World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 197: The looting route is wrong

Chapter 197: The looting route is wrong


A crisp cry of alarm.

Little junior sister, who had rushed over, instinctively turned away upon seeing the scene in the courtyard. What was third senior brother doing? How could he strip others naked during a fight?

Could she ever go out with him again?

Seventh junior brother was also stunned. He looked at the two cleanly shaven fellows, not a hair left on them, and felt a surge of relief. Third senior brother had indeed shown mercy to him.


His heart soon filled with wild joy. The sect's core techniques were truly formidable. Third senior brother was mighty!

"Third senior brother, I'm here to help you," seventh junior brother didn't care for much else. Du Ge was the hope for the revival of the Seven Stars Sect, and he certainly couldn't just watch his senior brother fall into trouble. Brandishing his sword, he charged into the fray to join the battle.

"Seventh junior brother, be careful not to injure them," Du Ge warned the junior brother who was rushing in. It was better to capture people alive as their attributes increased faster, and of course, he didn't want these people killed by his junior.

Seventh junior brother stumbled, nearly wounded by an enemy's sword. He shot Du Ge a resentful glance. Don't hurt them? As if I could actually beat them, third senior brother, you overestimate me.

Du Ge toyed with the two junior brothers, effortlessly stripping them of their clothes and even shaving their heads during the fight, awakening the rest to the situation.

The leader made a snap decision: "This is futile, retreat."

With that.

He turned and ran.

The others didn't tangle with seventh junior brother any longer, scattering and running for the exit.

If the enemy could strip them during a fight, he could take their lives at any moment. A high-level Foundation Establishment expert was not to be trifled with. If not now, when?

The two stripped individuals didn't even bother to pick up their clothes from the ground, following the large group to flee for their lives.

"Think you can come and go as you please? Seventh junior brother, little junior sister, hold them back," Du Ge sneered, leaping towards the nearest naked person. His speed had increased significantly after the attribute boost, and with spiritual power enhancing his movements, he caught up in two or three steps, slapping his hand forward.

The man was terrified.

He instinctively turned to parry.

Their hands met.


A scream!

The man's palm was severed at the wrist, blood spurting out. His eyes filled with horror, he endured the pain, sealed the wound with spiritual power, and dared not linger, turning to flee again.

"Dare to run, and I'll twist your head off," Du Ge threatened.

Hearing this.

The man dared not stay any longer.

He ran, and Du Ge naturally wouldn't be polite, catching up once more, reaching out as the man ducked his head, touching his shoulder instead.

This time Du Ge used a random grabbing method.

The moment his hand left the man's body, a throbbing heart landed in Du Ge's palm.


A scream!

The man fell to the ground, eyes wide open in death.

As expected, once the external possessions were thoroughly plundered, it was time to harvest the organs and limbs.

Plucking feathers from a passing goose, truly domineering!

Du Ge confirmed the brutality of his skills, tossing aside the warm heart, rising to his feet, and chasing after the fleeing group. After three Simulation Fields, he had seen his fair share of cruelty. Wang San, a girl, could play with a skull without changing her expression; a mere heart wouldn't shake his resolve.


First take the hand, then the heart.

Du Ge's attributes had increased slightly, and he was hot on the heels of the group: "Don't run, just stay and let me rob you, and you can keep your lives. If I catch you, I'll take your lives too."

He shouldn't have said that, for as soon as he did, the people in front ran even faster.

After all.

They had killed his master and several disciples of the Seven Stars Sect. The two sides were mortal enemies, and it would be a miracle if they survived capture.

"Senior, you're just at the Foundation Establishment stage, do you really need to exterminate us?" The leader looked at the rapidly approaching Du Ge, "Tianlan Valley has over a dozen Foundation Establishment experts. If you kill us, Tianlan Valley will surely seek endless vengeance. Why not leave the dilapidated Seven Stars Sect and enjoy the vast world freely?"

"That's right, as a Foundation Establishment expert, where can't you make a living?" Another person chimed in, "Why die for the Seven Stars Sect? We can introduce you to Tianlan Valley, and you'll be treated as an honored guest."

"I just want to vent by stripping you, why are you running? Serving the Seven Stars Sect might not be worth it, but is serving Tianlan Valley worth it? Once you lose your lives, no matter how glorious Tianlan Valley is, you won't be able to enjoy it!" Du Ge said, "My Seven Stars Sect is short of people. I keep my word; if you're willing to join the Seven Stars Sect, I can spare your lives..."

As he spoke.

Du Ge had already caught up to the last person, extending his hand and suddenly holding a long sword.

Du Ge's combat talent was extremely high. The long sword he had just snatched was thrust forward in a smooth motion, piercing the man's back...


