21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 429 - Season 2 Book 17 Advance and Defense - 4-4 Conquest

Chapter 429: Season 2 Book 17 Advance and Defense – 4-4 Conquest

On December 1st, 2023, 11:30 (10:30 Hong Kong time),

The Guryong Peninsula (near Black Tigers Secret hideout) in Hong Kong, Republic of China.

On the third day after the investigation into the Black Tigers, a New China spy organization operating in Hong Kong, began, they discovered several locations thought to be the Black Tigers’ hiding places. As a result, the remaining three teams, with the exception of the Foreign Intelligence Agency division one team that traveled to Beijing with Namgoong-won, moved to their respective locations and conducted a thorough investigation. The first team led by Team Leader Park Gi-oong, watched a building little outside the Guryong Peninsula’s center.

Despite being the world’s best financial city, the outskirts of the Guryong Peninsula were lined with shabby buildings, with several electric wires dangling between them. The team agents watched the opposite building with care, using a variety of equipment.

“Team leader! I think this is there hiding place.”

Assistant manager Yang Jung-suk said while lying on his stomach and checking the area with his VR-M2 scope. Then, as he approached the side, team leader Park Gi-oong responded.

“That’s great; I thought we’d be looking for a few more days.”

“By the way, Team Leader! I think braking in would be difficult.”


“The equipment they use is extraordinary.”

“What do they have?”

“Check it yourself.”

Yang Jung-suk handed over the VR-M2 scope to team leader Park Gi-oong, who used it to inspect the entire building from the ground floor to the roof. He discovered eight doll emitters in the four-story building, as well as a variety of equipment installed throughout.

“Oh! Look at these guys! Every corner of the building is filled with action recognition detectors, infrared cameras, and vibration wave detectors.”

“Yes, I don’t know about anything else, but the vibration wave detector bothers me the most.”

When they operate in TCS mode, action recognition detectors and infrared cameras could be tricked, but not vibration detectors, which can detect all fine vibration waves.

“I`ll give it a try.”

Chief Youn Gil-soo, the youngest member of the team, approached them and spoke quietly.

“No, we<code>ll wait; If you move hastily and they noticed you, it</code>ll be a troublesome.”

“Then, Are we just going to sit here and wait?”

Assistant manager Yang Jung-suk asked.

“Is that so? If we can’t get in, we’ll just have to wait outside and catch those who comes out.”


“Me and the youngest are going downstairs to the first floor and will wait in the car, so Assistant Manager Yang and chief Kang keep an eye on them and let us know as soon as you see any signs that someone is coming out! Also, tell Team 4 to be prepared! Do you understand what I am saying?”

“Yes, of course. Who am I? Where am I? Isn’t that a strategy?”

“That’s right! You’re quick at catching things. Chief Youn! Bring your equipment! Let’s go down!”

“Yes, team leader!”

Team leader Park Gi-oong and chief Youn Gil-soo descended to the first floor through the stairs, went into a black van parked in the alley, and their battle with time has begun.

<hr />

December 1st, 2023 at 12:00 (11:00 New China Time),

Changping-gu, Beijing, New China (temporary residence of the National Intelligence Service’s special security department).

Three days ago, Namgoong-won and his team arrived outside Beijing, safely entered downtown Beijing as ordinary tourists, and were now staying at a temporary motel in Changping-gu.

The high-tech equipment brought in the suitcase was arranged in one room, and the two special security agents, as well as Namgoong-won, were busy working on something while staring at their laptop screens.

And the agents of Team Three, who were in charge of their safety, were checking up out for suspicious people outside the motel, in the lobby, and in the living room.

Namgoong-Won was currently absorbed in the server of the President’s Office of New China, which is connected to the external network, while looking at the laptop screen and tapping the keyboard. Later, he would have to directly infiltrate and hack the server that only operates as an internal network, but for the time being, he was attempting to hack the server connected to the external network.

In the small room, the occasional mechanical sound of high-tech equipment and the tapping of keyboards continued until lunchtime.

“Oh! I haven’t done this in a long time, so I’ve lost my skills. ”

Namgoong-won stopped tapping on the keyboard and complained.

In fact, Namgoong-won’s hacking abilities were at their peak when he was at college. But after joining the National Intelligence Service, he has never used all of his hacking skills because he usually gets help from Hocula. As a result, his hacking abilities had deteriorated rather than improved.

“Manager Namgoong! What we’ve obtained so far is also great.”

Assistant manager Na Sung-hyun, member of the special security department, smiled with a thumbs up.

“That’s what I am saying. In this world, Manager Namgoong is a legend. Haha.”

After taking his hand off the keyboard for a moment, Chief Kim Young-kyun, the other member of the special security department, said proudly.

“Legend? No way! It was because Hocula helped me then……”

Namgoong-won waved his hands with a bitter look.

“No way~ Isn’t it true that you pierced Area 51?”

“That’s correct! You are a legend who will be remembered only as a myth in our world in the future. Hahaha.”

The special security guard regarded him as a hero.

“Stop it, guys! Awkwardly·······. That’s all exaggeration. It’s already lunch time, so should we go out and eat?”

“Oh, time flies so fast”.”

“But isn’t it kind of weird to go outside? Our identity····.”

