21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

January 5, 2021, 15:00, Korea

China was taken over swiftly by the newly formed military under the Southern military’s command following Xi Jin Ping’s arrest. A few days earlier, the military commanders from every province gathered and have agreed to the terms offered by the Korean government. The Chinese government had officially surrendered to Korea, and representatives from each nation met in Seoul in the morning to sign the agreement.

Following the meeting, both countries sent an official statement to all media outlets in the world about the conclusion of the war and the conditions of China’s surrender, as follows:

. This war started with China’s illegal invasion of the Republic of Korea. Based on this fact, supporting evidence will be provided for the UN Security Council to announce it officially.

. China as the invading and losing nation will pay reparations to the Federal Republic of Korea in the amount of US$70 billion dollars due in the next twenty years.

. Shandong Province, Manchurian area (the three Northeastern provinces, the self-governed state of Mongolia) that the Korean military is occupying will be handed over to Korea permanently. Shandong Province will be defined as the area from Qingdao to Ping-du and Lai-zhou, the entire eastern territory. The Manchurian area is defined to include Liao-ning, Ji-rin, Hei-long provinces and the northeastern area of the self-governed Mongolian state. The border will be set along the Nan-ha rand Saramuren River and 45 kilometers west from the western Yoha River. Korea’s territory will be set up to Mongolia’s Lumlei state. Also, the “Russian-Chinese Territory Transfer Agreement Treaty” signed by both nations has become null and void and this will be subsequently announced to the world.

. China will right the wrongful historic claims they made through the Northeast Borderland History and the Chain of Events Research Project (Claiming Korea’s Goguryeo and Balhae as nations under China as formed by its minority races) and correct the wrong historical education it gave to its citizens. Also, it will cooperate with Korea in conducting historical research and explicitly state that handing off its three provinces is only returning the territories to Korea which are rightfully and historically belong to them.

. In handing off of the territory, the Chinese citizens who had once lived in the area will be requested to vacate the provinces, excluding those that want to immigrate to Korea. (Those who have immigrated will be granted citizenship after living in Korea for five consecutive years and passing an exam).

. Due to China’s use of tactical nukes and nuclear missiles during the war, it will now transition into a nonnuclear-weapon holding nation and will no longer be allowed to possess nuclear weapons. China must undergo an inspection from the NPT and IAEA every two years.

. China will withdraw all of its territorial claims in the South China Sea and actively accept the judgment of the Permanent Court of Arbitration. (Based on this agreement, the conflicting nations with China—Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei—all became friendlier to Korea.)

. China will not regulate any commerce or cultural exchanges of its private companies and will regulate copyright infringements toward other nations.

. The independence of minorities (Tibetans, Uyghur Muslims, and Zhuang people) must be guaranteed within a year. China must provide active financial support along with making an announcement to never deploy any military force in the future to the UN Security Council.

. Beijing and the radioactive materials in the area will be removed by Korea along with financial aid of US$2 billion dollars. Also, treatment for those affected by radiation will be provided at a cost of US$1,500 dollars per person.

The Korea–China war that had lasted for two months was officially over after 3:00 p.m. on January 5, 2021. Every nation across the world began to look at Korea differently. Korea, which had become an economic powerhouse these recent years, had now become a military power that had defeated the G2 nation China.

However, Russia and Japan were looking at Korea vigilantly. They were not at a full-frontal war with Korea, but they were enemies against Korea. Japan especially had a reputation of being an economic power within Asia with its cool Japan project, but now had been placed on the back seat from being caught up by Korea. Now that their military power was being considered as beneath Korea, Prime Minister Abe was highly upset.

* * *

January 6, 20201, 14:00, Ministry of Foreign Affairs office, Jongro-ku, Seoul

Minister Kim Jae-hak, who had visited the Blue House in the morning, was discussing some matters with the newly appointed Vice-minister from the Northern state, Kim Hyung-il.

“Do you think the Japanese will agree to these demands?”

