A Billion Dollar Exchange

Chapter 256: A bad feeling

256 A bad feeling

If he was there for the child, he should not bother; she did not blame him for it. It was her fault to begin with, she was the one who ran into the road… what was she saying? Anything that happened to her or her child was not his business, when he rejected her he had rejected her child too,

So if he was there for the child, he should as well leave because…

''Xin Yong, I'm about to pour milk into your cereal…''

''Wait, I'm coming!''

Xin Yong was forced to drag herself off the bed. She brushed her teeth and went to the dining. After eating she went back to her room and took a shower. She had already packed her things the previous day, so she just pulled her luggage to the parlor.

''That car is still there, what does he want?''\

Xin Yong found her aunt standing by the window, peering outside.

''Auntie, I'm going now. ''

''Oh, my dear! ''

Her aunt turned around when she heard her speak, pulling her into a warm hug.

''You should stop by sometime okay? ''

''Yeah, I will.''

''Call me when you get home, Okay.''

''I will. ''

Xin Yong smiled as they released themselves. She rolled her luggage to the door.

''And take enough rest when you get home, okay? ''

''I will! ''

Xin Yong exclaimed, chuckling lightly. That was her aunt; she cared too much to a fault. You should see her face when she knew that she had lost a child. She wept as though she was the one who lost the baby.

Xin Yong pulled her luggage down the stairs. She had called a taxi already and as she stepped down, she saw him drive in. The driver stepped out and helped her put her luggage into the car.

''To the airport ''

Xin Yong said as she was about to enter the car, but before she could put her leg in, she felt someone hold onto her arm.

She instantly turned around, a surprised frown on her face.

When she came out, she saw his car parked there, the glass was tinted so she could not see what was going on inside. Maybe he was sleeping because nothing happened till that moment.

Jin Yue was panting frantically. He had been awake throughout the night watching the house to know if the light would come on or she would step out but none of those happened. He had not realized he had fallen asleep until he heard some noise and opened his eyes only to see her putting her luggage into a taxi and about to leave.

He didn't even realize when he flew to where she was and held her hand stopping her from entering the taxi.

It was not until Xin Yong looked down at the hand he was holding, that he immediately released it.

''Sweet, please don't go. Let's talk. ''

He begged, tears clouding his eyes.

She wanted to dismiss him and leave immediately but on a second thought she decided against it. She was going back home, if she didn't tell him what she had in mind, he was going to keep stalking her.

''Sweet, I…''

''Mr., I don't think we have that kind of relationship_ that you should touch me without permission! Do you go around holding people that way? I noticed that you have stalked me for a while, you are infringing on my privacy and I really don't like it. If this continues, I'll have no choice but to call the cops on you. I hope you understand this and not appear anywhere close to me again. Driver, take me to the airport please! ''

Without wasting anymore time, she turned around and entered the car and in the next few seconds, it zoomed off leaving Jin Yue on the spot.

Jin Yue stood rooted to the ground; he could not bear to move. Her words had sent daggers cutting through his body. When she spoke, her eyes read hate, explicit hate. It looked as though she was holding so much in and she did not want to lose control.

Jin Yue was still thinking when he realized that she had left and he was still there!

…To the airport? Was she going back to Beijing? ?Jin Yue wanted to follow her but he remembered that he had come with his car.

Why on earth did he decide to come with car!!

Liling was performing one of her songs in her Album. The concert was not very huge but Manager Su said it was a big publicity.

She was awfully nervous. That morning, she woke up with a headache, which she felt was not a good sign. She thought of a million things that could go wrong but she couldn't point out any.

Manager Su kept telling her to brighten up but the more she tried to look okay, the more her mood dwindled. Thankfully, she was performing an emotional song, so there was no need to be in a good mood.

''It's almost time. ''

Her makeup artist made a final touch on her make up before she stood up and walked towards the backstage. Before she climbed up, she called Liu Wei. He answered immediately.

''Hey, ''

''Hey, ''

''Are you here already? ''

''Yeah, ''

The last time she performed, she did not see him, but this time, she really wanted to look him in the eyes as she sang.

''Where are you sitting? ''

''I'm sitting on the third row in the middle column. ''

''Okay, it's almost time; I'll be hanging up now. ''

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