A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 202: Resolving Disputes

Chapter 202: Resolving Disputes

Inside the greenhouse, the "Seed Maker" was on its last legs.

He needed to plan ahead.

The Witch Academy had an abundance of peculiar knowledge and tools. Maybe they could help him resolve this pressing issue.

Moreover, after establishing good relations, he could consult them on a few matters.

Like the substitution cloth and the mysterious balance harbored within it.

"I can't claim that," Hua Mi modestly replied. "Cultivating flowers is a profound art. No one dares to claim superiority. Mutual exchange and progress are the right choices."

The witch squinted sweetly and smiled, "You make a valid point!"

Wait a moment...

Gazing at her seemingly sweet smile, Hua Mi suddenly detected a hint of cunning.

She's baiting me into falling for it.

Exchanging floral cultivation techniques with the Witch Academy was contingent on helping them retrieve the demonic contract documentation.

He unknowingly assumed that premise...

"In that case, I'll humbly ask for your guidance, Teacher of Bee Language," the witch's voice was seductive, complemented by a slightly coquettish expression, enough to make even the most resolute men falter.

However, as an Earthling well-versed in the "Strategy of the Beautiful Woman" from the Thirty-Six Stratagems, he wore the cloak of composure.

Faced with her temptation, at this moment, Hua Mi was as unyielding as steel.

If her intentions were merely at this level...

Then Hua Mi had nothing to worry about.

It was child's play.

"Don't think your petty tricks will ensnare me."

Hua Mi didn't pursue the topic further, scanning the surroundings again, confirming no traces of illusions or other magical imprints.

He let Xiao Bai sense the area again.

As fellow flower spirits, perhaps Xiao Bai could detect hidden details.

However, the search yielded nothing.

"There are no clues here. Let's check around the inn."


Hua Mi said, leaving the backyard and heading towards the main gate.

At this time, it was midnight, the moon shining brightly, with the constant chirping of insects in the mountains.

Hua Mi walked out of the gate first, spotting three individuals stationed outside.

One of them was the hunter he'd seen before.

Leaning against the wall, he had his muscular arms folded, eyes closed, relaxing.

The other two were older.

One had dark skin, a weathered face showing the marks of experience.

The other was relatively plump, with gray-white hair, smaller than the hunter but bigger than the other.

The three stood evenly spaced against the wall, resembling signal markers.

Upon hearing their approach, the three opened their eyes and converged towards them.

The plump, white-haired elder spoke first, "Hello, I am the village chief of McKang Village. It's an honor to host you. As the local leader and spokesperson, I've decided to offer you some free coupons, allowing you to enjoy the inn's services for free..."

Before Hua Mi could speak, the dark-skinned elder coughed, interrupting the chief's monologue, looking displeased, "You probably don't have that authority! Distributing free coupons should be decided by the innkeeper."

After rebuking the chief, he smiled warmly at the guests, "I am the designer responsible for the hot spring inn, everyone calls me Old Bert. I worked in Modu for a while in my youth, gaining architectural design experience. Are you satisfied with the structure of our inn?"

"Not bad," Hua Mi affirmed.

"Of course," the hunter added, "I led the construction of this inn, brick by brick. It's not only sturdy but also beautiful."

Evidently, none of the three conceded, each believing they were the most deserving to be the owner.

"Let's just randomly pick one and send the others away," Hua Mi didn't want to linger too long on this matter.

Whom should he choose?

Hua Mi looked at the three standing in anticipation, considering for a moment.

Although he didn't have time or interest to delve deeply, some basic considerations were still in order.

Firstly, the village chief was a community figure, clearly unfit for the role of an innkeeper.

Setting aside whether he could handle it or not.

Hua Mi felt it was best for him to remain as an honest village chief and steer clear of business ventures.

Easy breeding ground for corruption.

He thought the chief should act as a check and balance.

Next was the hunter.

Hua Mi: This guy seems to have muscles in his brain.

Xiao Zi: I d

oubt he can handle the inn's business or grasp the management aspects.

Hua Mi: Right now, there aren't many guests, so his performance isn't evident.

Xiao Zi: If this place becomes a famous hotspot, this hunter friend might be overwhelmed.

Xiao Huang: How did Hua Mi figure that out?

Hua Mi: Very simple, judging by appearances.

Xiao Huang: In such a short time, there's no way he could have a deep understanding of him. He could only observe outward appearances.

Hua Mi: After eliminating possibilities, only one person remains, the elder who designed the inn's structure.

Xiao Huang: This man spent his youth in Modu and is considered knowledgeable in the village.

