World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 195: The top ten are actually talismans

Chapter 195: The top ten are actually talismans

Upon mentioning Tianlan Valley, both the seventh junior brother and the little junior sister fell into silence.

A sect with a membership reaching into the thousands was a behemoth to the Seven Stars Sect, capable of suffocating everyone with its sheer presence.

Otherwise, the eldest senior brother wouldn't have been so desperate to force his training, resulting in deviation.

"Sect Leader senior brother, why don't we seek help from the supervisory institution?" the seventh junior brother hesitated before suggesting, "Although senior brother has grasped the essence of our sect's core technique, who knows how long it will take to fully master it. Tianlan Valley could come at any time, and the three of us... we can't stop them."

"The supervisory institution is unreliable," Du Ge stated, "Why do you think Tianlan Valley is so arrogant, daring to openly ambush our master and even attempt to kill him? Because they know the supervisory institution won't make a big move just for a few of us. Drive us away or let us die in an 'accident', spend a bit of money, and the Seven Stars Sect will become a subsidiary of Tianlan Valley."

"There's no justice at all!" the little junior sister angrily kicked a stone by the roadside.

"Little junior sister, if I were the supervisory institution, I'd also choose to help Tianlan Valley, who can offer benefits, rather than the troublesome Seven Stars Sect," Du Ge said, "In the world of cultivators, the strong are respected. To survive, we must first strengthen ourselves. Make them realize that biting into us might break their teeth and splatter them with blood, then naturally no one will dare to bully us."

"Senior brother, it's true what you say, but now we're down to just three people," the seventh junior brother said, "I heard the valley master of Tianlan Valley is in seclusion, attempting to reach the Golden Elixir stage. If successful, he'll become a true cultivator."

In this world, forming a Golden Elixir allows one to harness the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for personal use, with spiritual power continuously generated within the body, enabling Sword Flight. In the eyes of cultivators, forming an elixir signifies the true path of cultivation;

To ordinary people, a Golden Elixir master is practically a terrestrial immortal.

Du Ge nonchalantly said, "He hasn't succeeded yet! There's still a chance for us. Maybe he won't break through and will just die!"

The seventh junior brother glanced at Du Ge, opened his mouth but said nothing, obviously taking Du Ge's words as self-consolation.

During their conversation,

They returned to the main hall.

The little junior sister went to take care of the eldest senior brother and reported to him about the recent events.

The seventh junior brother took the Sect Leader's token, hoping to also gain some insight into the core techniques.

Du Ge let them go about their business, informing them that he was going to refine the Yellow Dragon Pill to prepare for upcoming troubles and asked not to be disturbed. He then secluded himself in the training room.

Sitting quietly in the training room, Du Ge didn't consume the Yellow Dragon Pill but pondered the path ahead.

It must be said.

This start was a bit difficult.

In the first Simulation Field, although his status was low, merely a sparring partner, the Feng Family had no enemies, and in fact, all the turmoil in the Simulation Field was stirred up by him;

In the second Simulation Field, he started as a small leader, and his enemies were unintelligent mutated animals...

In the third Simulation Field, if Captain Paul hadn't been betrayed by his own people, he would have had no enemies. If he hadn't actively gone to Herd Island, he could have easily lived a carefree pirate life for months without any trouble;

But the start at the Seven Stars Sect was truly troublesome, he had to deal with an enemy hundreds of times stronger than himself in the shortest possible time.

That is, unless the valley master of Tianlan Valley had not yet formed his Golden Elixir and was still in seclusion.


Once he became a Golden Elixir master, wielding a flying sword, he could arrive at the Seven Stars Sect from Tianlan Valley in an instant, and with a wave of his hand, he could slaughter them all, and the supervisory institution wouldn't dare to let out a peep.

There would be no need for such elaborate schemes or negotiations as now.

Thinking of the Golden Elixir masters, Du Ge's mind flashed back to when he first arrived in this world and saw that sword immortal performing Sword Flight.

The pair, a man and a woman, looked to be only in their twenties, probably disciples of a prestigious sect. The valley master of Tianlan Valley had found a secret manual and cultivated for over fifty years, barely managing to attempt the Golden Elixir stage, far inferior to them.

This was probably why no one bothered to steal his manual; they simply didn't value it.

Yet the Seven Stars Sect was driven to such a desperate state by such a sect...


Such a low starting point!

Considering the current predicament of the Seven Stars Sect, Du Ge had to think about quickly boosting his attributes.

That was his only hope for a turnaround.

Of course,

There was another way out, to completely abandon the identity of the Seven Stars Sect and seek other opportunities for development. It was safe and secure.

But the downside was, it would waste a lot of time.

After all, when he was flying in the sky in his soul state, he didn't see a second mountain gate within hundreds of miles.

One thing Nan Youlong was right about.

The Alien Star Battlefield is much larger than the Simulation Field; it's a complete world. More than a thousand people blending in wouldn't even cause a ripple...

And to survive in this world, one must cultivate.

Du Ge didn't want to waste time on the road. Besides, even if he joined a large sect, with the skill of plucking feathers from a passing goose, would there be no risk at all?

Was he supposed to live like Bai Yanshou, skulking around for decades? That wasn't his style.

"The world is so vast, everyone is developing in silence. Getting into the top ten in attributes shouldn't be a problem, right?" Du Ge sat cross-legged on the ground, muttering to himself before quickly firming up his resolve, "Let's do it!"

According to the rules of the Alien Star Battlefield, if you kill someone ranked higher than yourself, you take their place. In other words, killing him would expose their rankings, a loss not worth the gain.

In the early stages of the Alien Star Battlefield, the top ten are actually safe for a long time. Securing a spot in the top ten could even serve as a talisman...


In the Simulation Field, every time he took first place, his attributes would grow exponentially like a snowball, ultimately securing victory with an absolute advantage.

There was no reason not to use his own advantages and learn the ways of skulking from others.

Most importantly, Du Ge hadn't figured out how to plunder low-key, especially since he had awakened the conspicuous and outrageous skill of plucking feathers from a passing goose...

Die with honor or live with fame.

Since he was going to be exposed anyway, he might as well go all out!

Being low-key didn't suit him.

And without boosting his attributes, he felt no sense of security.


Having made up his mind, Du Ge opened the box and resolutely tossed the Yellow Dragon Pill into his mouth. Since he had decided to plunder, he first needed to raise his own strength, as being stronger by even a fraction provided an additional guarantee of survival.

On the Alien Star Battlefield, his enemies weren't just the competing warriors but also the natives of this world, and in the early stages, the natives posed a much greater threat than the warriors.

The Yellow Dragon Pill entered his stomach, and a warm current flowed through his meridians into his dantian.

Du Ge silently circulated the Seven Stars Technique, moving the energy in a full circle, digesting the medicinal power. With the memories of the third senior brother, his cultivation was naturally without deviation.

Feeling the spiritual power slowly converging in his dantian, Du Ge experienced the joy of cultivation for the first time.

The spiritual energy of this world could also transform the body, and it was comprehensive.

The effect was not much worse than boosting attributes through Keywords. With natural talent and sect cultivation, perhaps cultivation might even surpass Keywords.

After all, purely boosting Keywords, no matter how strong the body, could not achieve Sword Flight...

The Alien Star Battlefield was much more brutal than the Simulation Field.

Fortunately, Keywords transformed the body more perfectly. After boosting attributes, one could turn a worthless body into a cultivation genius, which could complement cultivation...

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