A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 183: Karen's Dream of Social Death

Chapter 183: Karen's Dream of Social Death

Hua Mi gulped down the Rainbow Honey Wine and took a sip of the Moon Dream Honey.

He then lay down on the bed.

Sleep quickly overcame him, and before long, he entered the realm of dreams.

When he regained consciousness, he sat up in bed.

Surveying the room, everything appeared just like reality, except for a hazy filter over his vision, indicating this was indeed a dreama lucid dream.

Thanks to his exceptionally strong mental power, the dream details he constructed were much more vivid than an average person's.

However, a dream was still a dream, and upon closer inspection, differences from reality were apparent.

Yet, this time, he didn't venture into the lucid dream intentionally.

Aside from bestowing a "lucid dream" state, the Rainbow Honey Wine also granted a "boozer" state.

The latter allowed him to enter someone else's dream.

What could be safer and more suitable for a clandestine discussion than a dream?

Hua Mi gestured casually.

The room around him dissolved into emptiness.

A faint mist materialized before him.

Within the mist, he vaguely saw a pink bubble not too far away.

He traversed the mist and walked towards it.

Soon, he arrived close to the bubble.

Apart from him, the only one slumbering in the palace was Karen.

This bubble likely marked the boundary of Karen's dream.

"So, even in dreams, the little princess is all about shades of pink."

Blessed by the honey wine, all he had to do was traverse this bubble to enter her dream.

Hua Mi reached out to touch the surface of the bubble, feeling a mental resistance.

However, the resistance was faint; with a little effort, he phased through.

Immediately, he effortlessly stepped into it.

His vision was suddenly engulfed by a piercing light.

Hua Mi instinctively shielded his eyes.

The eye pain mirrored reality, making his eyes moisten instantly.

Gradually adjusting to the light, the scenery leaned towards pink hues, with colorful bubbles floating in the air.

Ahead lay a fantastic sea of flowers, various blooms showcasing their colors in the sunlight.

However, no matter how beautiful the flowers were, they paled in comparison to the dazzling figure withinthe princess herself, shining in a physical sense.

Clad in a pure white gown, her skin exceptionally fair, almost reflecting light.

At first glance, Hua Mi didn't recognize her.

But upon closer inspection, it seemed to be none other than the owner of this dream, Princess Karen.

"This is quite different from reality."

In the dream, Karen appeared taller than in reality, her figure a size larger, nearly perfect.

"Is this her ideal figure? Honestly, it might be a bit challenging to achieve."

Of course, this was a dream.

What couldn't be achieved in reality shouldn't limit one's dreams, right?

Karen was twirling and leaping in the flower sea, immersed in her delightful reverie, accompanied by dancing petals, lost in self-admiration.

At that moment, a few birds flew in, circling above her head and chattering in a strangely human-like manner:

"Wow, what a beautiful maiden!"

"She must be the most beautiful princess in the Seven Kingdoms, Princess Karen!"

"Is she the woman all the Seven Kingdoms' men daydream about? Truly deserving of her reputation!"

"Oh! My eyes are blinded by her grace!"

"..." Hua Mi felt his eyes were also nearly blinded.

Not just his eyes, his ears were also somewhat overwhelmed.

Just as Hua Mi was about to approach and discuss important matters, another person appeared beside him, the female official.

The official said to her, "Your Highness' stunning beauty ensnares anyone who sees it. The six kingdoms are sending envoys, expressing their willingness to submit."

Karen now held a fan covering the lower part of her face, unable to hide her overflowing smile. "I am born with this beauty that I can't abandon...

Then, shifting the fan slightly, she revealed a cunning expression, "Now that the seven kingdoms are unified, humans have unprecedented strength. I'll have my brother lead the army and, while the Jade City is unprepared, sweep through the elf tribe in one go! I'll personally lead the Holy Knights and strike deep into the enemy's territory!"

The official was startled, "Your Highness, you're going to the battlefield yourself?"

Karen confidently replied, "Don't mistake me for just a decorative princess because of my beauty. Riding horses and fighting battles is something I've always longed for. With the Holy Knights under my command, I can finally fulfill my long-cherished wish to gallop across the battlefield."

The official admired, "Your Highness, possessing both beauty and prowess, truly the first princess in human history!"

Then, a crowd surged in.

On one side were armored warriors, kneeling and pledging loyalty.

On the other side were nobles' children, screaming loudly like a bunch of fervent fans.

Karen stood gracefully amidst the flowers, extending her arms, showcasing her charm amidst the petals' dance.

"..." Hua Mi was speechless.

"Your Highness, what kind of dream are you having..."

What kind of over-the-top Mary Sue storyline was this?

To prevent the plot from taking a more absurd turn, Hua Mi hurriedly approached Karen.

Seeing him in her dream, Karen was slightly surprised but quickly resumed her Mary Sue protagonist smile, "Your appearance is unexpected. Have you also been captivated by my charm?"

As she spoke, she flicked her long hair, creating a rainbow shimmer.

"..." Hua Mi had the urge to leave immediately.

But he held himself back.

The main issue needed addressing.

To ensure no interference with his future farming plans and to eliminate potential trouble in the capital, he had to act.

Hua Mi whispered, "Your Highness, please carefully recollect where this place is. How did you get here?"

"This is..."

Karen's smile froze suddenly.

Then she lowered her head, lost in thought.

"Weird, why can't I recall..." Karen's expression turned grave, looking at Hua Mi, she asked, "Have I been affected by magic? Damn, who dares..."

"Your Highness, calm down. It's not magic; it's a dream."

"A dream?"

"Yes, this is your dream, Your Highness."

But Karen still seemed skeptical, "I've never been aware that I'm dreaming when I dream."

Hua Mi calmly stated, "If you don't believe, Your Highness, you can pinch yourself to see if it hurts."

Karen did as he suggested, pinching her arm.

Her eyes widened instantly.

"No pain... Is this really a dream? But you..."

"I consumed an alchemical potion that allows temporary entry into others' dreams. Your Highness, I have an important matter to discuss, and dreams are the most secluded place."

Meanwhile, the surrounding people seemed to vanish as if erased, leaving only the two of them in the vast flower field.

Usually, when dreamers become aware of their dream state, the dream tends to become unstable.

However, Hua Mi, by relying on his own mental strength, managed to maintain the dream's stability.

"It's about the eldest princess, just now..." Hua Mi paused suddenly, asking oddly, "Your Highness, what's wrong?"

Karen blushed furiously, steam emanating from her body.

The "Vaporous Princess's" chest instantly deflated, her size returning to normal.

Seemingly, the dream shattered, and her consciousness returned to reality.

Karen glared at him with embarrassment, "You saw everything?"

Hua Mi remained composed, "What did I see? When I arrived, I saw a crowd kneeling before you. As a princess of a nation, isn't that a normal scene? It must be quite common in reality as well. Was there anything abnormal happening before?"

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