You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 574: The fourth grade spiritual plant

Chapter 574: The fourth grade spiritual plant

Chapter 574: The Fourth Grade Spiritual Plant

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and a jewel appeared in his hand.

The orb is the size of a pigeon egg, and its surface texture changes like surging waves. There is a faint crashing sound, and there is a looming shadow of a ferocious hawk dragon inside.

Lu Xuans mind focused on the orb in his hand, and he immediately learned the detailed information about it.

[The Dragon Pearl, a sixth-grade treasure, is made from the demon elixir of the alien beast Dragon. After being sacrificed, it has the effect of communicating and domesticating the dragon. It can move freely in the water, control water, resist water and fight against enemies, and can sense the dragon. Dragon-related caves, treasures, etc.

Sixth grade treasure!

Lu Xuan was happy in his heart.

This dragon ball can communicate with and tame dragons with lower levels than it. It can also resist water and fight enemies. It can be regarded as a powerful weapon in an environment like the sea.

He had previously opened many third-grade water beads from the water firefly light group, which could move freely in deep water, but they had no attack power, which was far from the dragon beads in front of him.

What's more, the Dragon Ball can sense caves, treasures, etc. related to it, which may bring a big opportunity to Lu Xuan.

He collected the Dragon Ball and returned to the yard.

Of the many spiritual beasts raised, only the Lihuo Jiao could swallow the Dragon Bone Grass, but it was still a long way from breaking through, so Lu Xuan temporarily put the Dragon Bone Grass into his gluttonous bag.

Harvesting the sixth-grade treasure Dragon Pearl made him feel very good, and he became much more motivated to cultivate spiritual plants.

The next day, he came to the area where the third-grade ice fireweed was planted.

These seven ice fireflies were entrusted with his future cultivation rewards, so he became even more concerned about them and came to take a look every day.

The seven slender seedlings are light blue in color, with a light layer of frost on the edges of the leaves, and a faint cold air around them. Their shape is somewhat similar to that of water fireweed.

Lu Xuan took turns to use basic magic techniques for cultivating spiritual plants such as Spiritual Rain Technique and Mu Sheng Technique, and then went to other spiritual fields to inspect and cultivate other spiritual plants.

The Dihuang dates are about to mature.

On a dark yellow jujube tree, there are ten bright yellow jujubes. The earth is breathing spiritual light, and a refreshing fragrance can be heard from a distance.


He noticed a gray vine sticking out from the back of the Dihuang Zao. Looking at the root of Dihuang Zao, he could vaguely see the traces of a mass of gray mucus.

Lu Xuan sneered, grabbed the gray vine with lightning speed, and lifted it out.

You want to take advantage of my spirit plant again?

Lu Xuan said with a smile while holding the demon vine twisting in the air.

This demonic vine still can't change its old habits after coming to Lei Xingxing Cave. Every day, I walk around the spiritual plants. When I see my beloved spiritual plants that are about to mature, I want to mark them.

After marking, I returned to the Immortal Peach Lane and fell unconscious in the pink miasma.

Lu Xuan stretched out his hand and flicked the body of the demonic vine. The demonic vine twisted even more violently, with many tentacle-like branches extending from everywhere on the vine.

Go back to your gentle hometown and stay there.

He threw the demonic vine into the distant jungle of the fairy peach.

After inspecting all the spiritual plants, Lu Xuan returned to the yard, took out various spiritual fruits from the house, ground them, mashed them, and processed them in different ways.

These spiritual fruits are used to brew Baiguo Spiritual Pulp and Jade Washing Spiritual Dew. Some of them are cultivated by themselves, and some are bought when they go to the Star Reaching Tower.

There wasn't much spiritual liquid and spiritual dew left in his hand. The spiritual beasts consumed a lot of it on weekdays, so he had the idea of brewing it.

Fellow Daoist Lu, are you in the cave?

While processing the spirit fruit, suddenly, a familiar deep voice came from outside the cave.

Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness swept over and found that the one-eyed middle-aged man Luo Ming, who had come to visit him before, was standing outside the cave.

Fellow Daoist Luo, please come in.

He immediately went out to greet them, opened the formation restrictions on the cave, and greeted them with a smile.

Lu Daoyou has a rich variety of spiritual plants in his cave. He is worthy of being a spiritual planter who makes a living from this.

Luo Ming said with emotion as he passed by Lingtian, an area outside the cave.

I spend most of my time on them every day, and even practice a lot. Lu Xuan said with a smile.

The two of them entered the courtyard, and he served Lingguo Lingcha.

Luo Ming took a sip of the spiritual tea and placed it on the jade table.

Are you still getting used to it, fellow Daoist Lu, when you moved to Lei Xingxing Cave?

Everything is fine.

Have you been to the Thunder Sea?

Ive been there a few times, but my cultivation level is average and I dont dare to go deep inside. I can only collect some spiritual thunder in the outer area.

Lu Xuan said with a smile.

Fellow Taoist Lu is good at spiritual planting. I came here this time because I want to ask fellow Taoist for help regarding spiritual planting.

I cant say Im proficient, I just know a little bit about it, and I have a lot of training experience.

Fellow Taoist, please tell me, someone inland will do our best to help within the scope of our ability.

Lu Xuan did not speak too fully.

"It's like this. I rarely cultivate spiritual plants, but because I practice an illusion, I planted a Huoyin wood, a fourth-grade spiritual plant, a few years ago."

It used to grow well, but recently something abnormal was suddenly discovered.

For some unknown reason, the Huoyin tree has become extremely sluggish, with a dull look, and its vitality is much weaker than usual.

But the spiritual soil, spiritual environment, or cultivation methods have been changed?

Lu Xuan asked curiously.

"It has been planted in the cave. The spiritual soil, aura and other things are the same as usual. As for the cultivation method, I have had experience in cultivating the Huoyin wood before, so I still have this confidence."

The one-eyed middle-aged man pondered for a while and spoke slowly.

Have you checked what kind of alien insect invaded the spiritual plant? Or was it invaded by the evil aura of yin energy?

Im not very sure about this, and Ive thought of some ways, but I still have no clue. Finally, I thought of you, fellow Daoist Lu, so I came here to seek your help.

The one-eyed middle-aged man looked at Lu Xuan with a sincere expression.

If I cant find any problem with just a few words, then I will go to Daoyou Qidong Mansion to take a look at Lingzhi?

Lu Xuan asked.

Okay! Then Ill trouble you, Fellow Daoist Lu!

Luo Ming's face showed a hint of joy, and the two of them went straight to his cave without making any further stops.

The two of them were not far apart and reached their destination in less than half a moment.

Friend Lu Dao, please come in.

The one-eyed middle-aged man introduced Lu Xuan into a majestic cave.

The humble house is simple and crude, not half as big as your cave, Friend Lu, its ridiculous.

"Don't dare. If I didn't have so many spiritual plants to cultivate, I wouldn't rent such a big cave. A small courtyard is enough."

Lu Xuan said modestly.

When he arrived at the back mountain and was about to examine the abnormal spiritual plant mentioned by Luo Ming, there was a sudden roar in his ears, like thunder falling around him.

"This is the thunder dragon I raised. I brought it to fellow Taoist Lu when I came to visit him. I got a treasure from the sea of thunder some time ago. The thunder dragon is using that treasure to purify its bloodline and temper its body."

The one-eyed middle-aged man saw Lu Xuan's expression of confusion and quickly explained to him.

The two of them walked about ten feet and entered a spiritual field.

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