A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 66: Ancient Brewing

Chapter 66: Ancient Brewing

Hua Mi had a tendency to view things through a suspicious lens, always assuming the worst motives—like the desire for sole credit.

Maybe she feared having her achievements stolen, thus she kept her plans secret, hiring an unrelated human as her adventure companion to ensure she'd be the first to make the discovery.

But was it really so?

Alyss calmly replied, "As I mentioned, our purpose in this venture is exploration, to document lost architectural techniques. If Emerald City or any other organization learns of the path to the lost city, it won't be a marvel in architectural history anymore; it'll face barbaric invasions and plundering. When it's time for architects and scholars to take the stage, it might already be a ruin."

Hua Mi grasped her meaning.

Different people valued different things. That's what they meant by "where your priorities lie shapes your thoughts."

Faced with a lost city, politicians, merchants, scholars... each would have their own agendas, leading to conflicts and chaos.

"And you..." Alyss gazed at him with a subtle expression. "Secluded in the desolate magic land, a top-notch alchemist, you should understand my perspective. Diligently perfecting your craft, indifferent to fame or profit, only concerned with getting closer to that peak achievement. I believe that's our greatest similarity."


Hmm, she might be right?

It made him slightly uneasy, but upon reflection, it wasn't entirely incorrect.

Wasn't his relentless pursuit of the new bee species and honey a pursuit of perfection?

Life itself was inherently purposeless; its meaning was self-imposed.


Hua Mi and Xiao Lu were invited to stay for a lavish meal.

Alyss didn't serve the usual elf cuisine—Hua Mi had hoped to sample some of their unique delicacies.

Instead, the table was adorned with dishes catering to human tastes, quite sumptuous and reminiscent of Earth's flavors.

Yet, for Hua Mi, it leaned towards being too rich. A touch of honey balanced the flavors perfectly.

Amongst the spread, only a few jugs of wine were Emerald City's specialty.

Resembling red wine in appearance, swirling in the glass, it shimmered.

The alcohol carried a potent fruity aroma, masking the scents of the table's food.

Alyss explained it was fruit wine made from flowery fruit, crafted using ancient elven brewing techniques, boasting top-notch taste and texture.

Xiao Lu, sensitive to alcohol, sipped a bit and was instantly dizzy, grinning, displaying a cute yet mischievous expression. Fluttering around the table, she complimented both the food and the wooden servant by her side.

If food and wood spirits had souls, they'd blush.

This little one was perfectly suited to enliven a gathering.

Hua Mi took a sip too—a sweet tang with a hint of spice.

Sweetness and spice swirled down her throat, warming her up.

She felt instantly refreshed.

"Before battle, elven warriors tend to take a few sips of flowery fruit wine to unlock their potential, to activate their magic..."

But clearly, indulging too much would weaken combat prowess. One couldn't afford to drunkenly brawl with enemies. Hua Mi quipped inwardly.

After a few more sips, it seemed slightly stronger than grape wine.

She indulged a bit, finding it quite satisfying.

Curiously, she inquired about the wine-making process.

Alyss explained, "On the second day of the flowery fruit's ripening, it's harvested, soaked in water until the wrinkles vanish, becoming plump. Then it's placed in a wooden basin, where freshly baptized young elves tread barefoot to crush it into a paste..."


Hua Mi didn't touch her wine glass again.

She decided then and there to never drink a drop of otherworldly alcohol.

Once she had enough honey reserves, she could consider brewing her own mead.

On Earth, mead was more luxurious than wine.

Magical honey-produced alcohol would naturally be even more valuable.

It could easily outshine this odd fruit wine made by foot-stomping.

Alyss, chin resting on her hand post-drink, blushing cheeks, remarked, "Rumor has it that the lost city holds a miraculous flower, influenced by the 'Fireseed,' growing with accumulated magic, capable of giving birth to a flower spirit."

Maybe it was the alcohol, but her smile seemed mischievous, like a tempting little devil.

She was a wise elf.

After a few days of interaction, she seemed to know exactly where this beekeeper's itch lay.

A scratch in the right spot could stir up his emotions.

Hua Mi warned himself not to get carried away.

He already had three types of honey-producing flowers: Moon Slumber, Feather Cloak, and Thunder Bloom, and Thunder Bloom was growing well, expected to yield honey soon.

What use did he have for Fireseed flowers?

No need to pick roadside flowers.

What was so great about flower spirits?

Seven pseudo-flower spirits weren't enough?


At dusk, Hua Mi carried the thoroughly intoxicated Xiao Lu back.

The little one slumped on Hua Mi's shoulder, heavily inebriated but determined to guide.

She was utterly confused, directing him randomly—now asking him to fly higher, then lower, then maybe underground...

Annoyed, Hua Mi finally tucked her into the pocket of his dark robe, cutting off her view.

He took a straight path home.

With imprints from their earlier trek in the snow, getting lost wasn't possible.

They reached the greenhouse smoothly.

Hua Mi entrusted Xiao Lu to her little companions, checked the flower field—Thunder Bloom was thriving, everything was normal.

So far, over four acres had been sown.

The quantity of Thunder Bloom had doubled.

"Two or three more acres, and it'll be enough."

The initial batch was already blossoming, likely to yield honey soon.

The seeds produced today could wait until tomorrow for planting.

Hua Mi packed up the beehives and headed home for rest.

Lying in bed, he mulled over Alyss's adventure invitation.

Suddenly, a palpitation stirred deep within.

Did he, subconsciously, crave adventure?

But reason warned him against needless risks; it was foolish.

His most pressing goals had been achieved.

The greenhouse was up.

Beekeeping, flower planting, honey brewing—everything was progressing steadily.

Life was peaceful; everything was going as planned.

Daily happiness was assured; no need to seek excitement or chase unattainable goals through adventures.

"If I had to recommend a companion for her, there are options..."

Like the trio from Blackstone Town, would they be interested in accompanying her on the adventure?


The next day, he eagerly opened the magic box, checking the bee colony that had consumed the modified mutagen.

"Come on, Octobee, the improved version of the potion, should have results."

Nothing too demanding, just one.

Either a fighting bee or a honey gatherer would suffice.

Hua Mi sensed the beehive, meticulously inspecting each one.

The results surprised him.

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