Hua Mi: Though he's aged a bit, he still seems healthy, mainly because his mind is clear and he's not senile.

Xiao Huang: Running an inn doesn't require physical strength anyway. Experience and a clear mind are enough.

Hua Mi: Having made his decision, Hua Mi summoned Xiao Bai.

Pseudo-Flower Spirits: All three displayed reverence upon seeing the Flower Spirit.

Pseudo-Flower Spirits: Whether this respect came from the heart or was merely for gaining favor was unknown.

Xiao Zi: "So, the Flower Spirit decides who becomes the inn's owner, right?"

Hua Mi: "Yes."

Xiao Huang: "Will you all obey her decision?"

Pseudo-Flower Spirits: "Of course!"

All three responded in unison.

Hua Mi nodded, signaling Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai: "I've decided, he'll be the inn's owner."

As soon as these words were uttered, a broad smile spread across Lei Luo's weathered face, revealing his back molars.

Lei Luo: "Ah, I knew it! The inn's owner has to be me. Now, you have nothing to say, right? Hahaha."

War Hammer and Col exchanged bewildered looks, both wearing expressions of disbelief.

Hillar: "I refuse to acknowledge him as the owner!"

Hilia: "In my capacity as the village chief, I declare this appointment invalid!"

Hua Mi: "Stick to the agreement, you two idiots!"

Levistus: "What did you say?!"

The three descended into another argument.

Hua Mi had anticipated this outcome long before.

However, he'd given his advice, but whether they followed it wasn't his concern.

The priority was finding the Flower.

While they argued, Hua Mi slipped away. However, a sudden chill ran down his spine.

The commotion ceased instantly.

Turning around, he witnessed the Witch's robe fluttering without wind, her hair floating as if alive, resembling serpents in motion.

Her face was grim, eyes fixed intensely on the three.

Her presence exuded a terrifying aura despite her average height, seemingly towering over three meters at that moment.

The three involuntarily drew closer, trembling in fear, displaying expressions of sheer terror.

Nite: "What... What do you want?"

Susie Winston: "You're... too loud."

"I feel like this guy's all brawn and no brain."

Doubtful if he can handle the inn business or grasp any management skills.

No guests yet, so his performance isn't obvious.

If this place becomes a famous hotspot later on, this hunter friend will likely have a mental meltdown.

How did Hua Mi figure it out?

Simple, judging by appearances.

In such a short time, there's no way to deeply understand him. Judging by outward appearances is all we've got.

With Hua Mi's elimination, there's only one person left, the one who designed the inn's structure, Old Bert.

This person spent time in Mo Du when young, quite knowledgeable in the village.

Though aged a bit, seems healthy, and importantly, mentally sharp, not too senile.

Running an inn doesn't require physical strength anyway. Experience and a clear mind are enough.

With the decision made, Hua Mi signaled for Xiao Bai to come out.

The three seeing the Flower Spirit showed reverence.

Whether this respect stemmed from the heart or for brownie points, who knows?

"By the Flower Spirit's method, she decides who becomes the inn's owner, right?"


"You guarantee obedience to her decision?"

"Of course!"

All three echoed in unison.

Hua Mi nodded.

Xiao Bai received his signal and pointed towards Old Bert.

"I've decided, he'll be the inn's owner."

As soon as this was said,

Old Bert's weathered face immediately lit up, even revealing his back molars with his grin.

"Ha-ha, I knew it! It's gotta be me as the owner. You've got nothing to say now, do you? Ha-ha-ha-ha."

The hunter and the village chief were momentarily stunned, exchanged a glance, both wearing expressions of discontent.

Mouths opened, words spewed.

"I refuse to acknowledge him as the owner!"

"I, in my capacity as the village chief, declare this appointment void!"

"Follow the agreement, you two idiots!"

"What did you say?!"

The three erupted into a new argument.

I knew...

Hua Mi had already guessed it would end up like this.

But, he'd given his advice. Whether they followed it wasn't his concern.

Finding the Flower was crucial.

As they bickered, Hua Mi sidestepped. Just a few steps away, a sudden chill ran down his spine.

The commotion ceased instantly.

Turning back, he saw the witch's robe swaying without wind, her hair floating like living serpents, writhing ceaselessly.

Her face darkened, eyes fixed on the trio.

A dreadful aura emanated from her.

Though not tall, her presence felt towering, easily three meters high.

The three involuntarily huddled together, trembling, faces filled with fear.

"What, what do you want?"

"You're, you're too loud."

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