The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 141: Battle of the City Hall Part 9

Chapter 141: Battle of the City Hall Part 9

With the reinforcements from Fujita and the others, the situation on the battlefield took a turn for the better.

Fire! Fire to your hearts content!

Bullets were being fired relentlessly.

The weapons from the civilized world were gradually damaging the outer shell of Alpha.

Eat this, big Ant!

Die, big Ant!

The Toukas were also providing assistance with exquisite timing.

The flame bullets and the earth shells fired by the twins contained a significant amount of power.


That was what Nishino thought.

After all, Alpha, who almost decimated them single-handedly, was constantly forced to be on the defensive.

However, they had no time to relax.

Rikka, can you still move?


Behind Rikka, Goshogawara and Shibata were also waiting for instructions.

While they had been battered hard, their eyes had yet to lose their lights.

With the appearance of Fujita and his companions, they had regained their fighting spirit.

Oh, how nice it is to be young. This old man here is jealous.

Huh? Fujita-san!?

When did he come over here?

Nishino was startled by Fujita who spoke up suddenly from behind.

Dont surprise us like that

Sorry, I didnt mean to sur Ouch! Who was it that just hit my head?

It was me.


Really, you vanished and completely lost contact with us Do you realize how worried we were?

Shimizu rushed up to Fujita with tears at the corners of her eyes, indicating how truly concerned she was about his well-being.

C-close. Shimizu-chan too close. Ill tell you all about it later so

You better! Ill make sure you tell us the full story geez.

I get it. I get it. So stop being teary

Nishino smirked at the appearance of Fujita who was trying his best to comfort Shimizu.

It was only then that he felt like Fujita had returned safe and sound.

When will you end this farce?

Nishino became tense when he heard the voice of Touka Igarashi, the Student Council President whom he was the most wary of.

She was glaring at Fujita while giving off a tremendous sense of intimidation.

Touka-chan Isnt that a bit too harsh?

Fujita Souichiro-san , didnt I request you to call me Igarashi?

Thats not how you should be talking to ad no, never mind. Sorry about that.

Its fine if you understand. Our priority should be in defeating that thing. I dont care who you flirt with or how you go about doing it, but please consider the time and occasion.


Aha, Ichiro is lame.

Nahaha, Ichiro isnt cool.

Dont try to fan the fire, you two!Goodness, I wonder from whom you two inherited your personalities.

Nishino felt discomfort listening in on their conversations.

(Not brainwashed?)

Having been put under her Enchantment once, he knew that the people under her influence would behave differently from normal.

However, that wasnt the case with Fujita.

What was going on?

Well, Nishino-kun.

Touka turned around to face Nishino.

What do you want?

No need to be so vigilant. For now, Im not planning on doing anything to you.

There was no way he could trust her after being told like that.

Touka, perhaps understanding his inner turmoil, giggled abruptly.

The Self Defense Force members are currently aggroing the monster, but we lack a decisive attack. If we are to slay her for sure, we would need to close-in on her and attack directly.

Although the Self Defense Forces attacks were effective, they werent enough to fatally injure their opponent.

As such, they had to land a decisive blow in close quarters.

Im thinking of creating a gap for Aisaka-san to slice her. What do you think?

I agree.

With all the support from the rear and Rikka being in her maximum-berserk state, she would be able to deal a sufficiently fatal injury on Alpha.

The problem now was how they would create such a gap.

I already have a plan in mind, but if Im being honest, I want to have another card up our sleeves just in case. Id like to ask that of you can you do it?

Nishino laughed at Touka who asked in a provocative tone.

Ill show you that I can.

And so their final strategy commenced.

Hey, nee-chan, can you still go on?

Of course, my little brother! I can fire another hundred shots!

Wow, nee-chan is so great!

A boy and a girl were running around on the battlefield.

Thanks to their tiny frames, they were able to weave through the gaps in the rubble and launch accurate attacks.

Their attacks werent enough to critically harm Alpha, but they were enough to stall her.

Both of you!

Turning around, they saw their sister Touka sending them some sign signals.

When they understood what she wanted, the two children got even more pumped.


The twins deployed a barrage of earth and flames.

Their occupations were both Beginner Magicians, but Shiori controlled the element of fire while Shido controlled that of earth.


Alpha tries to retreat, but at that moment, a bullet from the Self Defense Force pierced her body.


How irritating.

Alpha passed orders to the remaining Soldier Ants, telling them to hold back the humans with their lives.

Gyi gyi!

The Soldier Ants nodded and began to move.

Yet something totally unexpected happened to Alpha.


The Soldier Ants had begun to attack their lord instead.

Igarashi Touka gazed at the situation in satisfaction.

(Enchantment By the time we arrived here, we had put quite a number of them under our control.)

Touka held one hand over her forehead.

