to my father to drink a stronger wine, so my father has to drink slowly, otherwise I won't be able to blame me if I get drunk." Wei Ruo added.

The wine last time was a relatively low-alcohol fruit wine obtained by soaking the fruit with the brewed high-strength liquor. This time it is the original high-strength liquor.

Hearing this, Wei Yilin, who was underage, came over and wanted to see clearly what was inside the wine jar, but he was not tall enough, and he couldn't see what was inside the wine jar after standing on tiptoe for a long time.

Fortunately, Wei Mingting had already fetched the wine glass and scooped a spoonful into the wine glass.

The wine is crystal clear, with a mellow and rich aroma.

Wei Mingting took a sip carefully, savored it carefully, and then looked at Wei Ruo with surprised eyes: "Ruoer, you also made this wine?"

"Well, when I had nothing to do in the country, I brewed some wine, and sometimes people could sell it for money to buy some bedding and so on." Wei Ruo replied.

"Ruo'er, your craft is worth a thousand gold!" Wei Mingting said.

Wei Ruo knew that Wei Mingting was not exaggerating when he said this. Most of the wine nowadays is still brewed. Although the technology of distilling wine already exists, it is only in the hands of a few wineries.

Ordinary brewed wine has a low alcohol content, and the color of the wine is yellow and turbid.

Distilled wine can greatly increase the alcohol content, and the wine has a rich aroma and is as pure as water.

The price of distilled wine is much higher than the price of general grain brewed wine.

Wei Mingting used to drink this kind of distilled liquor quite often in the capital, but during his work abroad, because he was in a relatively remote area, he never had the opportunity to drink this kind of liquor again.

Wei Ruo didn't answer, just said: "It's good that father likes it."

Seeing her husband happy, a smile appeared on Yun's face. Then she ordered food to be served.

Among the dishes served were braised pork ears and braised pork that Wei Ruo was familiar with. The salesman, Wei Ruo, knew at a glance that they were from her shop.

Yun specially introduced this stewed meat to Wei Mingting: "Good wine needs to be accompanied by good dishes. Today's dish of stewed pig ears and stewed pork is just right for my husband to serve with wine."

After tasting it, Wei Mingting nodded, "This lo mei is not only delicious, but also tastes good. The cook has improved recently."

Yun's explained: "I bought this from a lo-mei shop in the city. This lo-mei shop is very famous in Fucheng. The nobles in the city are regular customers of their family. I also heard from Mrs. Tongzhi that my husband came back today. , I bought it specially to try it out.

"It is indeed different from other restaurants, and it is much better than the lo mei I have eaten before." Wei Mingting commented.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Mingting looked at the wine glass in front of him and said: "Madam and Ruo'er have a good understanding today. One has prepared the wine, and the other has prepared the dishes to go with the wine."

Yun said with a smile: "Mother and daughter are united, if your son is the daughter of my husband and I, it is not unusual to have a tacit understanding with me."

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