World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 201: Be cautious in investing

Chapter 201: Be cautious in investing

"Real Master Wang, can we really trust the profit-sharing you mentioned?" someone suddenly called out from the crowd. "You are cultivators, and we are ordinary folks. If you go back on your word later, won't we be left with nothing?"

"You're worrying too much," Du Ge responded with a fist and palm salute, smiling. "If I intended to leave you with nothing, why would I go through all this trouble? You've seen the people from Tianlan Valley. If I commanded them to slaughter your village, who could escape?

Afterward, I'd take your money, silence them, and even the supervisory institution wouldn't trace it back to me, because after all, the killing method would be that of Tianlan Valley's..."

With that one statement, the faces of the villagers present all changed.

"I, Wang, am an upright person and would never do such a thing. That's why I'm discussing this amicably with everyone. If you don't agree, I won't force you," Du Ge continued with a smile, taking out the silver coins he had confiscated from the people of Tianlan Valley the day before. "Your entire village might not be able to come up with this much money. To tarnish the reputation of the Seven Stars Sect for a bit of profit is beneath me. Let's not speak of losing everything again; it's laughable."

The burly man who had asked the question flushed red and stammered, "No one wants to throw their money away for nothing."

Pleased, Du Ge glanced at the setup guy and said, "The village head seemed unwilling to invest. There's a lot I haven't said. Since this villager has doubts, I might as well explain everything once and for all, to save you from suspicion and worry."

After a pause, Du Ge continued, "If you invest silver coins, the Seven Stars Sect will sign an investment contract with you, specifying the amount invested, the timing, and the proportion of dividends, with signatures and seals from both parties. When it's time for dividends, you can come to the Seven Stars Sect with the contract to collect your silver.

The Seven Stars Sect will regularly disclose all its movements and the money earned from various projects, so everyone has a rough idea of how much silver they can receive each year."

Hearing Du Ge's words, the villagers whispered among themselves again, still concerned about fraud and losses.

Du Ge raised his hand to quiet them and said loudly, "I've considered all your concerns. There's no need to worry about losing your silver. During the establishment of the Seven Stars Sect, if you feel that a project won't be profitable or might even incur losses, you can terminate the contract with the Seven Stars Sect at any time.

At that point, the Seven Stars Sect will assess the market value of your shares and buy back your contract.

In other words, if you now invest one silver coin, owning one ten-thousandth of the shares, and later, when the Seven Stars Sect grows to be worth thirty million or even a hundred million, your one silver coin could be worth seven or ten when redeemed.

Of course, there are always accidents. If you're short on cash but don't want to give up your investment contract, the Seven Stars Sect also offers a pawn service. It's like a pawnshop; you can pawn your contract to the Seven Stars Sect for some silver to spend. When you have money again, you can redeem your contract and continue to receive dividends...

If any of you are not optimistic about the Seven Stars Sect but feel that the buyback price offered by the Sect is not fair, and yet someone else is optimistic and willing to pay a higher price for your shares, the Seven Stars Sect can facilitate the transfer for you, taking only a small commission. Both parties are happy, isn't that wonderful?"

Behind Du Ge, the village head's eyebrows raised, his mind racing. He was suddenly tempted by the new Sect Leader's comprehensive plan. If there was a wise person guiding this, the deal might be worth considering.

The village head suddenly asked, "Real Master Wang, can any amount of money be invested?"

"Of course, one silver coin or even one copper coin is fine. It will all be noted in the investment contract," Du Ge replied, turning to look at the village head with a smile. "Each family should invest according to their means. You can't spend all your silver on shares and then not have enough for household expenses. Business is risky, and everyone must invest cautiously, considering their actual situation..."

"Can it be redeemed at any time?" the village head asked.

"Of course," Du Ge nodded. "The Seven Stars Sect is right there; what are you worried about?" He chuckled, "If you're really worried, just play with a couple of spare silver coins. If you lose them, it won't hurt."

"Real Master Wang, you jest," the village head shook his head. "A couple of silver coins is not spare change."

"Then five or ten coins," Du Ge said. "The more you invest, the more you earn; the less you invest, the less you earn. Rest assured, and I'll be at ease. As the Sect Leader of a major Sect, I wouldn't stoop to deceiving you ordinary folks over a few coins..."

After some thought, the village head also felt that Du Ge wouldn't concoct such a large scheme just to swindle a few dozen silver coins.

After all.

As he had said, it would be faster to just rob them.

The village head chuckled, "Alright. I'll lead by example and invest two silver coins to support the construction of the Seven Stars Sect."

"Village head, are you sure? Investment is risky. If the Seven Stars Sect falls under my management, that money will be gone," Du Ge reminded the first 'fish' to bite, in a friendly manner.

"I trust Real Master Wang," the village head said, having made up his mind and waving his hand with a laugh. "Besides, I can afford to lose two silver coins."

"Good, little junior sister, bring out the contracts we wrote last night," Du Ge nodded and called to his little junior sister, who was carrying a bundle. He took two pieces of paper filled with writing from her bundle and handed one to the village head. "Village head, feel free to read the contract. If it seems fair, we can sign it. One for you, one for me, and then we collect dividends according to the schedule."

The village head carefully examined the contract.

It was indeed as Du Ge had said, noting that the contract could be transferred, redeemed, and specifying the timing of dividends, among other terms. Even at the top of the contract, it stated that investment involves risks and should be made with caution.

He laughed, no longer doubtful, and took out a silver ingot from his bosom, handing it to Du Ge: "Alright, let's sign it. But it's not two silver coins; it's five."

"Village head, you indeed have courage," Du Ge looked at him appreciatively. "Please bring a table from inside..."