“As a tourist, you should go out and eat something delicious. If you’re intimidated by having to hide your identity, won’t you be more suspicious? Don’t you think so? Team leader Shin?”

“Yes, that’s right. At times like this, you have to act more naturally and boldly so that you won’t be suspected.”

Team leader Shin Eun-ha of the third team replied with a bright smile.

“You heard that, right? Let’s all go out. I’ll treat you to lunch”.

“Yes, I see. Let’s go.”

<hr />

On December 1, 2023, at 14:00 (15:00 Russia time),

Outside Vladivostok, Kray, Primorsky, Russia.

After the 5th army was disbanded, Two days ago, and following the Siberian occupation operation, the 102nd Armored Brigade, a unit under the direct command of the 8th Corps stationed in Hyeongsan (Unmanned Commander), broke through the eastern border and was maneuvering at maximum speed on the A-370 bridge connecting to Vladivostok.

It was impossible for the entire brigade to maneuver on the long bridge in normal situation. This is due to the possibility of the bridge collapsing or being attacked by enemies, both of which would result in significant damage.

However, because there was no Russian air force or missile power in the Maritime Provinces at this time, the 102nd Armored Brigade took the risks.

Moving in the vanguard, the armored vehicles of the 131st Mechanized Infantry Battalion of the 102nd Armored Brigade occupied all six lanes and moved quickly on the bridge in two lines. The 58th Tank Battalion, on the other hand, was heading to Vladivostok via the Ussuri Highway, which bypassed the coast entirely, rather than the A-370 road.

Meanwhile, the 33rd SS Armored Brigade, the only armored force among the units defending Vladivostok, formed a line outside the city to block the 102nd Armored Brigade. The original plan was to bring the enemy into the city and fight in the streets with the four mobilizing divisions. However, in response to the surprise attack by the First Heavy Armored Brigade, which infiltrated last night via airlift, the 33rd SS Armored Brigade quickly changed its defensive strategy to defending outside the city while entrusting street fighting to the mobilization division.

About a hundred older T-90 tanks formed a long flank toward the A-379 road in preparation for a large-scale armored battle in the near future.

<hr />

On December 1, 2023, 14:50 (Hong Kong time: 13:50),

The Guryong Peninsula (near Black Tigers Secret hideout) in Hong Kong, Republic of China.

A communication arrived after three hours of waiting in the cramped van.

-Team leader!

“yes! What? Is something wrong?””


I think they’re going out.


“How many are they?”


I’m not sure, but I think they are two.


Yang Jeong-suk, assistant manager, replied after noticing two people wearing thick coats inside the building.

“Okay! We’ll go after them, so you and chief Kang keep watching the rest.”

-Yes, okay. Be careful.


Following the completion of the communication, team leader Park Gi-oong instructed chief Youn Gil-soo, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, to start the engine with his finger.

Vroom! Vroom!

While the quiet engine sound of the black van spreads through the alley, the two Black Tiger agents who emerged from the building made their way to the black sedan parked on the roadside and boarded.

“Chase them while keeping the distance until they get a little too far away from the hideout.”

“Yes, team leader!”

The black sedan moved. And after exiting the alley, the black van followed from a short distance behind.

20 minutes later, they left the complex downtown of the Guryong Peninsula and were now driving on a quiet road.

“Team Leader! I think we can do it here.”

“Well, you are right. Chief Youn, narrow the distance.”


As soon as he replied, chief Youn Gil-soo stepped on the accelerator with his right foot. The black van then accelerated, closing the gap with the black sedan running 100 meters ahead.

Clank clank! Clank!

Team leader Park Gi-oong drew something looked like a gun out from the back seat equipment bag and opened the right window.

“Get in the first lane!”


The black van entered the first lane and soon ran side by side with the black sedan. And team leader Park Gi-oong shot something through the open window.

The flying projectile became stuck between the black sedan’s bonnet and the left front fender and immediately emitted a powerful electromagnetic wave. As a result of the damage to the ECU and other electronic components, the black sedan lost its control ability and hence, the agent who was driving the black sedan freaked out and tried to turn the steering wheel, but nothing worked.

Kiiiiik! Kwaaang!

As a result, the black sedan, which was moving at high speeds, was unable to turn on the curve, collided with a guard rail, bounced, overturned, slid up to ten meters, and then stopped.

As white smoke rose through the dented bonnet and the coolant, the black van followed the black sedan and they got out of the van right away, opened the overturned black sedan door, and checked on the passengers. Because of the crash, the driver appeared to have lost his mind and was struggling with the exploding airbag. The ambulance, which seemed as if it was waiting had sounded a siren, ran and stood up at a frightening speed. Then two men dressed in white robes exited the ambulance and dashed towards the black sedan.

They silently nodded when they saw team leader Park Gi-oong, opened the door of the overturned black sedan, dragged out the two unconscious Black Tigers agents, and placed them on the stretchers.

Team leader Park Gi-oong and chief Youn Gil-soo assisted the white gown men in loading them into the ambulance.

Drivers passing by slowly watched the traffic accident blocking the two lanes, but Hong Kong drivers who didn’t care about others simply watched and passed by.

It was a natural occurrence following a car accident, so there were no doubts.

When the ambulance left with a siren again, team leader Park Gi-oong and chief Youn Gil-soo recovered something stuck in the black sedan and immediately followed the ambulance in their black van..

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