Toukas Enchantment had increased in level, so she was able to put monsters under her Enchantment as well.

The Ants attacked Alpha one after another under her influence.


However, Alphas confusion didnt last long.

She immediately began to cut down the Soldier Ants with her claws.

Since they werent useful, she had decided to skill them for their experience.


The more troublesome one was the human who was coming close to her.

Only the attacks from the hatchets of the red-eyed human posed a threat to her existence.


The blades of the hatchets were closing in.

However, she still had plenty of time to dodge them.

She planned on landing a counter with her fangs, thereby killing the human.

The moment she planned to do so,

Summon! Mud Bind Elemental!

The area around Alphas feet transformed into mud in response to Toukas voice.

It was the effect of Spirit Summoning, a skill that accompanied her occupation of Summoner.

Although the skills offensive abilities fell short of the twins magic, it excelled in obstructing the enemies by constructing walls of fire or by transforming the ground into mud.


Alpha was not longer able to move from the spot as she had sunken into the mud.

Rikka-chan! Use this!

Goshogawara threw the log he had towards the spot in front of Alpha, forming a bridge that floated in the mud.

Nice, Ha-san!

Rikka rushed to Alpha by running along the log.

Ha-san was Goshogawaras nickname.

His full name was Goshogawara Hachiro, so his nickname was Ha-san. It was that simple.

Rikkas hatchets were almost touching Alpha.


In that case, Ill drag down this human with me.

The moment it thought so

I forbid you from moving!


Nishinos Command sealed Alphas movement for a split second.

For the named and evolved Alpha, Nishinos low-level Commands had barely any effect.

However, it was able to make Alpha rigid if only for a moment, which provided the perfect opportunity in this exchange.


With all these external supports, Rikka was able to slash Alpha under her maximum-berserk state, splitting the latters body in half.

Queen Ant Alpha was unable to utter even a scream before she dissipated in a single blow.

A fist-sized magic stone dropped near Rikkas feet.

At the same time, everyone received announcements about acquiring a huge amount of experience.

Is it finally over?

Cheers rang throughout the Underground Shopping Mall when someone muttered so.




Everyone was thrilled and celebrated their victory.

Nishino also slumped down on the spot.

(Huu. Huuu We were able to somehow end the battle over at this side.)

They had fulfilled their minimum role.

(I leave the rest to you Kudou-san.)

As his opponent was that huge Golem, Nishino was certain that their battle would be fiercer.

But why was it?

Nishino couldnt imagine that man being defeated.


Meanwhile, near the City Hall



Kiki and I charge forth without any hesitation.

The battles so far have told us about two of Titans skill, Mimicry and Golem Creation.

His raw strength is overwhelming as it is, but he also has these skills to supplement his combat abilities.

(Telling us to subjugate this monster For real, something is up with the difficulty level.)

Still, its something I have to accomplish.


The roar is far more powerful this time around than ever before.

Titan leaps up high into the sky before crashing down with its hands held together like a hammer.

N-no way

How can it jump so high with its ginormous body?

The Golem is completely defying the laws of physics.

The merciless blow rips through the air and ripples across the earth.

I expected this to be the case, but I was secretly hoping that it was otherwise.

Titans main body is far stronger than its doll Golems.

Not only are its movements much sharper, its roars contain more destructive power than that of the clay Golems.

If its actual body is stronger, why didnt it fight directly?

Titan probably has a similar mindset as I do.

To be absolutely certain of its victory.

If its clones could get rid of its enemies, then there wasnt a need for it to make a move.

If I was in his position, I would have done the same.

In the unlikely situation that the plan fails, it would come out and personally slaughter its enemies without holding back.

Its always the most terrifying fighting against a monster that pays no heed to defense.


Pile bunker!

The Golems fist of destruction collides with the pile bunker.

The power behind them are roughly equal, but Titan staggers slightly and stumbles.


Through that window of opportunity, I disarm myself and create five clones.

Art of Smoke Shielding.

By generating smoke around me, my clones and I shuffle positions.


Titan glances at us appearing from the smoke.

Now that I think about it, its the first time Im showing this skill to the Golem.

As long as it cant tell which of us is real, Titan only has one option to choose from.


Sure enough, Titan crushes the boulders that it had in its hand and showers it in every direction.

As the clones are not protected by Aka, they are effortlessly ripped to threads like paper origami.

Unfortunately, those were all fake.

While all that was happening above-ground, I, the main body, had arrived at Titans feet through Earth Style Ninjutsu.

Coming out of the ground, I store the rubbles that Titan is standing on into the Item Box, making it lose its balance.

Pile bunker!


I manage to crush Titans left foot with the pile bunker, but Titan endures and brings down its foot.


The ground shakes violently, and pieces of rocks scatter all around us.