The village head ordered someone to bring out a table.

Du Ge clearly wrote both parties' names, the investment amount, then signed his name and stamped a bright red seal. He watched the village head sign and seal before carefully taking back one copy of the contract and handing the silver to his seventh junior brother. He then said to the village head, "Village head, keep the contract safe. If you change your mind, come to Seven Stars Mountain anytime, and I'll return the silver to you..."

"That won't be necessary," the village head chuckled. "I'm looking forward to Seven Stars Mountain growing stronger and getting more silver!"

"There will be such a day," Du Ge said, feeling the change in his attributes and smiling before turning to the villagers. "Folks, the village head has already invested. If you want to invest, do it quickly. We still have to go to the next village. Once we leave this one, who knows when you'll get another chance.

I forgot to mention, the expansion of the Seven Stars Sect will involve building houses and repairing roads, and we'll prioritize hiring from among our shareholders. If there are suitable candidates for cultivation among the shareholders, they can also join the Seven Stars Sect..."

With these words, the crowd was abuzz.

Someone in the crowd asked, "Village head, I can't read. Is there anything wrong with that contract?"

"There's no problem. It's exactly as Real Master Wang said," the village head, who had already invested, naturally wanted more people to join. He assured them with a smile, "Everyone can invest with confidence."

"Don't just take the village head's word for it," Du Ge waved his hand as the crowd surged with emotion, raising his voice, "Don't listen to the village head's nonsense. Remember, investment involves risks, and you should be cautious. Everyone should invest according to their means."

Du Ge's words only made everyone more eager.

Most people were shouting, "Real Master Wang, wait a moment. Let me discuss with my wife, get the money, and then I'll come sign the contract with you..."

And then.

Everyone scattered.

Soon after, they returned, and amidst Du Ge's repeated warnings of "investment involves risks," they exchanged their silver and copper coins for a piece of future hope.

As contract after contract was signed, Du Ge's attributes soared, far surpassing the income from robbing a few people from Tianlan Valley.


After busying for over an hour and gathering the wealth of a village, Du Ge left amidst the friendly wishes of the people, arriving at the second village and finding the village head: "...I am Wang Chong, the Sect Leader of the Seven Stars Sect, planning to expand the Sect..."

"...These are the investment contracts from Shuishang Village. If the village head is not reassured, you can send someone to verify with Shuishang Village..."


With one village setting an example, signing the remaining villages became much easier.

By evening.

All the villages within a twenty-mile radius had signed investment contracts with the Seven Stars Sect.

Du Ge, carrying a large bag of contracts and collected coins, returned to the Seven Stars Sect.

His attributes had at least tripled since he left.


Drawing big pies and pulling in investments is also a form of plundering!

Du Ge felt refreshed and ordered, "Little junior sister, seventh junior brother, you two will have to work hard tonight and write some more agreements. Tomorrow we'll go to the town and continue to attract investments."


"Little junior brother, do you understand what third senior brother is doing?" Behind closed doors, Guan Xuan, the little junior sister, asked in a low voice, "Is this the way of cultivation? I don't understand. What does taking money from the common people have to do with cultivation?"

"I don't understand either," the seventh junior brother replied.

"Then why don't you ask?" Guan Xuan said.

"Asking would make me look stupid," the seventh junior brother replied. "We just do what senior brother asks us to do. Why bother with so many questions? Right now, I just want to grasp the essence of the Seven Stars Technique and learn the skill of third senior brother to snatch hearts from afar."

"..." The little junior sister paused, her voice even lower, "Little junior brother, do you think enlightenment really makes people understand many principles they've never heard of before? I feel like third senior brother is so unfamiliar today, like he's become another person."

The seventh junior brother was silent for a moment, then gave a definite answer: "Yes."

"Really?" The little junior sister was still doubtful.

"Little junior sister, there are only three of us left in the Seven Stars Sect," the seventh junior brother's voice also lowered, "Don't overthink it, third senior brother won't harm us..."

"Four people. The eldest senior brother isn't dead yet!" The little junior sister corrected seriously, "And after taking the Rejuvenation Pill yesterday, his injuries have improved a lot. It shouldn't take long for him to stand up again..."

The seventh junior brother chuckled, "Right, four people."


Not far away, in another room, Du Ge, whose attributes had surged, clearly heard the conversation between the two and smiled.

Three people.

Eldest senior brother, seventh junior brother, little junior sister?

Little junior brother, you've already labeled me!

Being suspected or even discovered was all within Du Ge's expectations.

After all.

What he did today was too outrageous, something that no one in this world could do. Even if the two were naive, they would realize something was wrong.

He was getting a bit impatient.

There's a rule on Qi Yuan Star about Keywords that goes, "Try to disguise yourself as a native as much as possible, and don't try to change the world. The more you change, the quicker you die."

His actions today had violated this rule.

Du Ge had the memories of the third senior brother and the experience of three Simulation Fields, so he knew that a gradual approach would allow him to naturally blend into this world without being discovered by anyone.

According to the common practices of those Alien Star Battlefield warriors.

When the people from Tianlan Valley attacked at night, he should have let the little junior sister and seventh junior brother be killed, thereby eliminating the last risk of exposure in this world, and then sought to rise again.

Carrying the identity of a survivor of a destroyed Sect, joining another Sect, and withstanding any investigation would have been a perfect start...

But Du Ge ultimately chose the most risky approach. Why exchange time for safety?

A hundred years is too long; we only fight for today.

Isn't it better this way? Even if that clever little junior brother discovered his identity, isn't he still helping him conceal it?

As long as he can lead the Seven Stars Sect to rise, helping them avenge, he is the genuine third senior brother...

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