A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 162: long term business

Chapter 162: long term business

Chapter 162 To do long-term business

This is one thousand taels! How many years does this shop have to sell lo mei to earn this money!

Wei Ruo smiled: "I don't sell the lo-mei recipe, but I think I can negotiate another deal with Boss Fan, and I promise that it is more suitable for Zuixianju than this lo-mei recipe."

Shopkeeper Shen looked puzzled: "Young master has other business to discuss with our son."

"Yes, shopkeeper Shen, please go back and talk to Boss Fan. If he is really interested, we can meet and talk." Wei Ruo said.

Shopkeeper Shen looked at Wei Ruo and couldn't help being surprised.

This young man is really courageous. He is a fledgling boy, and he dares to open his mouth to talk business with their young man directly.

Should it be said that he is a newborn calf not afraid of tigers, or is he brave?

Shopkeeper Shen thought for a while and then said: "Okay, I'll go back now and ask our young master for instructions. Please, young master, please wait here for a while. I'll go back as soon as I go."

"Okay." Wei Ruo agreed.

Shopkeeper Shen got up and left, and hurried back to Zuixianju.

In the box on the second floor, shopkeeper Shen recounted the conversation just now.

"Oh? He has business and wants to talk to me in person?" Fan Chengxu showed an interested smile.


Fan Chengxu thought for a while and then said: "Bring him here."

"Yes, little one, let's go."

Because the two stores are close to each other, Wei Ruo walked into the door of the Heting box on the second floor under the leadership of shopkeeper Shen in less than a stick of incense.

This time Fan Chengxu took a close look at Wei Ruo.

Young, petite, with a large area of blue birthmarks and ugly moles on his face, his appearance can be called ugly.

Only those eyes are clear and clean, lively and energetic, which is the only redeeming feature on this face.

"I heard from Shopkeeper Shen that you want to negotiate a business with me?" Fan Chengxu looked at Wei Ruo with a half-smile.

"Yes." Wei Ruo replied.

"Let's listen." Fan Chengxu took a sip of tea slowly, waiting for the next speech.

"Zuixianju is the most famous restaurant in Taizhou Prefecture. There are many kinds of dishes in the building. Braised meat is only one of more than a hundred kinds of dishes. It is not worth spending a lot of money to buy a dish of stewed meat. I have the same thing here. The boss wants to supply more useful things to Boss Fan for a long time."

"Oh? What is it?" Fan Chengxu admitted that he was quite interested in what the young man in front of him said.

Wei Ruo did not answer directly, but took out three porcelain bottles from the brocade bag he brought.

Wei Ruo placed the three bottles in a row on the mahogany round table in front of him.

"These three bottles are all used for seasoning. My lo-mei shop sells these spices. Boss Fan can take a look if you are interested." Wei Ruo said.

Fan Chengxu looked at the three porcelain vases in front of Wei Ruo.

After examining it for a while, he winked at Shopkeeper Shen.

Shopkeeper Shen immediately stepped forward and brought all three porcelain vases to Fan Chengxu.

Fan Chengxu opened a bottle and put it in front of his nose to smell it. There was a scent in it, which smelled rich and layered.

This taste is indeed somewhat similar to the aroma of the lo-mei sold in Xu Ji's lo-mei shop.

Wei Ruo explained: "It's a bit offensive to smell it directly, but if it is put into food, the taste will definitely be better, and it can well neutralize the fishy and muttony smell in some meat and fish."

Fan Chengxu poured out some of the powder inside and put it on the plate.

The dark brown powder looks like a mixture of many things. If you don't have this knowledge, you can't tell the specific ingredients.

Immediately afterwards, Fan Chengxu put down the first bottle and opened the second bottle.

The smell of the second bottle is more obvious, and it becomes liquid after shaking.

So Fan Chengxu poured some into a small bowl. After seeing the dark brown liquid, Fan Chengxu took some with chopsticks and prepared to put it into his mouth.

"My lord!" Shopkeeper Shen was a little worried.

"This is soy sauce."

Fan Chengxu put it in his mouth as he said, and it really tasted like soy sauce, but it was more delicious and mellow than the soy sauce he had tasted before.

Not only is wine good or bad, but soy sauce is the same. The difference between good soy sauce and bad soy sauce is not a little bit.

And the small bottle of soy sauce in front of him is undoubtedly the best of the best.

Finally, Fan Chengxu opened the third bottle, which was neither powder nor liquid.

After he turned the bottle upside down for a while, a little viscous liquid flowed out of it.

The color is lighter than that of soy sauce, and the color is bright.

"What is this?" Fan Chengxu asked Wei Ruo.

"Oyster sauce." Wei Ruo replied.

"Oyster sauce?"

"Yes, it is a sauce made from oysters. It tastes delicious. It can be used for cooking many foods, and it can also be eaten as a dipping sauce." Wei Ruo replied.

She doesn't hide what the raw material of this thing is. After all, even if she tells the other party that the raw material is oysters, the other party may not be able to make exactly the same oyster sauce.

Just like everyone knows that the raw material of soy sauce is soybeans, but to make delicious soy sauce, craftsmanship is the most important.

After listening to Wei Ruo's description, Fan Chengxu looked at the viscous thing again.

Just looking at it like this, it is impossible to see any connection between this thing and oysters.

Fan Chengxu picked up the chopsticks again, dipped them into his mouth, and savored carefully.

The first reaction is umami, a fresh and salty taste unique to seafood, but without the fishy smell of seafood.

The taste is not as strong as soy sauce, but the taste is equally rich and attractive.

I have seen the three bottles, except for the five-spice powder, I have not tasted it, and Fan Chengxu has tasted both soy sauce and oyster sauce.

After a while, Fan Chengxu raised his head, and his shrewd eyes fell on Wei Ruo again: "You want to sell me the formula of these spices?"

"No, I don't sell recipes, I sell spices. I want to provide spices for Zuixianju for a long time." Wei Ruo replied with confident and firm eyes.

Wei Ruo's answer surprised Fan Chengxu, and he continued to ask with great interest: "Then how much stock do you have in hand now?"

"No." Wei Ruo replied.

"No? Then you still boasted that you would reach a long-term supply relationship with me." Fan Chengxu asked.

"After reaching a relationship, I can immediately build a workshop for production." Wei Ruo replied.

"But you still have nothing now, that is to say, you are talking about a business with no profit?"

"My capital is the skills I have mastered. I know how to make these seasonings. I know how to conquer the taste buds of diners. This is my capital. They are worth a lot. If they are not valuable, Boss Fan is not You will let shopkeeper Shen come over to buy my lo-mei formula, won't you?" Wei Ruo asked back.

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