The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 150: Appearance of the Evolutionary Form of Slimes (ver. Sea)

Chapter 150: Appearance of the Evolutionary Form of Slimes (ver. Sea)

We arrive at the sea without being obstructed along the way.

Its the beach near the City Hall that we visited four days ago.

As before, there arent any signs of monsters or humans.

The silence calms my heart.

There isnt anyone around usWhy not begin searching for slimes straight away?


Walking along the beach with Momo, we find some slimes in a few moments.

I thought we had hunted them to extinction last time, but they seem to have reappeared since then.

A considerable number of slimes have drifted to the beach.

Its a surreal sight to behold no matter how many times I look at it.

As usual, they arent running away at all

They have no sense of vigilance.

Really, how do they survive in this world?

Whatever, lets just catch them.

Absolute Shadow.

I activate Absolute Shadow, one of my newly acquired skills.

Absolute Shadow is an upgrade from the previous Shadow Manipulation.

Their effects are pretty much identical.

I alter my shadow into the shape of a net and cast it over the slimes before pulling it with Momo.

Oh, weve caught around 10 slimes in one go.

Here, Aka. Bon Apptit.

Furu furu ~

Aka absorbs the captured slimes in a good mood.

The slimes dont bother to run away, so all I have to do is place them near Aka.

While Aka is feasting on the slimes, Momo and I continue to capture more and more slimes.

How many of them are there?

No matter how many we catch, more appears.

I guess Ill also replenish my stock of tetrapods.

I store the tetrapods along the wharf into my Item Box.

When I do so, some slimes start to fall into the sea.

So some of them were hiding in such a place.

Wait a second? If there are so many slimes on the beach, wont there be more of them offshore?

Were able to capture them en masse only because they drifted here from the ocean.

I use Telephoto to check out whats happening offshore.

Wah thats incredible

Should I say that it is as I expected? There are countless slimes floating around.

There are so many of them that its ridiculous to even think of counting them.

It awfully resembles the scene of the Echizen jellyfish outbreak which I saw on the old news.

Honestly, with how many there are, it gives me the creeps.

What should I do about them?

As of right now, Enemy Detection isnt reacting at all.

(Ichinose-san is present to let me know if something occurs, so I guess theres no harm in going over to look)

Ichinose-san is not with me.

Shes monitoring from the rooftop of a building that is nearby.

Ichinose-sans skills cant be put to good use on the beach, so I had her stay there.

In the event of an emergency, we can use Momos Shadow Migration to meet up.

Also, Kiki is with Ichinose-san as well.

Momo, sit tight and wait for me here. Be prepared for a Shadow Migration if things go out of control.


Momo plops down beside Aka.

I send a Mail to Ichinose-san to inform her about what Im about to do.

With this, Im ready.

Lets do this.

I activate a new Ninjutsu.

Art of Water Walking.

Along with the activation of the skill, my body glows faintly for a moment.

I inspect my body.

Okay, there doesnt seem to be any problem

Although I already know the skills effect, I cant help but get excited.

I try to place one of my feet on the surface of the water.


My foot steps on the water without submerging.


I voice out my amazement without intending to do so.

As I thought, it feels different seeing it in real life

As the name implies, Art of Water Walking is a Ninjutsu that lets me walk on water.

5 MP is consumed per minute.

During that time, I can freely move about on top of the water.


This is fascinating.

Although I can sense the water underneath me, Im not sinking into it.

Theres no problem even if I run or jump.

Its like that experiment with cornstarch.

Dilatancy was it?

Anyway, its super fun.

I keep running and running, arriving offshore in no time.

When I turn back, I see the tiny figures of Momo and Aka in the far distance.

This place should do.

I guess Ill start capturing them.

There are numerous slimes floating around.

They are going up and down along with the waves, sometimes hitting and bouncing off of each other.

Absolute Shadow.

I manipulate my shadow to catch the slimes.

In the past, I couldnt control my shadow without having a proper foothold, but I can do so now even on the surface of water because of the skills improvement.

Big catch, big catch.

I pull the shadow-net and return to the beach.

I feel like a real fisherman.

Look, Aka. There are lots to eat.

Furu furu~~~

Akas happiness reaches its peak with all the slimes presented before it.

It twists its body and jumps around in pure bliss.

As Aka continues to relish in the slimes, I head off again to kidnap more.

We repeat this process several times.

The number of slimes that Aka has absorbed easily exceeds 200.

Huu this should be enough.


Good work out there, Momo. Thanks for your help.


I examine the rejuvenated Aka while mofu-mofuing Momo.


Creation Slime LV4

Oh, its level went up.

It should be much stronger than before, so I might be able to pull off the plan that I was thinking of.

Shall we return? Momo, Shadow Migration.


Just as Momo is about to spread her shadow to join up with Ichinose-san, an announcement echoes in my head.

You have received a mail.


Its a Mail from Ichinose-san.

I open it.

Something strange is approaching you from the sea.

The sea?

What is she talking about?

At that moment, Enemy Detection also picks up a response.

Off into the distance, something is approaching us from offshore.

Only a certain portion of the ocean has risen up, and it is creating waves around it.

What is that?

The mysterious creature is getting closer and closer.


With a splash, it appeared.

Its appearance suggests that its a


A huge jellyfish emerges from the water.

The jellyfishs umbrella comfortably exceeds 5 meters in length, and the innumerable tentacles extending from its translucent umbrella are each as thick as a persons arm.

Its a monster through and through.

~~~~~~~Furu furu!!!!

Aka becomes thrilled upon witnessing it.

Its hopping around while grabbing onto the hem of my shirt.

(Perhaps that creature is a slime?)

Its a slime that resembles a jellyfish, so should I call it a Kurage Slime? No, is it better to call it a Jellyfish Slime? [1]

You know what, it doesnt matter. Ill be calling it a Slime Jellyfish.

Im going to assume thats its one of the evolutionary forms of slimes

Unlike the slimes so far, this one is being picked up by Enemy Detection properly.

(Maybe its the alpha slime around here?)

Did it get angry over the fact that we hunted too many of its kind?

Such a pointless question comes to my mind.

Aka rubs against me as if to plea. I want it! I want it!

You want to absorb that?

Furu furu!

Yes! Aka shivers in affirmative.

Aka makes it clear that it wants to absorb the Slime Jellyfish.

If Aka absorbs a slime of that size, it would gain a considerable amount of power.

(To make Aka absorb it, I would have to avoid killing it directly)

Its slightly troublesome, but its something Aka is asking for.

Ill just think of this as an opportunity to try out my new skills.

I send a Mail to Ichinose-san and immediately receive a reply saying Ok.

Good, were ready.

.Buruburu Buruburu!!!

Sensing our hostility, the Slime Jellyfish shakes violently in an attempt to intimidate us.

The countless tentacles around it are directed towards us.

The other side is also intent on fighting us.

Momo, its show time!


Momo and I decide to challenge the Slime Jellyfish.


[1] Author first says Jellyfish in Japanese and then switches over to English. Just wanted to make that clear.

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