Vice-minister Kim Hyun-il, who had only been appointed to his position four days ago, asked. When he did so, Minister Kim Jae-hak and the other Vice-minister Park Hyung-oh smiled mysteriously.

“Why are you both smiling? I don’t think this will progress with the Japanese”

“Hahaha, Vice-minister Kim! This is not an offer meant for Japan to accept but rather refuse.”

“If that’s the case, then why are we making these demands in the first place?”

Minister Kim Jae-hak spoke to Vice-minister Kim, who still did not understand what was going on.

“The President is sending a warning to Shinzo Abe.”

“A warning?”

“Yes, exactly. It’s a warning and also a showing of our nation’s power.”

Vice-minister Park Hyung-oh continued Minister Kim Jae-hak’s explanation.

“Ah is that so?”

“Yes, I really would like to see the look on Abe’s face when he sees this. Hahaha.”

“Comrade Minister, ah! I’m sorry. A force of habit. Minister Kim Jae-hak, sir, would it be possible for me to go to Japan in person?”

“You would like to go?”

“Yes, sir.”


Minister Kim Jae-hak thought for a moment but agreed.

“Yes, please do so. Take Ambassador Lee Youn-joon (the Korean Ambassador to Japan) with you. Also, please let me know the look on Shinzo Abe’s face when he sees this, hahaha!”

“No need to worry. I will paint you a picture when I get back. Hahaha.”

* * *

January 6, 2021, 16:20, Yongsan-ku B2 bunker (ROK Military Joint Command Center), Seoul

With the end of the war, the Joint Chiefs of Staff had become busier. The first thing they had to do was to bring the special forces that had been conducting guerilla warfare back home. There were 11,000 men in total. Because of the cooperation of the newly formed Chinese military, every available plane at Beijing airport and Korean military planes were bringing the special forces back home. Beijing had most of its radiation removed at this point.

The 7th Mobile Corps had mobilized into Sun-Yang and conducted maintenance and were resupplied for the battle against Russia. The 3rd Armored Division moved to Jinzhou, while the 25th Light Armored Division had gone into Fu-xin.

The 3rd Marine Armored Division that had marched into Beijing had entered into Ping-du at Shandong Province, while the 2nd Marine Division was undergoing the process of returning home by working with the 10th Amphibious Fleet. The four special forces brigade and other special forces would remain at Shandong Province until the Korean police would arrive to keep the peace.

The 11th and 12th Corps under the 5th Sentry Command were relieved of their duty of guarding the border at the Aprok River. Instead, they had been stationed to the three Northeastern provinces and the Shandong peninsula to keep the peace until the police would arrive.

With the war between China being over, and since there were spare forces that could be deployed elsewhere aside from Manchu (the three Northeastern provinces), the Joint Chiefs of Staff began to send their reconnaissance drones and satellites to Russia to survey their every movement and prepare for battle.

The Russian military had sent in reinforcements to their five major military bases at Primorsky Krai and Ussuriysk while sending the latest equipment via trains and trucks. The 35th Army had also been upgrading with the latest equipment as well.

Russia’s President Putin was a warlike man who would not back down after China was defeated in the war against Korea and had declared the treaty they had signed as null and void. Instead, President Putin’s pride was hurt from having the 5th Army’s 57th Vehicle Infantry Division’s defeat, and he had planned for his revenge every day.

Also, the news of China’s defeat made President Putin act, and he ordered to have nuclear warheads be equipped to mid-ranged ballistic missiles and on standby for launch. The nuclear submarines in the pacific fleet were also on standby to launch SLBM ballistic missiles.

* * *

January 8, 2021, 11:00, Cabinet’s Guest Reception room, Tokyo, Japan

Vice-minister Kim Hyung-il and Ambassador Lee Yoon-jun arrived in Tokyo via the morning plane and were led to the Guest Reception room by Secretary Ichiro.

“The Prime Minister will be with you shortly. Please have a cup of tea while you wait.”

