World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 198: Admonition

Chapter 198: Admonition

As if a bolt of lightning had illuminated Du Ge's mind, he suddenly saw the path ahead with crystal clarity.

What is enlightenment?

This is enlightenment!

The brothers from Tianlan Valley watched Du Ge in silence, not daring to speak. They exchanged glances, eyeing their cleanly stripped fellow disciples, each covering their vital parts with their hands, hearts filled with trepidation and worry for their fates.

They couldn't help but worry!

If they were women, it might be a different story.

Over the years since joining Tianlan Valley, they had encountered all sorts of enemies while on missions—cruel, brutal, chivalrous...

But never had they met someone as twisted as the man before them.

Stripping people in battle, shaving heads, even developing a special technique just for stripping clothes—it was unheard of!

According to their intelligence, Seven Stars Sect was a minor sect without any notable experts. The sudden emergence of such a pervert meant only one possibility.

He must have practiced some demonic cultivation technique that altered his temperament, or perhaps he needed bare-bottomed men for his practices, like using them as cauldrons or for other unspeakable purposes...

Either way, it was not something they wanted to face.


At this moment.

Seventh junior brother and little junior sister came rushing down from the mountain gate, arriving belatedly.


Another scream.

Little junior sister hit the brakes hard, turned around, and in one fluid motion, an embarrassed voice followed, "Third senior brother, couldn't you have left them some clothes? Stripping them bare, what does that look like?"

Was that stripping?

That was outright robbery!

Du Ge glanced back at Guan Xuan and corrected, "Call me Sect Leader Brother."

Little junior sister choked, urging, "Let them get dressed first."

The naked men cast grateful glances at little junior sister. With the big Demon Head right in front of them, they dared not harbor any improper thoughts, only hoping to get dressed quickly. In their current state, they felt utterly insecure.

"Little junior sister, our master is dead," Du Ge sighed, his tone suddenly heavy.

"..." Guan Xuan froze, not understanding why Du Ge would suddenly bring this up.

"Little junior sister, with master gone, no one can protect you anymore. Seven Stars Sect is in peril, possibly on the brink of collapse. There are only the three of us left in the sect. You need to open your eyes and face this cruel world," Du Ge said earnestly.

Seventh junior brother looked at Du Ge, then at the uneasy group opposite him, deep in thought.

Guan Xuan turned to ask Du Ge what he meant, but upon seeing the naked men, she quickly turned back.

"When you encounter an enemy outside, and they suddenly disrobe, will you turn your back to them like you did just now, exposing your vulnerabilities for them to exploit?" Du Ge's tone became stern, "Or do you think that all the enemies you meet will be gentlemen, willing to fight you fairly..."


Where are the gentlemen?

There are plenty of perverts!

The brothers from Tianlan Valley felt a connection with Du Ge's words.

Their gazes were full of silent reproach. How could you, with such righteousness, teach your little junior sister by setting such an example?

Little junior sister shuddered.

"Little junior sister, don't forget the way of plundering in our sect. The essence of plundering is greed. To plunder one is to be a thief, to plunder thousands is to be a hero, to plunder heaven and earth is to ascend to immortality," Du Ge improvised a verse, "In the eyes of immortals, all beings are but ants. Would you feel shame for a bunch of naked ants?"

"No," little junior sister's emotions gradually stabilized.

"Right, to establish a path, one must first establish the heart. You too must walk the path of plunder. Only by facing everything head-on will you become unprecedentedly strong," Du Ge continued his earnest instruction, turning to glance at the people from Tianlan Valley, "Our master died at their hands, and second senior brother, fourth junior brother, fifth junior brother, and sixth junior brother were all killed by them. Now turn back and tell me, how do you feel?"

Little junior sister abruptly turned, her voice trembling, "Second senior brother and fifth senior brother were also killed by them?"

"Otherwise, how would they know so much about Seven Stars Sect?" Du Ge said indifferently, "If I hadn't had an epiphany, gone out to practice, and discovered them, big senior brother, and the two of you, would have been harmed by them tonight."


Little junior sister drew her sword, tears welling up instantly: "I'll kill you all."

The people from Tianlan Valley hastily retreated, forgetting to cover themselves in their panic.

"Stop," Du Ge called out to Guan Xuan, "They still have their uses."

