A Bet with Slutty Evil Being!

Chapter 164 164: Worthy And Beautiful!

Power stones☺�☺�☺�☺�


He was pleased to see that she seemed to have no hard feelings towards him for defeating her, and he felt a sense of respect for her for being a gracious opponent.

Orcus decided to maintain a polite and composed demeanor, showing his appreciation for Anne's sportsmanship.

"In fact, I would consider it acceptable if I honoured you for a war well fought," He responded with a courteous and charming smile, saying that he would be happy to honor her for a well-fought battle.

However, after a brief moment of silence, "Well... Well, there's no need for that, milady," he added that there was no need for her to feel obliged.

As they conversed, Orcus recollected a legend about the Jotun maidens. According to the myth, if a warrior defeated a Jotun maiden in a battle and emerged victorious, the maiden would offer herself to the winner.

Was Anne implying that she was willing to engage in that activity? Orcus noticed that Anne was shifting her position awkwardly, which added to his suspicion.

Anne's behavior seemed to suggest that she was offering herself to Orcus, but she did not want to initiate the process.

Despite this, Orcus found her behavior endearing and was impressed with how she was handling the situation.

In most cases, a defeated maiden who offers herself to the victor would do so unwillingly and harbor ill feelings towards the person. However, this was not the case with Anne, as she did not seem to dislike Orcus.

Despite his status as an incubus and living in the Kingdom of Desire, Orcus had never been kissed, let alone engage in other activities that were typical of his kind. He had always been focused on his studies and had not been interested in pursuing such activities.

Now faced with the opportunity to engage in such behavior, Orcus found himself nervous and unsure of how to proceed.

He was not sure if Anne was genuinely offering herself or if he was misinterpreting her actions, and he did not want to offend her by making the wrong assumption.

As he contemplated the situation, Orcus couldn't help but wonder if he was missing out on something by not engaging in such activities.

He had always been curious about them but had never had the opportunity to explore them. However, he was also apprehensive about the potential consequences of engaging in such behavior.

Orcus was known for being a neutral and level-headed individual who always thought before he spoke. He was not one to offer compliments unless he truly meant them.

"So let me begin by saying, you fought well in the tournament, and I couldn't have asked for a more worthy and beautiful opponent," When he spoke to Anne, he made it clear that he believed she was both a worthy opponent and beautiful in appearance.

Orcus was determined to make this encounter meaningful, and he wanted to ensure that Anne knew that he was sincere in his compliments.

"I couldn't have asked for a more worthy and beautiful opponent." As he spoke, he noticed that his unintentionally appealing expression seemed to put Anne at ease.

Perhaps it was his lack of experience with physical relationships, but he found himself drawn to her in a way that he had never experienced before.

For Orcus, this encounter was not going to be a meaningless one-night stand. He was determined to make it a meaningful experience for both him and Anne.

His sincerity and desire to make this encounter special were evident in his words and his expression, and Anne seemed to appreciate his honesty and sincerity.

Anne was surprised by the turn of events that seemed to be unfolding, and she had a feeling that this night might turn out to be better than she initially thought.

Even though she was a Jotun and their beliefs were against indulging in sexual activity unless it was mandatory, Anne was not opposed to engaging in sex with orcus.

In fact, a small percentage of her people did engage in sexual activity for just only for pleasure or most of the time bcz of love, but she had always been more focused on her duties for more becoming more of a warrior.

Her willingness to offer herself to Orcus was not a result of any personal grudge against him; on the contrary, she admired him for being a formidable and astute adversary.

As a Jotun, Anne believed that fighting an opponent in combat was one of the quickest and easiest ways to get to know them better.

She had learned a lot about Orcus through their battles, and she found herself drawn to his neutral and composed demeanor, which was a refreshing change from the impulsive and aggressive behaviour she usually encountered.

Despite the reservations she had about engaging in sexual activity for pleasure, Anne couldn't help but feel a spark of excitement at the thought of spending the night with Orcus.

She was curious to see what he would be like in a more intimate setting, and she felt that he was someone she could trust and be comfortable with.

Anne always tried to comprehend each of her adversaries during a battle, seeking to discern the reasons why they chose to fight. However, Orcus was different, and he left her with a feeling of gloom that piqued her interest even more.

As she conversed with Orcus, Anne struggled to find a way to continue the discussion, but she didn't have to worry as Orcus responded with gratitude to her compliment.


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