Secretary Ichiro bowed politely and left the room. Moments later, the doors opened and Prime Minister Abe and the members of his cabinet appeared. Vice-minister and Ambassador Lee Yoon-jun stood up.

“Hello. I am the Vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, Kim Hyung-il from Korea.”

“Hello! Long time no see, Prime Minister!”

Unlike Vice-minister Kim Hyung-il, who had never met Prime Minister Abe before, Ambassador Lee Yoon-jun must have seen him a few times and greeted the Prime Minister.

“Haha, great to meet you. This is Prime Minister Abe. This is Foreign Affairs Minister Ochi Furume.”

With the formalities being over, the four men sat down. There seemed to be an unspoken battle of the wits since no one wanted to speak first.

However, the party that was curious about the visit was Japan. Minister Ochi Furume broke the silence and spoke.

“So why are you both visiting us today?”

As Ambassadors asking one party to answer the other was a tactical maneuver. It may seem like nothing to have the other party speak first, but in politics, having the other party move at the other party’s whim was crucial. Vice-minister Kim Hyung-il, who was originally from North Korea’s foreign affairs office, smiled and answered.

“We are here to deliver the demands of our President.”

“Demands? What do you mean by these sudden demands?”

“Sudden? What do you mean?”

“My, my!”

Minister Ochi Furume made a shocked face and laughed emptily. Prime Minister Abe spoke instead.

“Yes, so what is it that your President wants?’

“Our President’s demands? Well, he had a lot to say about your illegal invasion during the Dok-do battle while being allied with China.”

“An illegal invasion?”

“I am speaking, am I not, Minister Ochi?”

Vice-minister Kim Hyung-il glared at the Minister and continued.

“However, for both nations’ benefit, our President is willing to overlook this matter, under the condition that Japan apologizes sincerely about the matter of paying reparations to the comfort women and forced laborers that had been canceled due to the outbreak of the Korea–China war.”

“What kind of nonsense are you saying?”

Ambassador Ochi Furume shouted in an agitated tone. Vice-minister Kim Hyung-il ignored his words and delivered the final blow to Prime Minister Abe.

“Ah! Our President reminded me to tell you our nation has more than enough money, so only a sincere apology would be necessary. Do you understand what I am saying?”

Vice-minister Kim Hyung-il who finished speaking glanced at Prime Minister Abe’s face. The Prime Minister frowned so deeply that the lines on his face almost formed a legible sentence.

“My, that asshole Abe has a dirty look on his face,” the Vice-minister thought.

Vice-minister Kim Hyung-il looked at the Prime Minister’s face and celebrated in his head.

“Are these the demands to Japan your nation is making?”


When Vice-minister Kim Hyung-il only made an expression to show his amusement and did not answer back, Minister Ochi asked a question.

“I just simply cannot understand why Japan needs to apologize to the women who acted like whores and came to work to make money, and the beggars asking for work to make money. What kind of proof do you have?”

“Proof? There are more than enough to prove that, and there are still living witnesses, aren’t there?”

Ambassador Lee Yoon-jun stood his ground and answered back.

“Isn’t that just Korea’s claims?”

“Look here, Prime Minister Abe! I knew when I came here with our President’s demands you would not respond kindly. However, if you have a shred of a good conscience, you wouldn’t have the impudence to call the women who were forced as sex slaves, whores!”

“Impudence? Is that what you think?”

Prime Minister Abe must have been triggered by those words and showed his anger while pointing at the Ambassador. Vice-minister Kim Hyung-il stood up from his seat and continued to speak his mind.

“Is an apology truly that difficult? Because of your stubbornness, you will face financial damages in billions along with a just and harsh punishment. I guarantee you the day will come.”

“I want you all out of my sight if you want to see the light of day again and not be arrested instead.”

Prime Minister Abe’s frown deepened, and his face turned red and blue.

“Ambassador Lee Yoon-hun, let’s get out of here. The air in here is so thick I can’t breathe. Come on let’s go.”

Vice-minister Kim Hyung-il headed to the entrance without looking back and left the room.

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