Guan Xuan stopped, her eyes brimming with tears as she looked at Du Ge, choking out, "But they killed my father, and second senior brother..."

"Our master's death originated from Tianlan Valley. Second senior brother and fifth junior brother betrayed the sect, and after being captured, they even divulged our sect's information. They deserved their fate," Du Ge said.

"But..." Guan Xuan wanted to say more.

Du Ge interrupted her, "There are no buts, little junior sister. I'm in charge of Seven Stars Sect now. Without me, there would be no sect left for you to talk about revenge! Guan Xuan, never let anger cloud your judgment."

"Yes, Sect Leader Brother," little junior sister reluctantly returned to Du Ge's side, glaring at the people from Tianlan Valley with gritted teeth, wishing she could pierce their hearts with a thousand arrows.

"Little junior sister, do you still feel shame when you look at them now?" Du Ge asked calmly.

Guan Xuan swept her gaze over them, her eyes as cold as ice, and shook her head, "I just want to tear them to pieces."

"Little junior sister, you've grown," Du Ge said with a satisfied smile, looking at the silent group, "Remember, our enemies are powerful. Only by maintaining a calm heart can we reach the end."

"Mm," Guan Xuan nodded.

"Let me ask you again, in the future, when you practice the way of plunder and encounter enemies, what will you do?" Du Ge asked again.

"Plunder everything from them, leave nothing behind," Guan Xuan said through clenched teeth.

"Exactly, leave nothing behind," Du Ge snapped his fingers, pleased with his teaching results, "What's ours is ours, and what's theirs is also ours. Little junior sister, you've grasped the mindset of the way of plunder.

Now we plunder their clothes and wealth to practice our skills and temper our minds. In the future, we will plunder their cultivation, their talents, and we will spread the glory of Seven Stars Sect throughout the cultivation world. This way, we will honor our master's teachings."

The people they had encountered from Seven Stars Sect were not like this!

Why was he so different?

The brothers from Tianlan Valley looked at Du Ge, and upon seeing his gaze, their pupils constricted. Although Du Ge's expression remained unchanged, they felt as if they saw an ambition that devoured everything in his eyes.

"Three... Sect Leader Brother, isn't Tianlan Valley our enemy?" The seventh junior brother, who had been pondering, asked hesitantly.

"Seventh junior brother, you are still young. In the world of cultivation, it's survival of the fittest. With our ant-like existence, if we swallow Tianlan Valley, we will surely attract more covetous eyes," Du Ge looked up towards the east, where the morning star was rising, and the horizon glowed with a golden light, he said pensively, "From the moment we stepped into the world of cultivation, we no longer had control over our fate. Only by standing at the highest point can we determine our destiny..."

Seventh junior brother followed Du Ge's gaze and saw the morning star that heralded the sunrise, contemplative.

Little junior sister stood by Du Ge's side, looking towards the eastern sky, feeling an unparalleled sense of calm from body to soul.

It was only now that she truly felt she had grown up, no longer the little girl who relied on her father and brothers, who would be at a loss when faced with adversity.

Only the four of them were left in Seven Stars Sect. She couldn't let all the burden fall on third senior brother alone. She had to grow up, to take on some of the responsibility for third senior brother, for Seven Stars Sect.

After a moment.

Du Ge broke the silence with a smile, calling out to the two, "Let's go, seventh junior brother, gather the loot we've taken, and return to the sect to plan our next steps."

"Yes, Sect Leader Brother," the seventh junior brother responded, picking up the scattered belongings.

Du Ge, with his own strength, had repelled the invading enemy. Now, he no longer held any disrespect for his once inferior third senior brother.

Little junior sister went to help.

"Elder, could you leave us a piece of clothing?" The lead brother from Tianlan Valley cautiously made a request, "Your junior sister is still here, and our appearance is ultimately unseemly."

"I don't care, mere pigs and dogs," Guan Xuan snorted, waving her sword, "If you think it's unseemly, I can solve that for you..."


The lead brother looked at the cold-eyed Guan Xuan, his face sheepish as he retracted his neck, thinking to himself, Demon, how can you bear to corrupt your little junior sister like this?

Such an innocent girl, twisted by your few words into this state, aren't you afraid she'll never be able to marry?

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