A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 185: The Heir in the Dream

Chapter 185: The Heir in the Dream

"Thoughts on him?"

The carriage steadily moved along the road, a corner of the curtain lifted.

A ninja followed the carriage, hearing the question from inside, replied, "Weak. I sensed the aura of weakness from him. Last night, if not for Princess Karen's protection, I could have effortlessly defeated him."

Tisyara's voice remained calm, "So, when necessary, I can trust you to handle him, right?"

The ninja affirmed, "Yes, Your Highness! He won't pose any threat to you."

The curtain was drawn shut.

Tisyara inside the carriage remained silent.

The carriage rumbled on, picking up speed.


Five days later.

"It's happening tonight."

The day the king decides on the heir, tonight.

The magical crystal sphere was ceremoniously taken from the treasury, thoroughly inspected, and delivered to the king's chambers.

Tonight, the king would sleep alone, holding this sphere.

This night, with the moon veiled and the sky darkened, was a perfect night for slumber.

Hua Mi and Karen met in their dreams.

The surroundings were elusive.

Amidst the mist, faint outlines of buildings were visible, occasional figures, even shadows of magical creatures roamed.

Yet upon approach, they vanished, illusions due to insufficient energy, unable to fully materialize, resembling mirages.

The two stood there, gazing in a certain direction.

In the mist, a bubble slowly formed.

That was the king's dream boundary.

Unlike Karen's dream, a pinkish girlish one, this dream boundary presented a solemn blue-black hue.

But it was not fully formed yet, just the size of a fist.

Not yet accessible.

Karen appeared a bit nervous, perhaps excited.

Or maybe due to having a bit too much honey wine, her spirits seemed heightened

To prolong their state of dreaming, they took a sip from a bottle.

She seemed unable to bear the absolute silence, confirming their plan once more, "As you said, dreams precede personal consciousness. So, if we enter before the king's consciousness enters the dream, we'll see who's on the throne beforehand, right?"


He had tested this numerous times.

Dreams always emerged before the dreamer's personal will.

Without exception.

It was akin to setting a stage before actors could perform.

During dreaming, it took time for the dreamer's consciousness to manifest within the dream.

Their plan relied on these precious three minutes.

In Hua Mi's mind, there was a consideration he hadn't shared with Karen.

So far, they had only tested regular dreamsthose naturally occurring to ordinary people.

But dreams influenced by the magical crystal sphere might differ, an unknown variable.

In theory, both were dreams, generated by the same mechanismemanations of mental energy in the realm of illusions.

However, would the magical effects influence the honey wine?

That was Hua Mi's concern.

No other way but to try.

They waited, watching the blue-black bubble gradually enlarge.

As its size increased, its color grew lighter.

Finally, it turned into a deep blue.

The bubble had fully developed, the size of an ordinary room, and stopped growing.

This signaled the completion of the dream's construction.

They stood before the bubble, intricate black patterns constantly shifting on its surface.

Each person's bubble differed in color and patterns, perhaps related to individual constitution and dream type.

But through mental perception, this precognitive dream appeared no different from an ordinary dream.

A good sign.

"Let's go."

Hua Mi extended his hand tentatively towards the bubble.

The moment his palm touched the bubble's surface, he felt a mental resistance.

It was stronger than any dream he had tested before.

So potent that even with Hua Mi's extraordinary mental strength, it took effort to push his hand through.

"No wonder he's a king, his mental fortitude surpasses ordinary people."

However, Karen, beside him, remained motionless.

She seemed conflicted.

"Is this right? It's about Turen's future..."


Seems she hadn't completely overcome that mental barrier yet.

At the crucial moment, she hesitated.

"Your distressed look makes it seem like I'm a villain, deceiving an ignorant girl."

Hua Mi didn't have time to patiently console her; after all, they only had three minutes.

This unforeseen situation wasn't unforeseen to Hua Mi.

If she indeed chose to flee at this juncture, Hua Mi had prepared a plan B:

He'd have to enter alone and somehow disrupt this precognitive dream.

The king would probably think the divination had failed.

As for what happens after the failure, whether the crystal sphere goes into cooldown, that remained unknown.

It was an option without an alternative.

"Only three minutes, are you sure you want to miss this chance?"

Hua Mi said, already halfway into the dream.

Creating an opening with his palm made it easier to traverse.

Hua Mi effortlessly crossed.

There was a slight... difference in sensation.

But he couldn't quite pinpoint it.

The feel of a mental body was entirely unlike the physical, hard to express in words.

Only crudely put, it was an uncomfortable sensation.

Crossing the dream boundary, Hua Mi encountered a purple hue

The dominant color scheme of this dream.

Before he knew it, Karen followed suit, no longer wearing a conflicted expression.

Thankfully, it seemed she hadn't hesitated for too long and decided to proceed as planned.

Inside lay the answer to who the heir in the divination was.

The two stepped into the grand hall.

Hua Mi looked towards the throne at the end.

A figure indeed sat there.

A familiar figure.

But it was unexpected.

"Why him?"

Yes, "him," not "her."

Following, Karen entered, wearing an astonished expression:

"Second brother?!"

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