The Witch Hunter System

Chapter 106 Grand Library

Redpine City, Helia’s Castle

After Vaan returned to the castle’s library, he gave Cyrena Ashenborn self-study time to catch up on all of her neglected fields of study as there was no need to personally teach her the basics, something she could learn on her own.

Fortunately, Cyrena Ashenborn agreed without complaints. Restoring her hope in magic had certainly made her more willing to learn other things besides potioneering.

Nevertheless, after getting Cyrena Ashenborn’s agreement to study on her own, Vaan succeeded in freeing up his schedule to do other things for the day.

Vaan first headed to the library’s entrance to reclaim his fang daggers and utility belt.

After collecting his belongings, he thought about his next destination when Hester Thornton arrived to keep him company.

“I hope I am not bothering you with my presence, Teacher Cadieux. However, I do have a duty to keep you safe,” Hester Thornton stated, hoping for Vaan’s understanding.

Of course, Vaan was aware that Hester Thornton offered more surveillance than protection. Even so, her arrival decided his next destination.

“Not at all, Lady Hester. It’s my honor and joy to have a beauty such as yourself to keep me company,” Vaan replied with a smile before adding, “Furthermore, you came at just the right time.”

“Of course, Teacher Cadieux. Lord Helia had already granted you access. No one will bar your entry with me around,” Hester Thornton replied with a light smile but otherwise unmoved by Vaan’s casual compliment.

It became clear that Hester Thornton was used to receiving such compliments, which Vaan didn’t find surprising in the least.

As the second strongest Senior Witch under Helia Ashenborn’s command, Hester Thornton had no lack of suitors and admirers.

Even so, Hester Thornton’s beauty was still overshadowed by Helia Ashenborn’s seven daughters.

However, Vaan found a lady like Hester Thornton to be more charming than Helia Ashenborn’s daughters, who were born with silver spoons and lived like royalties, with the exception of Cyrena Ashenborn.

In Vaan’s eyes, Cyrena Ashenborn was still an unpolished gem covered in mud compared to her six elder sisters, who all seemed rotten based on his brief first impression of them.

All witches were peerlessly beautiful, but they still had differences that set them worlds apart from one another.

Hester Thornton’s charm lies in her maturity, elegance, and experience as someone who toiled through life and rose to her position purely by her own effort.

“Nevertheless, I must say, an excellent man such as yourself shouldn’t carelessly compliment other witches, especially if you are betrothed to Young Lady Linette, Teacher Cadieux. You might get in trouble if the Delarosa Household mistakenly thought you were having affairs with other witches.”

Hester Thornton suddenly commented just when she seemed to have no opinion on Vaan’s compliment.

“Your worries are unfounded, Lady Hester,” Vaan calmly smiled before saying, “Despite how I look, I am still a witch descendent. As such, I am not forbidden from the benefits I may gain by indulging in sensual practices.”

“As proof of that, I have been taught the art of pleasure and mastered it to a high level. I dare say my pleasure skills won’t pale to the services offered by other men in the red-light district,” Vaan claimed.

In the present era of magic, where the benefits of dual sensual practices are undeniably effective for the vast majority of witches and male witch descendants that don’t have access to rich resources and miraculous medicine, sex was just business and love was another matter.

“Oh? If it was another man that said that, I would have doubted. But since Teach Cadieux has been credible thus far, I have no choice but to believe it,” Hester Thornton replied with interest before she suppressed her curiosity.

“My curiosity aside, I shouldn’t delay your business any longer. There are a number of libraries in the city. Which one would you like to go to first, Teacher Cadieux?”

“Which one is the largest?” Vaan asked.

“That would be the Redpine Grand Library.”

“Then, that’s where I would like to go.”

“As you wish, Teacher Cadieux.”

Shortly after deciding on their destination, Hester Thornton led Vaan to the eastern district, where the Redpine Grand Library was located. Coincidentally, it wasn’t that far from Redpine Academy.

“W-Welcome, Lady Hester! It’s an honor for us to be graced by your visit,” a female librarian with brown hair and hazel eyes like Hester Thornton greeted with overzealous respect.

“Control yourself, Bellona,” Hester Thornton calmly dispersed the female librarian’s excitement with a single sentence before informing her, “I am here on official business today.”

“Teacher Cadieux at my side is Lord Helia’s most important guest. I’m not sure if you’ve been informed, but Lord Helia has permitted Teacher Cadieux to freely peruse the knowledge in the city’s libraries.”

“As such, I hope you will pass the word to everyone working at Redpine Grand Library and ensure that Teacher Cadieux will not be inconvenienced by any matter during his visit,” Hester Thornton stated.

“T-Teacher Cadieux? I-I mean, I understand, Lady Hester!”

The female librarian was greatly surprised by the amount of respect given to Vaan, but she complied with prying nonetheless.

“I will make sure no one will bother or make trouble with Teacher Cadieux during his stay,” the female librarian solemnly promised as if she had been handed a great task.

Nevertheless, Hester Thornton eased her with a pat on the shoulder and said, “Relax, Bellona. No need to be so serious. I will also be here to prevent such troubles from happening. Just go and do what I asked.”

“U-Understood, Lady Hester.

Nevertheless, after Hester Thornton settled the trivial matters for Vaan, he focused on the vastness of the library.

The Redpine Grand Library was a large tower-like building with fifteen floors, each floor designed with the bookshelves built into its walls in a circular pattern and could be clearly seen from the center of the grand library.

Furthermore, there was a circular counter in the center area, where several other librarians stood within, assisting visiting witches with their book searches.

Vaan witnessed multiple books either flying down from their shelves or returning to them.

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