The man screamed, lunging forward, running even faster.

"Brother, won't you stop to heal? Your leader is right, I can abandon the Seven Stars Sect at any moment and live freely, but once you're dead, you're truly dead. Tianlan Valley might not be able to catch me to avenge you," Du Ge kept up the chase, continuing to tempt, "Better to live poorly than to die well. If you don't die today, who knows, you might have a chance to turn the tables in the future!"

The wounded man was panicked, already slow, and was quickly overtaken by Du Ge.

The moment Du Ge touched him, he pulled out his undergarment, and then casually stabbed him in the lower back.

The intense pain from the two wounds made it hard to keep running. A few more stabs would mean death, so the man gritted his teeth: "Senior, I'm willing to join the Seven Stars Sect, please spare my life!"

"Alright, stand down," Du Ge said with a smile.

The man took a deep breath and obediently stopped.


He felt hands swiftly gliding over his body.

And then.

He too was left as clean as a whistle, his hair also thoroughly plucked.

He wanted to cry but had no tears. What kind of twisted pleasure was this?

"I am magnanimous and will spare your life. You stay here and heal while I chase the others," Du Ge smiled at him, brushing up his own nobility, and continued the pursuit, shouting as he ran, "The wise adapt, one brother has already surrendered, do you still want to run? That naked brother, if you keep running, it'll be daylight..."

The naked little junior brother, face darkened, ran for his life. What did daylight matter? As long as he could escape, clothes were trivial to steal!

"Senior brother, he's catching up again," a masked man said in terror, "He's even faster than before, he's just toying with us. Let's fight him! If we keep this up, he'll pick us off one by one."

"He likes to strip people, right?" another masked man said, "Let's have one person hold him off while the rest take him by surprise; we might have a chance to kill him. What does it matter if he's a Foundation Establishment expert? There are plenty of experts who have been killed due to carelessness in battle..."

"Alright, let's do it," the leader glanced back at the rapidly approaching Du Ge, "Old Si, you have the most stuff on you, you distract him, and the rest of us will kill him."

"Why me?" Old Si instinctively retorted.

"Could it be little junior sister?" the leader glared at him, "With little junior sister and Old Six as examples, you're not in danger until he strips you clean. We're all grown men; kill him and you can put your clothes back on. What's there to fuss about? If he catches up, we're all dead..."

Old Si's gaze flickered, and he finally made up his mind: "Fine, I'll hold him off, you guys kill him quickly. Let's agree on this first, clothes can be taken off, but my hair must not be shaved. Chunmei is still waiting for me inside the sect..."

"Don't worry, I've already seen it. As long as he doesn't grab your hair, it'll be fine. Just be careful to dodge," the leader instructed, glancing at Du Ge closing in, and suddenly turned around, "Junior brothers, attack!"


Blades flashed and clothes flew.

Half a quarter of an hour later.

Outside the gates of the Seven Stars Sect, several cleanly shaven bald heads appeared, each looking at Du Ge with terror as if they had seen a ghost.

Their plan had succeeded.

But it had also failed.

Old Si had indeed sacrificed himself to hold off Du Ge, and their swords had pierced Du Ge several times, but strangely, every time they withdrew their swords, Du Ge's wounds healed almost instantly.

As if he was an immortal!

This scene.

Completely shattered their will to fight.

Then, all their possessions were thoroughly looted by Du Ge.

"You... you're not human," the leader trembled as he looked at Du Ge, "Even a Golden Elixir master couldn't be unscathed after being stabbed."

"Are you sure you stabbed me?" Du Ge smiled, casually dismissing, "I can take your undergarments through your coats. With unmatched hand and body techniques, how could I be stabbed by a few little fish like you? What you stabbed was just an afterimage of mine."

"..." The leader looked at the fresh bloodstains on Du Ge's clothes, opened his mouth, but said nothing. Afterimage or fast healing, it didn't matter; they were now prisoners, and it was pointless to pursue these matters.

Little did they know.

Although Du Ge had subdued several people with his skills, he was somewhat frustrated inside. Robbing those of higher realms did indeed increase attributes quickly.

But this kind of quick wasn't what he wanted.

Accustomed to snowballing attributes, robbing for attributes this way was too slow.

Unless he could plunder a Mahayana Realm ancestor and become instantly famous.

Otherwise, robbing these nameless small fry, even ten years might not match the attributes snowballed in the second Simulation Field.

He had taken the wrong path in robbery!

How could he make robbery as profitable as trade?

Trade, robbery?


Suddenly, a light bulb went off in Du Ge's head.


The essence of capital is plunder. Who could plunder faster than capital?

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