I fail to block some of the rock fragments that flew towards me.

(Crap theres a crack on the pile bunker)

The crack is still tiny, but its telling me that its almost about to break down.

Half of my HP has been docked off as well.

As Aka, the cornerstone of my defense, is in a dying state, any of Titans attacks can be lethal to me.

(I need to finish this quickly!)

I activate my Wall Walking Technique and run up Titans body, in time arriving at Titans mouth.


As if Id give you the time to do so!

Titan immediately proceeds to close its mouth, but I stop him from doing so.

I have taken out several telephone poles and bundled them up with shadows.

Normally, the Item Box doesnt allow me to take things out inside the opponents body.

However, the story becomes different when the opponent is so massive.


As expected, Titan is struggling to close its mouth.

Titan attempts to remove them with its hand, but Ichinose-sans bullet pierces through Titans finger.

To be more exact, the bullet destroys Titans thumb.

A second shot soon echoes throughout the area.

It has probably destroyed Titans other finger.

Ichinose-san wont be able to provide any more assistance, but her shots have given me some time.

Thank you, Ichinose-san.

In that gap, I enter Titans mouth.

It feels like Ive become Issun-bshi. [1]

In the deepest part of its mouth, I find a large rock that shimmers in a strange light.

Glad to know that the internal structure remains the same.

This should be Titans Achilles heel.

From the outside, it would be hard to do anything against it, but from the inside

Pile bunker!!

A huge stake pieces through Titans core.


Titan lets loose a howl.

When I hit it with another stake, a crevice forms on Titans core.

At the same time

Is this the limit?

The pile bunker breaks down as well.

The problem is that Titans core is still intact.

So that wasnt enough!

I dont have much MP left.

The pile bunker is gone as well.

Then theres only one method remaining.

I wrap my shadow around my fist and strike at the core.



Kiki who is hiding in the hood casts her support magic.

With my slightly increased status, I activate Full Might and punch the core once again.


I hear the sound of something snapping in my hand.


I feel an incredible pain. Its so severe that my vision turns dizzy and my consciousness threatens to fly away.

But I have to endure.

If I have the time to groan about the pain, I should instead be using it to punch the core!

I coat my blood-stained fist with my shadow and slam it against the core.



Titan shakes its body around in defiance.

I slip due to its movements and hit my head hard on the inside of Titans mouth.

What follows is an intense pain that feels like my brain is about to be split open.


This time, I wrap my shadow around my whole body and force it to move.

I dont feel anything from my fist anymore.

Ive also bitten my lips, so the taste of blood is spreading within my mouth.

But that doesnt mean anything.

I absolutely have to win!


I have to beat you and live on with Momo, Ichinose-san, Aka, and Kiki!

To respond to her resolves and for entrusting her life to me!

I have to win! I have to return alive!


Putting my all into my fist, I strike Titans core while letting out a fervent yell.


-And then the core finally breaks.

Titan crumbles to the ground after releasing a miserable cry.

I did it!

I quickly jump out of Titans mouth.

Titans body is gradually falling apart.

Its similar to what happened when we defeated the doll Golems.


Titan stood on its short legs and stared towards a single direction.

(Where is it looking at?)

Beyond its sight is the location of the City Hall.

Disregarding its crumbling body, Titan slowly stretches one of its arms towards the City Hall.



Its arm breaks and falls to the ground.

Eventually, Titan turns into a pile of rubble, leaving behind a purple magic stone that is twice as a large as a persons fist.

Is this the real thing?

When I store it in the Item Box, it is displayed as Titans Magic Stone.

Along with that confirmation, a voice echoes insides my head.

You have gained experience.

Experience has reached a certain threshold.

Kudou Kazutos level has increased from 24 to 25.

You have gained experience.

Experience has reached a certain threshold.

Kudou Kazutos level has increased from 25 to 26.

You have gained experience.

Experience has reached a certain threshold.

Kudou Kazutos level has increased from 26 to 27.

You have gained experience.

Experience has reached a certain threshold.

Kudou Kazutos level has increased from 27 to 28.

You have gained experience.

Experience has reached a certain threshold.

Kudou Kazutos level has increased from 28 to 29.

You have gained experience.

Experience has reached a certain threshold.

Kudou Kazutos level has increased from 29 to 30.

Racial level has reached the upper limit.

Superior Races are now available.

Confirmed the subjugation of the named monster, Titan.

Analyzing the contribution of participants Selecting the MVP.

Kudou Kazuto has been certified as the MVP.

Subjugation Bonus will be given.

The Right to Question has been released.

A flood of announcements echo inside my head.

Haaa ha.

Not good even standing still is becoming difficult

Immediately afterwards, my field of vision shook as I collapsed on the spot.

[1] Visit if you wish to learn about the reference.

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