A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 206: Flowers in the Graveyard

Chapter 206: Flowers in the Graveyard


Hua Mi furrowed his brow.

What nonsense.

Little Bee is so adorable.

How could it possibly symbolize calamity?

But Fuline was adamant: "I can't recall the exact wording from the book, but the message was clear.

"When these swarms of creatures from another realm appear, it foretells a catastrophe for the main world. We need to prepare."

Hua Mi found this ludicrous.

Little Bee, so cute, causing a catastrophe? Impossible.

Surely, that book isn't something serious.

It's a joke.

Yet, Hua Mi was genuinely curious about the book, eager to read about the "bees" mentioned.

If Fuline was correct, and it truly documented bees, perhaps it could unveil the connection between this world and Earth.

"As for the origin of that book? I have no idea," Fuline shrugged. "Honestly, I stumbled upon it accidentally. It wasn't what I was looking for, so I didn't delve deep into it. If not for my good memory, I wouldn't have remembered it at all."

With a pause, Fuline, still curious, gazed at him and asked, "So, are you also from another realm?"

"Visitors from another realm"—such a term might be highly fantastical on Earth.

But in this magic-filled world, it was a stark reality.

Travel between different planes, while rare, wasn't considered peculiar.

The witch, accustomed to various encounters, casually posed the question.

Surely, even if Hua Mi admitted to being from Earth, she wouldn't be surprised.

However, Hua Mi currently wasn't willing to expose Earth to this world.

One reason was for Earth's safety.

The other was to keep too many of his secrets hidden.

"I once delved into interdimensional travels, visited many places, and brought back these creatures from one of the planes to work for me."

This statement was intentionally vague, sidestepping where he originated from.

Fuline didn't press further about his origins, nodding and asking again, "What's that world like? I mean, the 'bees' homeland. Please forgive me, since the book notes them as symbols of calamity, it's crucial to pay attention. I want to gather more information about that world to inform the Dean upon my return."

"That world is quite ordinary. Magic there is sparse compared to this one—magic is a rare existence there. Additionally, humans dominate that world entirely, superior to other species. Though there might be wars among them, overall, it's quite orderly. Moreover, humans there haven't mastered interdimensional travel, um..."

Hua Mi carefully phrased it, concluding, "At least, I don't think it poses any threat to the main world."

"Is that so..."

"Also, you only skimmed through the book's contents, perhaps misinterpreted or missed crucial information. Sometimes, the absence of key content can entirely alter the meaning."

"Valid point."

Hua Mi pondered; he'd seize the chance to visit the Witch Academy and peruse that book.

He didn't believe in prophecies—bees causing calamity was absurd in his view.

In his belief, fate could be altered.

So even in this magical world, he didn't buy into divination.

His lack of concern was evident in helping Karen change her dream divination, showing no psychological burden.

But that aside, focus on the current task first.

"Let's talk about the bees later. I think I've figured out this illusion. Shall we proceed?"


Fuline agreed verbally, yet her gaze toward Hua Mi shifted.

She seemed pensive, her added wariness evident in her eyes, making Hua Mi somewhat uncomfortable.

Swallowing a bestowed honey pill, he pushed aside distracting thoughts. As before, he condensed his mental strength into a lance, piercing the illusionary barrier.

With no "guardian trees" this time, the probe indeed became much smoother.

Swiftly advancing, the illusion remained unchanged.

Hua Mi's mental strength flowed smoothly, swiftly passing through.

Taking that as his entry point, he tore the entire illusion "curtain" apart.

A clear sight lay before him.

The scene before me changed as if parting clouds revealed clear skies.

With a ripple effect, the environment shifted before my eyes.

The mountain that was whole and solid now appeared divided, as if cleaved by a colossal axe, forming two distinct sides.

A cool breeze swept out from the middle of the canyon.

"You did it!" Hilary exclaimed, momentarily setting aside the matter of the bees to cheer for Huami's success.

"I knew you weren't just an ordinary person. With your help, finding documents about the devil's contract is probably a piece of cake," she added.

"I never promised you that," Huami corrected her promptly.

They exchanged thoughts and proceeded together towards the gorge.

The concealed path wasn't too narrow, allowing two or three people to walk side by side. Yet, this hidden passage seemed to have other magical effects.

They could only see a few meters ahead, beyond which was a void.

Moonlight couldn't penetrate it, and Huami's "sharp eyes" couldn't pierce through it either.

They had to proceed step by step.

Huami continued to let his scouting bee lead the way, serving as a scout. This way, even if there was danger ahead, they would have enough time to react.

"This is another type of 'bee,'" Huami explained as they walked, "called a scouting bee. It provides sensory information for me... You see, not all bees have destructive powers like the one just now. That was an exception, and they're also under my control. In fact, most bees are quite gentle by nature."

Huami tried to improve the initial impression left by the bloodsucking bee. Introducing a bloodsucker as the representative of bees for the first time wasn't exactly easy for others to accept.

"After all, the life-absorbing nature they exhibit can seem quite strange to outsiders."

"Hmm?" Huami suddenly halted.

Florin, walking beside him, also stopped a couple of steps ahead and asked, "What did you find?"

"..." Huami closed his eyes, focusing on analyzing the visual information sent back by the scouting bee.

It was a dead end up ahead.

What first drew his attention was a standing stone tablet.

Square-shaped, entirely black, fairly large, and quite conspicuous.

White text was engraved on it.

Adjusting his line of sight, he could make out that it was a tombstone.

Around the tombstone bloomed peculiar flowers.

"Could those be the flowers I'm looking for?" Huami never expected grave flowers.

What puzzled him more was why there was a hidden grave here.

And whose grave was it?

Huami opened his eyes and said to Florin, "It seems like there's a graveyard up ahead."

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