Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 184 Run Away

"So your saying leave our lives in your hands?" Miyu asked and looked into Ye Kai's eyes.

"Hm," Ye Kai thought and he smiled, "Yes, I'm saying leave your live in my hands."

Miyu looked at Ye Kai then her gaze drawn to Kirin, she sighed, "Okay, I will use possession and distract that man, even you can't save all of us, I want you to save Kirin."

"Oh," Ye Kai was a bit surprised, "I thought you want her dead, but okay, I plan to save all of us, so it doesn't matter."

"I hope so," Miyu said and she stood up and looked at a battle that happening.

Shao Ren and Yang Guifei were locked in a ferocious battle with Charles, their opponent dodging their every move with supernatural speed. Shao Ren threw punches again and again without making any impact but switched tactics by using his Devourver ability to siphon Charles' energy and strengthen himself. Still, it wasn't enough as Charles was too skilled at deflecting attacks. Meanwhile, Yang Guifei moved with lightning-fast agility, her movements almost too quick for the human eye to perceive. But even her blinding speed proved ineffective against Charles's unrelenting defense.

Charles was like a predator stalking his prey, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. The air crackled with energy as the three combatants circled each other in a deadly dance of strength and skill. Dust kicked up around them from the force of their movements, creating a swirling vortex that obscured their forms from view.

Tension hung thick in the air as the fight reached its climax. Every muscle in each fighter's body was taut with exertion, sweat pouring down their faces as they strained to gain an advantage. But despite their best efforts, none could gain the upper hand.

However, Miyu joined the battle, and the power balance collapsed.

"Why can't all of you just follow me quietly, I promise all of you, I will never hurt you." Charles said.

"That's why," Shao Ren said, "You promise not to hurt us but what about others, and your strength... it's too much, so sorry we can't go with you."

"Oh, well hurting you bit won't be problem, I can heal you afterwards anyway," Charles sighed and rushed to Shao Ren.

However, before he reached the Shao Ren, he felt a powerful attack from behind, he turned to stop that attack but extremely fast a saber cut his left arm, and he saw Miyu's knife move extremely fast and cut his face and then he felt his energy rapidly sucking away.

He saw it was Shao Ren who sucked away his energy, so Charles let out a bit of spiritual energy, and as Shao Ren suck the spiritual energy he got blast away, as his power was nowhere near enough to see spiritual energy let alone devour it.

"Shit," Ye Kai sighed, "That damn man, he used the spiritual energy, his senses become sharp, now its difficult to ran away."

"I can block all his senses if you want."

Ye Kai heard a voice and he looked at the source of the voice and he saw someone and seeing this person Ye Kai smiled.

"Lilly, didn't thought I will be so happy to see you," Ye Kai smiled and said.

"Is she on our side?" Fraz asked.

"Yes, she is, don't worry about it." Ye Kai nodded and said.

"However, to block his senses I need to use spiritual energy which I can't use it because of this slave mark, you have to remove it," Lilly pointed at her forehead and said.

"Haha, Lilly don't make fool of me, use that tiny spiritual energy you have and block his senses," Ye Kai laughed and said.

"But that will only block his sense for a two second," Lilly felt shocked that Ye Kai knew she have tiny spiritual energy.

"Don't worry, two seconds are more than enough," Ye Kai smiled and said.

"When I say, block his senses," Ye Kai said, "Fraz come with me."

Then Ye Kai and Fraz get closer to Kirin, who was still unconscious, "Get closer to me and hold my hand"

"Ohh, darling we shouldn't be too close to each other and hold hands, this is forbidden love we shouldn't do this," Fraz made his voice soft and like a lady, he put on an embarrassed face and said, but he got closer and hold Ye Kai hand.

Ye Kai didn't care about Fraz and he hold his hand and with his other hand, he hold Kirin and closed his eyes.

'Where I should transport and how much gold it will take to erase all trace of where I transport.'

[Ding! You should transport to Desserted Dream Island, and to erase the traces of transportation from Charles Mountfill will take 5 Million Gold Coins]

"Okay," Ye Kai nodded, 'Ren, Guifei and Miyu, three of you get together and soon you will feel something sucking you away, just let yourself sucked away.'

After saying this to Shao Ren, Yang Guifei, and Miyu's mind, Ye Kai smiled and looked at Fraz, "Fraz, you will feel something sucking you away, don't resist that feeling."

"Huh? What?" Fraz was about to ask more but he felt something sucking him and closing his eyes and trusting Ye Kai he didn't resist and let himself suck away and when he opened his eyes again he saw sand.

As far as his eyes could see it was only sand under the hot scorching sun.


Ye Kai didn't waste a single moment, he transport Fraz and Kirin to the Desserted Dream Island and get back to the underground tunnel he transport just behind Miyu, Shao Ren, and Yang Guifei, not wasting anything, he touched them and alongside Lilly, those four transport to Desserted Dream Island, easing all tracks so Charles won't come after them.

"Hmm, transportation," Charles muttered and he smiled, "Haha, how did that guy use transportation when his guardian is X not Space, just how? Hehe I have to catch him to get answers."

Charles Mountfill laughed in this empty underground tunnel. 

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